We are turning the page with the advent of a New Year. Truly we can sense in our spirits that this new year will be like no other. May His grace ever abound in your lives and His peace ever increase in the hearts of those you love.
We at SONSHINE have long time come to see and experience in our lives that God brings before us situations that seem impossible and insurmountable. Then in the midst of patience and endurance He presents the solution that is simply and easily entreated unto our deliverance. So has it been, with our schooling in Christ, that we have suffered and been healed. This has all been given in the purpose of our makings into worthy and empathetic priests. We believe so shall it be in 2009, where as the world finds perplexity and frustration when faced with the impossible and insurmountable, we shall carry a message of hope, peace and healing with our lives illuminated as God's epistles read of men. The light emanating from "the saviours on the mount" must needs great darkness to contrast His Light and Life in a world of sin and death. So with feelings of sorrow and gladness mixed we say, "so be it, Lord!"
Creation today groans for God's sons to bring Heaven to earth. We can only pray, God grant us the grace to not shrink back from the "greater works promise" which all of the great cloud of witnesses, born out of season, looked forward to. Surely, the hour cometh and now is the Great and Awesome Day of the Lord. Come dear Lord Jesus ...... come quickly!
Jack and Joian
“The eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.” Deut. 11:12
In retrospect I gaze once more
Upon the things behind,
Remembering how God hath led,
And how our paths did wind
Around the many circumstance
Which He did send our way,
With good and evil synchronized,
His ordered interplay.
He knew the fires that must burn,
A purifying flame,
The darksome path where faith is tried,
For this – He knew our frame,
And did not test beyond the scope
Of that which we could bear,
But with each trial gave His strength,
And worked for good each care.
What joy, what blessing, too, He gave,
Rare moments filled with song,
Which more than balanced all the time
When nights seemed dark and long.
For there is naught that can compare
With that deep sense of peace
Which He imparts to thus sustain
And work its blest release.
From year’s beginning to its end
His mercy I can trace,
Upon each turning page I see
The wonder of His grace.
What He allowed He used withal,
How precious are His ways!
For all that’s come to pass – O Lord,
I bow to give Thee praise.
Ray Prinzing
Note: the scripture and poem above
were submitted by Eliyah as a comment
to our last blog. They begged repeating
along with Eliyah's salutation:
"Truly intersting, powerful, life changing days are ahead for everyone."