NUGGETS OF PRECIOUS GOLD ........ "New Heavens and a New Earth"


“And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people. ” Isa. 51:16

As we stand at the the edge of a fading age and begin our ascent into a new and most glorious age, I have noticed an increasingly popular line of thought or doctrine that has bothered me and even enticed me at times. There seems to be a spirit, that has encompassed many within the Kingdom Truth camp, that brings them to the place where they accept that this fallen world will remain as it is, in it's fallen state. On top of that, this erroneous doctrine espouses that our bodies, which are of the earth, die and we become just spirit. The resurrection is believed to be of only a spiritual nature, devoid of a manifested resurrected body. So the earth, which we be, goes the way of the earth about us.

I have witnessed many I know and respect, that are either looking at this ever growing belief with intrigue, or have already swallowed it hook line and sinker. As I said earlier, there have been times in the past when I have been lured by this erroneous belief, primarily because of the caliber of the brethren that taught it. This has been a real lesson for me, that I might know to not measure Truth by men, but only by the Spirit.
So it is tonight, I share a wonderful word by Preston Eby from his latest message. My spirit soared as Preston's anointed words (below) confirmed that which I already knew in my heart. God shall make all things new, dear brothers and sisters, each in it's own time. Christ is creating within us new heavens and a new earth and He shall do the same with the heavens and earth about us. He shall never leave a thing fallen, but all that has been laid low by Adam's sin shall be lifted up, renewed and even glorified, as is Christ in all His glory which includes a metamorphosed body.

"For so it was ordained between God and man from all eternity, that Man should be God, and God, Man, neither without the other; that is, as God Himself is, and will be, the Paradise, garden, tabernacle, mansion, house, temple, and Jerusalem of man, so also was Man created for the same end, that he should be the Paradise, garden, tabernacle, mansion, house, temple, and Jerusalem of God; that by this mutual union and friendship of God with Man, and of Man with God, all the wisdom, power, virtue and glory eternally hidden in God should be opened and multiplied. For, God once made all things for Man, but Man for Himself."
Valentine Weigelius 1649

Dear reader if we could but get a hold of the truth that God is multiplying Himself and He has today called forth a first fruits company to show forth such glory. Oh, how all the "world groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body." Rom 8:22.23
Lord knows the pain is great and I know you tire, as I do of the incessant groan, but be encouraged, God will not leave you with a body that wears out with only sickness and death as it's end. And GLORY BE, that which God performed in Jesus, He will perform again in a first fruits company that did not balk at so great a promise.

Excepts from Preston Eby's Revelation series part 93

“I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, THAT I MAY PLANT THE HEAVENS, AND LAY THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH, and say unto Zion, THOU ART MY PEOPLE” (Isa. 51:16). Zion is a people, the Lord’s elect, and it is in Zion that the Lord plants the heavens of the new spirit by His word, and lays the foundations of the new earth wherein He dwells.

........ it is this earth which we are that has become new! And yet — it is wondrously true that the earth out there is and shall be affected, delivered, restored, quickened, and changed by the life of God manifested through the new heavens and the new earth that we are! This is certain, for man is given the dominion over the earth and over all things. The outward world fell under the curse along with its ruler, Adam; and it shall be restored and delivered from the bondage of corruption through its ruler, the many-membered Christ, the last man Adam!

It should be clear to every enlightened mind that God is in the process of making an entirely new creation, or making all things new — not this time a mere natural creation, nor yet a purely spiritual one, but a spiritual-physical one. This present natural creation is really only a step in the process of making the creation God had in mind from the beginning. “First that which is natural, and afterward that which is spiritual,” is the divinely revealed order. Does that mean the natural is completely done away with, supplanted by the spiritual? Not at all! It means that the natural is swallowed up by the spiritual. The natural is a necessary step in the process of making the kind of creation God purposed from the beginning. Jesus Christ, the firstborn Son of God, is the proto-type of that new creation — the PHYSICAL SPIRITUALIZED, RAISED UP INTO THE DIVINE AND HEAVENLY! The physical body of Jesus was raised from the dead, brought out of the tomb, spiritualized, and made a spiritual body — not a spirit, mind you, but a spiritual body! Jesus is still referred to as a man all through the New Testament, not only after His resurrection, but also after His ascension. “There is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”

The firstborn of this new creation order is a GOD-MAN upon the throne of universal power! Think of it! When you see Jesus as a divine-human, a God-man, one of the natural creation metamorphosed, spiritualized, raised up into the celestial and incorruptible, then you see exactly what God is after in the whole creation, and you also see what the finished product of the new heavens and the new earth within you will be like! “This corruptible must put on incorruption.” “This mortal must put on immortality.” How unspeakably wonderful! We see the natural creation all around us, but this natural creation is not the finished product any more than the ore dug out of the earth is the fine piece of jewelry the artisan has in mind when he begins his work. The whole creation is still in the process of being made into the kind of creation God started out to make. God is still Creator! And He is still creating a new heavens and a new earth! The work has only begun in us!

