The "she" I speak of is the "harlot system" many call the church today. And yes, she most
certainly used and abused me and for most in Christendom she is and also has been doing the very same thing for two millennial. I share today of the external counterpart of the "harlot spirit" that lays within the hearts of all believers. We are made up of two men(Adam and Christ) and kid not yourself, the "antichrist spirit and the harlot" dwells within the carnal nature of yours and my old man which is the progeny of Adam. But hey, thanks to the grace of God we know that we are new creatures being gloriously made into a new man, both individually and corporately, as we take on the very image of our Christ.
I spent ten years of my life serving and working for the false church and she used me and abused me like a rented mule and I actually liked it. You see, soon after meeting Christ I, like most, was captured by the counterfeit church with her corrupt five fold ministry preaching and teaching a form of servitude, where "conditions" are set that you might continue to receive God's love and not lose your salvation. Most denominations and preachers today, still teach and preach a "conditional salvation." But, glory to God! .......... also today the Voice of Freedom and the Spirit of Christ is saying to these ministers that stand pridefully above the people in their raised pulpits "LET MY PEOPLE AND MY BODY GO!"
I pray that as your read this excerpt below, God would give you ears to hear and eyes to see, so you might clearly recognize the false and conditional love that has come to replace that which is the real and unconditional Love of God through Christ, Jesus.
Lord bless you,
Conditional Salvation
There are countless denominations and movements that stem from John Wesley’s teachings. His ideas about Holiness and Sanctification have affected many tens of thousands of church leaders and their congregations. The Charismatic, Pentecostal, and Holiness movements all have their roots in Wesley’s teachings.
The Wesleyan strain of teaching owes its origin to an earlier theologian by the name of Jacob Arminius. The theological name used to describe this line of teaching is commonly called Arminianism. (By the way, I’m NOT writing as a Calvinist to expose Arminianism’s errors! Calvinism is also a perversion of the gospel.) In a nutshell, Arminianism advances the idea that people must “choose salvation” in this lifetime by accepting Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for their sins.
Moreover, this human will-centered ideology asserts that all mankind is guilty before God and the punishment for that guilt is endless torment in a fiery hell. However, after accepting the free gift of grace, one must begin to show signs that they have indeed received grace; one must begin to DO works that would indicate they have Christ within them. And one must begin to refrain from doing works that are considered sinful or evil according to how their denomination or church defines what is sin and what isn’t. What determines whether a person has crossed the line is probably as varied as the number of people who believe in conditional salvation.
Ultimately, each individual believer must make up their own minds what that line may be. It’s interesting that most Christians draw a different line for themselves than for others. The reader can be assured they have a hard time finding two pastors who will both draw that line in exactly the same place. That should tell you something about this system. (I have been to one church in my community where a small mustache on a man’s face would send them to Hell. This denomination has over 20,000 churches and almost 3 million adherents.)
According to this line of teaching, there are sins Christians can commit which would cause them to lose their salvation and “go to Hell.” Therefore one who has indeed been “born again” CAN lose their salvation and find themselves in a Hell of everlasting punishment. The message is clear: “Even as one ‘chose’ to get saved, they can also ‘choose’ to get unsaved.” So it is clear that the “eternal” life promised at the “altar call” by this “survival of the fittest” theology REALLY isn’t “eternal” after all! (Food for thought: Was Darwin’s survival of the fittest theory simply the logically produced fruit of the teaching of a corrupted church?)
Most pastors will not drill home week after week on Sunday mornings all the things that one must do or not do in order to maintain their salvation. No, this doctrine is usually used in a more subtle way. This doctrine most often comes out when a sheep begins to get out of line. Most human beings are incapable of sustaining a continuous bombardment of sermons that center on walking the straight line to avoid the fiery flames of Hell. They’ll go find another church or go insane. Once the teaching that one can lose their salvation is injected in a soul, it is not necessary to keep the message ever before them (although some do). After all, it only takes a little leaven -- a little doubt -- to leaven the whole lump -- that is, keep a person in fear. Once the fear is injected into the soul, it can then be sugar-coated with phrases like, “Oh, it’s very hard to lose your salvation. You really have to stray FAR before anything like that may happen. Remember, God loves you and has no desire to see you in Hell.” But phrases like that do NOT neutralize the poisonous seed that is already firmly planted in the hearts of souls. Once the seed is planted, its power to rob us of the power of the life of God is in effect. The sugar coated words about how hard it is to lose one’s salvation merely serve to prevent us from ejecting the seed. They are Satan’s subtlety at its best.
Under this system, because one is ever in a condition of never knowing honestly whether they are truly saved or not -- there is a strong impulse to do works that would “appear” righteous. These “works” become proof that God is indeed working in their lives and that they are on the road which prevents them from falling into Hell. The central core of life then, under this teaching, becomes saving oneself to the everlasting exclusion of billions of people who will perish in Hell for all eternity as “failures” who didn’t measure up. I know this may shock some readers, but this teaching is pretty much at the heart of modern Christianity and especially in Evangelicalism.
