This morning, Joian shared a message by Chip Brogden and a comment in our last blog. Chip is one of our favorite writers and teachers here at SONSHINE. This man never varies in his message of "Christ and cross" and if you aren't subscribed to his daily meditation we can only encourage you to sign up and begin your mornings on a right and true path where Jesus is given all preeminence. Chip's Jesus is even a better wake up, than a hot cup of joe.
Please allow me to share Chip's message and Joian's comment followed by some thoughts that came to me upon reading this. How wonderful it is to fellowship with the saints as we prod each other to know the greater depths of Christ and His Cross.
The Call of the Cross
by Chip Brogden
"For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death worketh in us, but life in you" (II Corinthians 4:11,12).
The answer to why there is so little power and genuine spiritual fruit in the lives of those who follow Jesus is a simple one: they desire the Life of the Lord, but not His Death. They want a daily pouring out of the Lord's Life, but they shun the prospect of daily sharing in His Death.
Why do we commit to teaching this in depth? Why do we belabor the point incessantly? Because the saints of the Lord are well instructed in living victoriously, being blessed, walking in power, overcoming the enemy, and living up to their potential.
By comparison, the majority of them know next to nothing about self-denial, bearing their Cross, boasting in their weaknesses, being joyful in trials, winning by losing, gaining by giving up, working by resting, accepting both the bitter and the sweet as gifts from God, enduring hardness and accepting suffering. God desires to increase us and enlarge us; He therefore calls us to go back to the Cross ............
How thankful I am to begin understand the purpose of's greater purpose has been foreign to me, even while I often suffered.....and chaffed ........the concept of suffering and it's usefulness as well as being willing to touch it, with his strength and yes, even his joy, is such a debilitating thing to fear.......and is the other part of being able to enter his rest..and stay contented with whatever comes(the first is that all men will be saved)
Joian, your Brogden message and comment today was truly inspired of God. I also know how hard it is for Chip to belabor and emphasize the cross. The message of the "crucified life" seems like an old worn out herald for the majority that name Christ today. It falls on dead ears with most in Christendom, as few have been given a sojourners heart to know our "earthly existence" is not our first estate but is actually and in plain terms the "cross" itself. Most won't learn the lesson of the cross in this life time but our great hope is that all eventually will, as the cross of Christ transcends even the grave. The mystery is that God in Christ, even suffers the world today, and as we come to see creation through His eyes we suffer with Him. Oh yes, this Love of God suffers and even groans (Rom 8).
I like how George Hawtin describes the working of the cross, and this even goes to both sides of hades.
"God saves some first and teaches them after, but others, He teaches first and saves them after. But every day God reaps an enormous harvest from mankind."
I truly believe for most, as they enter into the next realm their lives are reviewed and they find, with great regret, the emptiness and lack of reward this world has brought them. With this view, and in the midst of indescribable despair, these souls are visited and comforted by a nail pierced, scourged and visage marred God who wraps His arms around them and says He paid the price and made up for their lack, which is complete. Oh, to witness such makes my heart melt as this is "the teaching first followed by the saving."
I also believe we have been blessed by being saved, both before and even after the teachings this world brings, has brought and will bring us. I know I have found Him a few times in the midst of the greatest regret, and while being comforted and consoled, that regret was wiped away along with all the tears. Surely the cross and the saving of the soul is an eternal work that transcends even this world. It's a big cross, even from the alpha to the omega and the way in between. And at the end of the ages we will find that all of creation has been gathered into Christ by way of His Cross. Aren't we glad to know nothing is lost, but all is finally raised into God's Glory which be Christ Jesus.
For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom He paid was not mere gold or silver. He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. God chose Him for this purpose long before the world began, but now in these final days, He was sent to the earth for all to see. And He did this for you. Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And because God raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great glory, your faith and hope can be placed confidently in God. Now you can have sincere love for each other as brothers and sisters because you were cleansed from your sins when you accepted the truth of the Good News. So see to it that you really do love each other intensely with all your hearts. 1Pet 1:18-22
Truly we are two men and one must die to be raised in the Other. This is the New Creation Man and He has a head and a body and His name is Jesus. What Glory to glimpse this New Man that came by way of a Cross!
You can sign up for Chip Brogden's daily meditation here:
Eliyah, Kai and myself also find great encouragement and wisdom in Ray Prinzing's daily devotionals. So why not start your mornings with a twofor.