Jesus said, “Greater works than these shall ye do!” But have the followers of Jesus really done any greater works than Jesus did? The book of Acts doesn’t record them. Neither do the epistles. Nor does church history. And, my friend, after more than a century since the restoration to the church of the baptism in the Holy Spirit; after more than sixty years since the restoration of the five-fold ministry, the gifts of the Spirit, and the prophetic flow, have you seen any greater works than raising the dead, cleansing lepers, walking on water, calming storms, and turning water into wine? You know you haven’t!

Yet, according to the writer to the Hebrews, there are MIGHTY WORKS OF A COMING AGE, GREATER WORKS THAN JESUS DID TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO! And all we have experienced of God, of His Spirit, of His Word, of His power, glory, miracles, and revelation, has been merely a small taste, a little sampling, of the glory and power of that coming age! Why friends, we have only seen the firstfruits of what God will do through His in-Christed body upon this earth. Can you imagine a world where the hospitals have been emptied, the doctors’ offices deserted, the prisons closed, the policemen all laid off, the armies dismantled, the mortuaries locked, the dead raised, all nature tamed, controlled, and subdued, the nations turned to the Lord, all men transformed into the image and glory of God, and the whole world system transformed — and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL YOU SEE as the glorious mind of Christ rules and reigns over the earth realm through the manifest sons of God! The fullness of what we have just had a taste will be the normal works on behalf of humanity in that blessed world to come. This will be the new heavens and the new earth in all the fullness of what that means!

“Behold, I make all things new!” saith the Lord. “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”



I read this forum discussion last night when I was in need of a laugh. The last respondent sure knows how to end a good discussion. ROFL

Title: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: Andromeda_Organa on August 11, 2009, 12:57:18 PM


Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: sparrow on August 11, 2009, 01:19:41 PM


in what scents?

ha. get it? scents? sense?
in what sense?

seriously though... what do you mean is it satanic?
in what way?

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: Andromeda_Organa on August 11, 2009, 01:27:41 PM


I ran into and they said it was.

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: Beloved Servant on August 11, 2009, 02:23:50 PM

The Lord Jesus was anointed with perfume.

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: sheila on August 11, 2009, 06:04:21 PM

Exodus 25;6

olive oil for the light;spices for the annointing oil and for

the fragrant incense

spices; those used in the Holy annointing oil are identified in

ch 30;23-24

myrrh[balsam sap] cinnamon cane and cassia[made from

dried flowers of cinnamon tree]

Ch 30;7 AAron must burn fragrant incense every morning when

he tends the lamps.He must burn incense again when he lights

the lamps at twilight

It appears God likes pleasing aromas,too.


Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: martincisneros on August 11, 2009, 07:05:54 PM


Song of Solomon is very very full of aroma therapy with frankincense, myrrh, and other things that are very aromatic

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: reFORMer on August 11, 2009, 07:15:57 PM

Ex 30:22-38 deals with compounding according to the art of the apothecary a specially scented oil for anointing and creating the fragrance of the incense burned in the temple. There are those who are trained by the mind of Christ to perform what is needful to bring forth the anointing. Certain elements must be gathered, prepared and compounded according to a formula God prescribes. The ascending of the smoke of the incense represents the prayers of the saints. Nothing else was to be made like it and if any did so they were to be exiled.

There are extended or spiritual senses which we are born again possessing. The sense of smell represents the discerning of spirits. Minute particles of something carried on the wind, representing spirit, produce a sense of what that something is.

"Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel." (Prov 27:9, AV)

Aromatherapy is just the theory that certain odors can produce a desired effect in the mind and body. Some of the people into it do seem to be a bit gullible and taken in by other occult ideas. Guilt by association?

