Right: Joian
and Wiggly little Noah
Yesterday in my readings….. It was Eby, I think, who…….helped change my thinking regarding recompense. He said, the only recompense we are looking for is Christ himself. Selah..........

Growing up I knew if I got hurt, enough to require a trip to the doctor's office, there was a perk. But only if I endured the pain without a fuss. My reward? A stop by the ice cream store on the way back home. It was my mother's way of making it up to me for the pain.

It was that picture I held, when in a moment everything changed………I realized I was still looking for people and things to be replaced or a least a very big dish of ice cream if God was going to make it up to me for what had been lost or stolen from my life. Childish ideas are hard to shake.........LOL
I wondered at my own blindness as the light dawned. Of course........CHRIST is my recompense/the pearl of great price…………….the only thing I want and the only thing that can never be taken, lost or stolen from me. So that is how Paul counted it all loss and considered what he suffered as not worthy to be mentioned he knew what I am just coming to understand……… blind and deceived I have been…… true that you remain blind until he removes the blinders.

This morning I read and copied an exchange between two brothers and wondered at the content....what they share is what I had been taught to look/hope for...............I knew and sat under the teachers referred to in this long ago that was..................

I went to a christian biker rally in Texas back in 96' at Kenneth Copeland's ministry grounds. I used to be a big follower of him and Jerry Savelle (another local prosperity guy) before I abandoned ET. They're both going to abandon ET pretty soon and then do what I've done combine UR with the holistic Gospel they've understood thus far. Then the prosperity's really going to come like a flood, along with the healings and people being raised from the dead on a much larger scale. It'll be pretty soon.

By K
I recently have seen Kenneth Copeland meeting with the Messianic rabbi that a guy at work keeps sending me info on. This rabbi Messner from Colorado says that the whole word of faith camp is embracing the next revival of joining Judah (born again Jews) with Israel (born again Christians). I have a clip of Copeland prophesying to this rabbi about this if anyone wants to see it.
By the way, a black Christian forum that I have frequented for a year recently posted Fred Price saying that a lot of people want to discount hell from the Bible, and that he does not know if it is true, but it is sure better than insisting on a God who does not want to bless his children.
Considering Fred studies the Word and would seem to be one to tear that down if he could, it seemed interesting. He, also, used to be great friends with Carlton Pearson before they had a falling out over racism. I feel like Paul saying that he had great concern for his brethren after the flesh who is Israel. Word of faith was my first move of God and I hope they do embrace the truth. It sure seems that their view of God as a good God, should make the transition an easy one though Oral and all sure did turn, on Carlton Person.(When he taught that all men would be saved)

The men mentioned above were hero's of mine.........each in his turn has become a desert place for me as I occasionally hear them speak. The organized church no longer holds any answers for me. They no longer quench my thirst, no meat to eat, no presence of my Lord. I am not looking for another man, a teaching, a revival or the next move of God. I only want him and all that he enables me to understand and partake of from he, himself. No longer what he can give or save me from...........HIM ALONE.........HIM.



Excerpt from Eby -
Sooner or later, if our heart hungers and thirsts after God, we come to the point reached by the little boy with the red wagon. That is to discover that the toughest resistance to pressing into the depths of God is not from without, but from within. The little boy loved to play with his little red wagon. But one day it suddenly occurred to him that he could not recall ever seeing an adult playing with a little red wagon. The moment that thought struck him he burst into tears. His mother was finally able to get out of him what it was that was causing such terrible grief. He sobbed through his tears that he didn’t want to grow up because he was afraid that then he wouldn’t be able to play with his little red wagon. His mother encouraged him as best she could. She assured him that as far as she knew there was no reason why he should not play with his little red wagon after he grew up, if he wanted to. No one would prevent him. That cheered him a bit. But after a few minutes he burst out crying again. When she asked him what the trouble was this time, he sobbed, “I’m afraid I won’t want to!”

From within each one of us who have received the call to sonship there comes at last the decisive decision to give up the little red wagons of our childish religious past, and at costly consequences to grow up into the maturity of our glorious Head, the firstborn Son of God! We grow spiritually by hearing the voice of the Lord for ourselves and by following the Lord wherever He leads us, by releasing all He calls upon us to release, and doing all His perfect and holy will. Our Father is leading us beyond the Outer Court with its brazen altar of atonement and forgiveness of sins, and beyond the Holy Place with its lighted candlestick fueled by the oil of the indwelling Spirit. He is also leading us beyond the feast of Passover where we first met the Lamb of God who died for us, and beyond the feast of Pentecost where we received the firstfruits of the Spirit — yes, beyond the candlestick realm, beyond the church order! By the leading of His Spirit we are growing up into Christ, becoming mature adults in the kingdom of our Father. The call for this New Day is to “Come up hither!” The journey of this New Day is from the candlestick to the throne! The divine evidence that we are heeding that call is if we have truly begun to grow up and become a spiritual adult, we are done with the childish ways of the past and have put them all aside. A spiritual child delights in the childish ways of the past. He or she enjoys those childish ways, and continues to cling to the little red wagon — continues to romp and frolic in the entertaining programs of the old order church system. But when we grow up and become spiritual adults in the more glorious kingdom of our Father, we then put away the childish toys of the past, and with joy set our face toward the throne, ascending in the Spirit into that which is more perfect and complete — kingship with Christ!

A brother shared this experience some time ago. He said, “My eighteen-year-old son graduated from high school last spring. The ceremony was a great celebration for both the graduates and their parents, symbolizing the passage from childhood and dependency to greater freedom on the journey to becoming an independent, responsible adult. How ludicrous it would have been for the kindergarten teacher of these students to reappear, proclaiming that in order to keep their diplomas, all graduates must now report to her in September to review their ABC’s. You do not take young people who have matured and are ready to accept adult responsibility and treat them like children. Even the graduates would have said, ‘We are not going back!’” Oh, no! We who are growing up into Christ and have tasted the powers of the age to come are not going back to the kindergarten of our walk in God! Let the children play, let them sit Sunday after Sunday and hear the same salvation story, the same elementary teachings, observe the same forms, rituals, ceremonies, entertainment, and work and labor feverishly in the same tired old church programs and promotions. If they still want to play with the little red wagon they are not ready yet to leave it. And there is no condemnation in that! Children are supposed to play! BUT WE WILL NOT GO BACK


I also echo, I will not go back!...............All that is behind has lost it's guilt, no condemnation, no accessing what I could have done differently.........all that, is now surrendered to the Lord, my past, present and future are in his hands.........I am at last abiding in peace and joy. His love surrounds and holds me.............SO THIS WIDE VALLEY, IS WHERE I WILL STAY. Is this not that same valley of the shadow of death? Would I have believed that in this valley is the place where the still waters are? Here is where the banquet table is set in the presence of my enemies, and where my cup runneth over. It exists..........I have found that pearl of great price!



"If you knew the gift of God, and Who I am, you would have asked Me for a drink, and I would have given you Living Water" (John 4:10).

We must know the Gift of God. The one who knows will not only be satisfied, but will have abundance of Life springing up from within. If we are mainly interested in being filled for ourselves then we will have little to offer anyone else. Yet when we know the Gift of God the Life will overflow. "You anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows" (Psalms 23:5b).
Are you an overflowing Christian, with all of God you can hold, and much leftover? Sadly, this does not describe many of us. To drink is a beginning, but God's goal is an overflow. How we need clear revelation into the Son!

How we need to see just how precious and worthy He is!