I used to think we could choose to live a crucified life. Today I believe we are drafted. There will be no flesh that will find glory before God. It is all Him and only He can open our eyes to see and realize our total futility. Surrender is the operative word and even this is forced through Grace.
At fifty nine years of age and thirty five years into this walk I finally saw that I could not add one cubit to my stature. I can add nothing to my salvation in Christ. He chose me and it is His to finish the work He started in me. The humility of His cross must become more desirable than all the glory the world has to offer ........... then the resurrection.
Carry me in thy bosom O Lord and enlarge my vision of heaven on earth,
"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46ff).
Death by crucifixion cannot be accomplished by suicide. We cannot crucify ourselves. The instrument of our death is chosen for us, as well as the manner in which it is carried out, the timing and the duration of the execution - all is controlled by Another. There is nothing to be done, for we must submit to the Unseen Hand and cast ourselves completely upon Him.
Chip Brogden