"And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand." (Rv 8:3-4, AV)

If you look up the word "incense" in a concordance you'll find many occurrences.

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: Andromeda_Organa on August 12, 2009, 07:51:57 AM

thanks guys. The more I'm out of fundamentalism, the more I realize these people don't know their Bible.

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: sheila on August 13, 2009, 10:48:29 AM

Hi Andro;

His Word is sealed with seven seals...and it takes Christ to

open it to us.To know what HE MEANT IT TO MEAN.

It can NOT be understood any other way.

Many have tried to read and understand it without His

revealing, and come up with some pretty bizarre ideas

as to what HE MEANS.

Also, it has been His idea to give understanding to whom He

please,and when He please. Indeed, He says cast" not your

pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet

and turn and rend you"

God bless,you

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: Raggedy Anne on August 15, 2009, 01:12:18 AM

I hope not. I love to burn fragrance candles at home. To the pure, all things are pure, according to the scriptures.

Title: Re: is aromatherapy satanic?
Post by: Pierac on August 16, 2009, 10:58:32 PM

Pull my finger... lol


NUGGETS OF PRECIOUS GOLD ..... Fasting and Prayer

"If anything about my salvation or right standing with God depends on my faithfulness, I'm toast, damned to hell." Gavazzoni

"Salvation by self. To the religious person, the cross is a snare in that it is too finished. Religion says that man must work for (finish) his salvation." Martin Zender

Joian is out touring the town and running errands and so in my free time the Lord began to move on me to add a blog. As often is the case I sat down with no inkling as to what He would have me write. It is good to go into any situation empty ..... into the unknowing, with only trust that He will deliver. So it is today as the blog began to form itself with thoughts of God's sacrificial work made complete through His son Jesus.

I am excited to share a couple of messages I came across in the last week that speak to the futility of our own efforts in fasting and petitions of God. I believe these jewels of the Kingdom will bear witness with your Spirit, especially if you have come to the place of giving up. I often tell the younger believers, "if you want to really see Jesus work in your lives, give up."

I know many of our readers have found in their own lives that self is so darn self-confident that unless it is totally discouraged it will not give up. So it is that many have experienced tremendous trials and tribulation. With an incredibly tender heart, I pray precious reader, "know He will finish that which He has begun in your life. And He will finish it without your help. Oh Lord, help us to find your rest."

Declare a Fast in the Land?
by Jacob

"Declare a Fast in the land," said the Pastor with microphone in hand, but these words he did not understand.

Just more control is what he wanted to show, the words of God he did not know.

"For four, or forty days, as a congregation we'll pray until God gives us what we say." And so like children the Pastor and his flock continued their play.

Whether only juice, water, or bread, this is the way it is always said when a fast is declared in the land of the dead.

Man takes God's truth and turns it to lies. It all about man's works, not the truth, for the truth they despise.

If this wasn't so the true meaning of fasting they would know. Their spirit would be fed and their understanding would grow. They would stop with the lies, manipulation and control, they would see the word of God in the only thing we can fast from, if the truth be told.

Shall the children fast when their Father is here? Can they ever be hungry when their daily bread is near? Their bread, which is the revelation of God's Word made clear. How can we fast from something so dear? Unless we are ignorant of God's truth and cannot hear.

It's not literal food that feeds our soul, it’s not literal food we fast from, it is the Word of God that is sown. In the wilderness we are tempted with lies and it is hard for God to show the truth we need to know because our minds are filled with the lies these pastors, priests and so-called prophets blow.

Listen carefully before you follow a man made fast. If you follow vain tradition, and ignorant teachers, you follow the wrong teachers down the wrong path.

We are the body and the bread that is broken. The water is the Word we’re immersed in, the sincere milk is the rudiments of God's word spoken. The Fish and the Sheep are women and men that seek. The meat is revelation that is quite deep, the honey is enlightenment that opens yours eyes so you can see. In the Promise Land there is no fasting or hunger for you and me.

So don't be like the disciples of John and those that follow after the teaching of those that are less than the least in the kingdom. The law and the prophets bring death, but Christ brings liberty, peace, righteousness and freedom.

Note: I believe there is one legitimate fast that the author fails to address above. I have found that oft times, when I have been under an unusual anointing, a fast will overtake me unawares. It is only as the Spirit reveals that I have been unknowingly fasting that I then realize, once again the Lord's burden is easy and light (Matt 11:30)

Healing in Tabernacles
by Elaine Cook

“My children shall no longer petition Me
for that which I have purchased for them, nor shall
they deny themselves in fasting and prayer before
Me, seeking to move My heart to be gracious and to
show mercy.

“Was not My grace and mercy outpoured in rivers

of Love when I yielded up the ghost for their sakes?
Can I renew that every time one looks to Me for a

“The provision has been made and the debt fully
paid. Yet, My people strive over whether their faith
is sufficient to claim my provision for the healing of
their bodies. Although I have paid for their healing
by the stripes on My back, yet My children feel that
somehow they must merit it —they must be
worthy to receive. So, their faith is not in My atoning
sacrifice but upon something that they can do to
deserve to receive from My Hand that which they
have need of. (The thought came to mind how people
from Third World countries receive healing so readily
— they are so thankful there is a Saviour who heals,
that they trust in Him, not looking at themselves!)

“For this reason, My people cry and plead before
Me and fast from their necessary food. And some
travel to meet with a man or a group whom they

regard as more spiritual than they, to receive mercy
from their prayers.

“O, foolish children! Who hath taught you thus?
Have your nursing mothers and fathers in the Word
not taught you to look to Me — to the price I paid for
your deliverance? To look to any ‘second causes’ is
to abort your own deliverance! You have searched
for ways to ‘get everything right’ so that I would
heal you! Know ye not that I did ‘everything right’
in My passion on the cross? Can this be improved
upon? Can this be treated as if I would not give
healing freely? Why would My Own devise various
ways of trying to get Me to answer their prayers for

“The answer is so very simple! Look at how I
walked and healed those who came unto Me. I did
always what I saw and heard with My Father and
the answer always came because He was the Author
of the request, the dispenser of My mercy. No
begging, no pleading, no bargaining—simply a
knowing of My will and doing it. Not even a gift, but
a word given by the Spirit, and the work is done!

“This is a Tabernacles’ work and I am causing it
to manifest very clearly in your midst so that you
will walk in it in confidence! This is part of that
“New Way” into which I am bringing you.”

How often in the past we have thought "I should have. I ought to have. Why didn't I?"
When we uttered such, we were living by the law and not grace. Dear brother, dear sister, If God wants you to do something, you will do it. Selah!




I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." Now this He said, signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. Jn.21.18,19a

All the years I was attending meetings with Christians I had a deep seated fear that one day a "foot washing" would break out and I would have to excuse myself. Oh, it was not that I couldn't wash another's feet but to think of someone washing mine was more than I could ever bear. I was relieved as my fear was never realized. No one ever called for a foot washing. Then lo and behold, that which I feared has come upon me three times in the last month.

First allow me to share some background. It seems with my current infirmity which is called Congestive Heart Failure I began to suffer a terrible case of edema two months ago

Edema: The swelling of soft tissues as a result of excess water accumulation. An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cells, tissue spaces, or cavities of the body.
Edema is often more prominent in the lower legs and feet as a result of pooling of fluid.

It seems that which the church could never do three of my sisters could. I speak of two sisters in the Lord and my youngest natural sibling. Upon hearing of my plight, Ellie sent me an expensive herbal oil made specifically for the Edema inflammation in my heart, feet and lower legs. Her directions were to rub this oil on my calves, and feet, specifically the soles of my feet. Well my legs were so swollen as was my whole body that I could not even think about bending over to reach my feet much less the soles. Heck, it would take me at least ten long minutes to even get a pair of shoes on. I don't exaggerate when I tell you that I would almost faint from the effort.

For a week or two the pricey little bottle of oil (I saw the invoice), which was bought at a real sacrifice by the Schulz family, lay unused on my dining room table. Then my little sister, Sherry came for a visit as she knew I was dying. That weekend Sherry and I had a number of friends and family come over to see me. Wouldn't you know it; when the group of well wishers grew to the greatest number, some one asked about the tiny bottle of oil on the table. As only the Spirit can do, after my explanation of the oil, it seemed things progressed until I was sitting in a chair with pants legs lifted and my socks being removed. There were some gasps and even some tears as my condition was laid bare before them. And then, with the keeping of the always ready Irish humor, some one asked if I had thought about hiring myself out as a "foot model" lol.

Seriously now, I was so sick and in such straights that I was way beyond my prideful state, as my little sister with tears rolling, tenderly worked the oil into my scaly, purple and red feet. Needless to say I was moved by Sherry's tenderness displayed in both her hands and her heart. Amazingly, the next morning I actually realized some relief as the natural color in my legs and feet had returned and the swelling subsided quite a bit.

Unfortunately a few days later the congestion caused by the edema would get so bad in my lungs at night that I could only sleep for a half hour before suffering suffocation. The pattern was sleep for a half hour and then cough and clear out my lungs for a half hour. I finally went to the hospital for a four day stay where my condition was stabilized.

This brings us to yesterday. I worked around the house getting things ready for Joian to arrive in the evening. Also note, I am now on oxygen 24/7 and I pretty much kept my O2 on for most of the day but I removed it to do a little work outside and run some errands. That's a big no no as I am learning. That with the fact I missed my nap caused my legs and feet to swell again and turn the familiar fiery purple and red color. I was disheartened by this sad recurrence, until Joian decided she wanted to anoint my feet with a washing of prayer mixed with Ellie's oil, which she discovered still on the table. It was hard but I submitted. This morning the swelling had gone down and Joian decided another go with the oil and prayer would make a good backdrop for our coffee time.

I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." Now this He said, signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. Jn.21.18,19a

After the prayer and oil, Joian picked up an old book by Lettie Cowman and read. She cried as she read. I cried later.

Truly, God will wrestle with us until we find ourselves in His perfect image. Some of us have been called to this Divine wrestling match in this lifetime. If you are one, whom God is wrestling away all that hinders and is now dressing and leading you where you once didn't want to go, I pray you will be encouraged as we share our devotional reading from this morning.


Wrestling With God

“And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day” (Gen. 32:24).

God is wrestling with Jacob more than Jacob is wrestling with God. It was the Son of man, the Angel of the Covenant. It was God in human form pressing down and pressing out the old Jacob life; and ere the morning broke, God had prevailed and Jacob fell with his thigh dislocated. But as he fell, he fell into the arms of God, and there he clung and wrestled, too, until the blessing came; and the new life was born and he arose from the earthly to the heavenly, the human to the divine, the natural to the supernatural. And as he went forth that morning he was a weak and broken man, but God was there instead; and the heavenly voice proclaimed, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel; for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.”

Beloved, this must ever be a typical scene in every transformed life. There comes a crisis-hour to each of us, if God has called us to the highest and best, when all resources fail; when we face either ruin or something higher than we ever dreamed; when we must have infinite help from God and yet, ere we can have it, we must let something go; we must surrender completely; we must cease from our own wisdom. strength, and righteousness, and become crucified with Christ and alive in Him. God knows how to lead us up to this crisis, and He knows how to lead us through.

Is He leading you thus? Is this the meaning of your deep trial, or your difficult surroundings, or that impossible situation. or that trying place through which you cannot go without Him, and yet you have not enough of Him to give you the victory?

Oh, turn to Jacob’s God! Cast yourself helplessly at His feet. Die to your strength and wisdom in His loving arms and rise, like Jacob, into His strength and all-sufficiency. There is no way out of your hard and narrow place but at the top. You must get deliverance by rising higher and coming into a new experience with God. Oh, may it bring you into all that is meant by the revelation of the Mighty One of Jacob!

“At Thy feet I fall,
Yield Thee Up My ALL,
To suffer LIVE, OR DIE
For my Lord crucified.”

(From Lettie Cowman - Streams in the Desert)

(a previous SONSHINE blog on "God wrestling")


NUGGETS OF PRECIOUS GOLD ..... A Personal Note and a Positive Word

After my hospitalization I am slowly getting back in the saddle and hope to start writing again. I have so much ahead of me with a move from a house I have rented and lived in for seventeen years. Joian, like an awaited angel, will arrive tomorrow to help me with that.

To challenge the move, I am now on oxygen 24/7 which is a huge adjustment psychologically as well as physically. I am learning to give Him praise even in this situation and am so thankful my infirmity at this stage carries little pain. Of course Lord willing, I am looking for healing and restoration of my lungs and heart. We know He is able.

For a few years I have been free of any fear of death, knowing that if the Lord should ever take me, I have lived a blessed life, planned and purposed perfectly in love by a sovereign and benevolent God. The greatest wonder I know of, is that my God stooped as a servant saviour and became man and even today He condescends and has His being in me. He shares my blessings and sufferings each and every day and has since I was conceived. Oh, such glorious and mysterious love has our creator appointed each of us!

With that said, I have felt led for some time to start a periodic but ongoing series that I hope Joian and Ellie will join me in. We all come across wonderful "nuggets of precious gold" in our readings and I hope we can share some of that which edifies and moves us. As I have said before, "we are not trying to reinvent the wheel here at SONSHINE. Truth finds it's origin in only One. That said, I sincerely and humbly believe we have our hand on the pulse of God and discern what is truth, fit for the body of Christ in this, the day of the Lord.

This is the day the LORD has made. Let's rejoice and be glad today! Ps.118:24

With all the gloom and doom messages out there I was so blessed with Brother Prinzing's devotion this morning. The last paragraph and Ray's glorious poem places it all in a right perspective.

Be blessed and thank you for your prayers,


“The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.” (Joel 3:16)

Not only will the Light, and the Salvation come forth out of Zion, but we find that the Lord shall ROAR, speak, utter His voice, from Zion. There is a little verse tucked away in Jeremiah 22:29 that reads, “O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord.” God seemingly has long been silent towards this earth. But “God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son…” (Heb.1:1-2). The Son came as a living expression of the Word of God. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. He brought life and incorruption to light through the Gospel. The message of the kingdom was uttered, and men rejoiced. And through the years, to His remnant He continued to speak. But for all general mankind, it has been very silent. The heavens received Him, and we wait for the times of the restoration of all things. But soon the Lord shall “ROAR OUT OF ZION,” and He who spake by the Son, shall in these last days speak through His sons.

“The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter His voice from His holy habitation. He shall mightily roar upon His habitation: He shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.” (Jer. 25:30).

But this Voice of the lord, going before the army of the Lord, is not just for devastation – it is to deal with all unrighteousness, vengeance against all sin, that salvation might flow like a river. There is a MESSAGE TO BE SPOKEN which shall bring hope and life to all His creation.

Out of Zion He shall roar,
Utter words ne’er heard before,
Settle now the wanting score,
Grace abounding more and more,
Heals the wounds and bruises sore,
Till the whole He doth restore.

Ray Prinzing




Jesus Never Said That

When did you let
Your religion consume your humanity
I heard you call it
Jesus never did that.
He never sold out to the rules of men
That's why they crucified Him.
His crown of thorns awarded Him
By the Keepers of the "Same"
There's nothing in a name
When the person named cannot be seen
In it.

When did your rules
Become his words in your mind
Devoid of true humanity
I heard you call it
Jesus never did that
He never let them hem Him in
That's why they couldn't handle Him
Hangin out with "them"

Pay for the pews
With the bad news
That everyone else is going to burn
Jesus never said that
You did not listen well
He only threatened
The Pharisees with hell
He put the fire of His truth
Upon the ruthless religious leaders
He punished them
Before all men
With parables

His words were jewels
Good News
For the poor, the oppressed, the afflicted
How beautiful the feet of them
that set the captives
Love is the law of God you see
Service is the call of God so be
A friend of God
Who so loved the world
He sent His only Son
To share His life with everyone

That's what Jesus did
Died for "them"
And when His suffering was through
Cried out, "Father forgive "them"
They don't know what they do
He even died for you
When did you let your religion
Consume your humanity
I heard you call it
Jesus never did that

Let the one with ears to hear ……….




"He worketh all things"—absolutely all things, without any exceptions—"after the counsel of his own will." Eph. 1:11

What do the Institutional Church, the New Agers and even a number of wayward ministries espousing Universal Reconciliation have in common They all are built on a foundational belief in "man's free will." The belief in "free will" finds it origin in the carnal and rebellious soul of man. Simply said, the vain soul ever cries "I will." The doctrine of "free will" attempts to justify that wayward cry.

Think about it sweet sons of God as you read this simple treatise by A P Adams. Also keep in mind how God always deals in simplicity ....... even a child should understand and be able to take comfort in God's word.

Universal Sovereignty
Take still another illustration from the New Testament. The crucifixion of Christ is always looked upon as the most awful crime that ever was committed, and the perpetrators of it are considered as deserving the most severe retribution; and yet they simply did what God's hand and counsel determined before to be done. Acts 4:28. And Peter tells us that Christ "was delivered up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God." Acts 2:23. Thus we see how even this stupendous crime was of God, and since we know that He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will (Eph. 1:11), we can readily understand from the illustrations cited how true it is that "all things are of God." Thus is God's universal sovereignty fully established by the plain teachings of the word. "He doeth according to His will, in the army of Heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?" Dan. 4:35. See also Isa. 40, the whole chapter, and Rev. 17:17.

To the child of God this truth is most precious and reassuring. It teaches us how absolutely safe we are while we "abide under the shadow of the Almighty." His power extends not simply to the smallest affairs like the hairs of our heads and the birds of the air, but also to greater things--individuals, communities, states, nations, and world--and no creature moves but by His appointment or permission. "All things are of God"; therefore I can understand how all things work together for good to them that love God, and how also all things shall yet turn for good to man, since God loves him. God uses the forces of the world, whether human or otherwise, just as one would move the pieces on a chess-board. They are so many instruments--tools--in His hands. "Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? As if a rod should shake itself against them that lift up, or as if the staff should lift up itself as if it were no wood." Isa. 10:15

"He worketh all things"—absolutely all things, without any exceptions—"after the counsel of his own will." (Eph. 1:11).

Sweet reader does not this scripture speak to there being only "ONE WILL"



Right - Christina, Melody, Amy, Misheal and Leanne

It was 1971, my husband came home one day after work and said, I sure would love to have another child. My quick answer was, no way!

Our youngest was just turning six, and I had plans of my own. I wanted out of my seven year marriage. I'd entered into this marriage against my mother's wishes and without her blessing and worse in rebellion to the Lord. Still thinking I could run from a commitment I had made to him in 1968.

My husband lived a life apart from his family and did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. I lived in a hell of disappointment and constant fighting. To ask me to have another child only signaled to me he knew, I was getting ready to leave. Why was there no easy solution? I sought counsel from my pastor; after all he knew the hell I was living in.
I was surprised and outraged, that he would counsel, I should submit to my husband’s request. How could anyone think that God would want me to bring another child into my present situation? Or stay in this hideous marriage. I wrestled with this for weeks and finally the spirit of the Lord would prevail.

By the middle of that pregnancy the impossible happened, my husband, a prodigal would return to the Lord. By the end of 1972, my precious Misheal Marie had arrived and we were a Christian family...


The Lord interrupted my thoughts with the words “I want you to have another child.” “What!” My heart jumped in fear at that thought. I already had three children and having another was the furthest thing from my mind. Six years after my husbands unexpected request, my heavenly Father was asking me to have another child. The next day I shared with my husband, what I believed the Lord had said, he was ecstatic. Less that joyful, I returned to a place of prayer and told the Lord I was his, and submitted my heart to his will. He told me that this child would be a girl, and to name her Amy, and then asked, what color do you want her eyes to be? Surprised, that I could ask such a thing, “I answered blue!” Up to that time my husbands blue eyes and my green ones had given us either green-eyed or brown eyed babies. By January, 1979 I was holding a little blue eyed girl.

At the time I was deeply involved with the teachings of Calvary Chapel. According Pastor Chuck Smith’s calculations we were running out of time, and 1988 was the last possible year before the appearance of the “Antichrist”. (No laughing now.)
I looked down at her, as only a new mother can do, and said in my heart, Father, how will there be enough time for you to use this little one? The Lord quickly, interjected into my thoughts, not only will I use Amy, but JOHN, also. “What!” So, WHO, is John?

By 1982, there would be two more little girls added to my overflowing world. With each “surprise” pregnancy I thought, so this is John. Instead it would be Melody and then Christina….. The Lord used Amy to open the door and sneak two more little ones into our family. How I would need these little ones and the joy they would bring my life in the years ahead.

By 2003 the rocking of my world from an unexpected divorce had started to take on a reasonable rhythm. The reality of child support/custody battles, financial ruin, lost community and friends, were somewhat behind me. The rebuilding of my life had started.

My children were adding to our extended family every year with either a new son-in-law, or a grand baby. The month of June would catch me by surprise. My tenth grand baby would enter the world with the birth cord around his neck, under his arm and wrapped again over his chest. It was a dangerous, stressful birth. I had been with my daughter and her husband for 2 sleepless days. During that time, Amy would be used of the Lord to administer CPR to this newest life. "Home again" at last, and rejoicing that all was well, I went to bed early.

I was in a deep sleep, when the phone rang. The voice on the other end said, Joian, this is John, it was Amy’s fiancée.(Yes, it seemed the John question had been answered!) He relayed that Amy was sick and had been throwing up for about 6 hours. I suggested a couple of remedies and asked him to call back, if there were anymore problems. I fell back to sleep and was awakened in about an hour. Amy was no better. I got myself up and drove the ½ mile to his mother’s house. It was around 11:00 pm. Amy was lying on the floor in the bathroom, the Lord said, get her to the hospital. Under protest we got her to the car and to the hospital. There would be no relief until 8:00 am the following morning. They discovered her appendix had burst, probably the day before.

Four days after surgery she was still vomiting. They were administering massive antibiotics, with injections every 4 hours to keep the vomiting somewhat under control and feeding her intravenously. John and I were taking turns staying with her. I had stopped visitors from coming as she was not improving, and asked family and friends to just pray.

When I was able, I would check the Internet to see what complications could arise from a burst appendix. With that information, I knew that she should be getting better unless some of the feared complications were beginning. The Lord instructed me to call no one, even to ask for prayer. I was holding everything inside and felt about to burst. The things I had been through the last 12 years had convinced me that repeating promises back to the Lord were useless, what had seemed to work in previous years left me with only one thought, if the Lord did not speak to me regarding this situation nothing I could conjure up would help. So I waited to hear his voice.....Sitting beside her bed I remembered he had asked me to have this little one. Surely her life was just beginning, I pondered the fact that he had brought John into her life?? Please speak Lord!!!!

As I sat there watching her try to sleep, I began to think the unthinkable. Would I lose her….had it come to this…… would I ever survive such a loss………I felt helpless with the fear of it. I sat in the dark at her bedside for quite a while. Please Lord, speak to me. I can do nothing, not even believe or trust without you.
We had been playing a Terry MacAllmon CD, softly in the room. His worship finally penetrated my mind, I silently, raised my hands in the dark, and began to worship. About 15 minutes into worship, I felt peace springing up from my heart and with my eyes still closed, I felt the Lord touch my shoulder, I saw him walk around the bed to Amy’s left side, and put his hand on her forehead. A few minutes later I opened my eyes and saw Amy with her hands raised, eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks. I said, “Honey, the Lord is here can you feel his presence?” Her answer still thrills my heart. Yes, mom she said, he has his hand on my forehead and I’m being healed. She opened her eyes and said, Mom, go home, I’m healed. I did, and she was. The next morning when I arrived at the hospital, she was up, still hooked to her IV post walking up and down the hallway.
The following day I took her home.
As we were about to enter the house she stopped, put her hand on the door and started to cry. "I asked are you okay honey," she answered, "I didn't think I'd every see this place again." And so we entered "home again", rejoicing.

Four years ago, as Jack and I drove over to the San Diego Bay area to have lunch, he turned and said, by the way, my given name is John, “Jack” is just what everyone in my family calls me.” I thought, now why did he need to tell me that? And there is that name again..........
Yes, he would use another one named JOHN, to turn my life back to himself. I have come to love the ways of the Lord………… Perhaps we will hear the use of that name again, somewhere in the future. Amy and John will someday bless our family with little ones. Maybe even a child of theirs will use that name. God is not limited to our timetables for fullfilling a word to us, and believe me he is full of surprises................ So Lord, here I am and JOHN ALSO.

Your ways are beyond our understanding and without limit. Another precious life from Tentmaker sent me this e-mail, it just brought tears to my eyes as it fit in with what the Lord was having me share today, it gives such hope for our future........IN HIM.


Joseph was imprisoned unjustly for seventeen years. He never ceased in seeking some way out. He told the cook and the cup bearer. He told anyone else that might get him out of there. But... nothing worked. He stayed there seventeen years. Then, one morning just like every other morning, they came and got him, bathed him, put a clean set of clothes on him and took him before Pharaoh. Before the sun set that evening he had been given Pharaoh's signet ring and was like unto Pharaoh in the land!

Our day will come. Suddenly, we will be released. There are many days that are "the day of the Lord" I believe. Oh, there is undoubtedly an ultimate day for this entire creation and for each individual. But, for now, there are these days "in part," I truly believe. He has already come to me in this area of my life ......setting me free experientially room by room in this humble mansion He is building inside of me! And, I am certain; He does the same to you!

So many visitations to us as He progressively continues His work in us. He will complete the task as He is faithful to do it. (Roy)

Love you all,