Getting Perfect Enough To Stay Saved
Because the teaching that there is the possibility of losing one’s salvation is a central tenet of modern Christianity, is it any wonder that there is a great interest in promoting and preserving “self” in the church? After all, the most important people to keep out of Hell are yourself and those closest to you, right?
One of the sad by-products of this teaching is that a person is never able to enter into the promised rest spoken of so clearly in the following scripture:
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mat.11:29-39, KJV)
It is a difficult labor for the SELF-righteous person to enter into God’s promised rest. A SELF-righteous person has filled themselves with countless dead works. It is a labor indeed carrying them about and counting them all the time to make sure they are enough. It is a hard thing to compare oneself to others to see if one is doing better than their neighbor in the good works/bad works department. One must really pay attention to “self.” And that’s really hard work. There’s little joy in that kind of work – there is no rest.
Taken from the paper "BE PERFECT?" by Gary Amirault (Gary is a brother I occasionally have had the opportunity to share my vision of Christ with. He is a tireless saint publishing the "Real Good News" and that being, "Jesus died that all men be saved.") This is the link to the outstanding paper from which the above excerpt was taken.
also for any that might not understand the concept and truth of the "antichrist and harlot spirits" that indwell you and me this (below) might possibly be one of the most anointed and beneficial writings you will ever read. It changed my life and a number of others I have shared it with.
Is declared what that whore or inward mystery is; together with the destruction thereof, by the powerful appearing of Christ in us.
By Joseph Salmon
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matt 11:28-30
The "she" I speak of is the "harlot system" many call the church today. And yes, she most
certainly used and abused me and for most in Christendom she is and also has been doing the very same thing for two millennial. I share today of the external counterpart of the "harlot spirit" that lays within the hearts of all believers. We are made up of two men(Adam and Christ) and kid not yourself, the "antichrist spirit and the harlot" dwells within the carnal nature of yours and my old man which is the progeny of Adam. But hey, thanks to the grace of God we know that we are new creatures being gloriously made into a new man, both individually and corporately, as we take on the very image of our Christ.
I spent ten years of my life serving and working for the false church and she used me and abused me like a rented mule and I actually liked it. You see, soon after meeting Christ I, like most, was captured by the counterfeit church with her corrupt five fold ministry preaching and teaching a form of servitude, where "conditions" are set that you might continue to receive God's love and not lose your salvation. Most denominations and preachers today, still teach and preach a "conditional salvation." But, glory to God! .......... also today the Voice of Freedom and the Spirit of Christ is saying to these ministers that stand pridefully above the people in their raised pulpits "LET MY PEOPLE AND MY BODY GO!"
I pray that as your read this excerpt below, God would give you ears to hear and eyes to see, so you might clearly recognize the false and conditional love that has come to replace that which is the real and unconditional Love of God through Christ, Jesus.
Lord bless you,
Conditional Salvation
There are countless denominations and movements that stem from John Wesley’s teachings. His ideas about Holiness and Sanctification have affected many tens of thousands of church leaders and their congregations. The Charismatic, Pentecostal, and Holiness movements all have their roots in Wesley’s teachings.
The Wesleyan strain of teaching owes its origin to an earlier theologian by the name of Jacob Arminius. The theological name used to describe this line of teaching is commonly called Arminianism. (By the way, I’m NOT writing as a Calvinist to expose Arminianism’s errors! Calvinism is also a perversion of the gospel.) In a nutshell, Arminianism advances the idea that people must “choose salvation” in this lifetime by accepting Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for their sins.
Moreover, this human will-centered ideology asserts that all mankind is guilty before God and the punishment for that guilt is endless torment in a fiery hell. However, after accepting the free gift of grace, one must begin to show signs that they have indeed received grace; one must begin to DO works that would indicate they have Christ within them. And one must begin to refrain from doing works that are considered sinful or evil according to how their denomination or church defines what is sin and what isn’t. What determines whether a person has crossed the line is probably as varied as the number of people who believe in conditional salvation.
Ultimately, each individual believer must make up their own minds what that line may be. It’s interesting that most Christians draw a different line for themselves than for others. The reader can be assured they have a hard time finding two pastors who will both draw that line in exactly the same place. That should tell you something about this system. (I have been to one church in my community where a small mustache on a man’s face would send them to Hell. This denomination has over 20,000 churches and almost 3 million adherents.)
According to this line of teaching, there are sins Christians can commit which would cause them to lose their salvation and “go to Hell.” Therefore one who has indeed been “born again” CAN lose their salvation and find themselves in a Hell of everlasting punishment. The message is clear: “Even as one ‘chose’ to get saved, they can also ‘choose’ to get unsaved.” So it is clear that the “eternal” life promised at the “altar call” by this “survival of the fittest” theology REALLY isn’t “eternal” after all! (Food for thought: Was Darwin’s survival of the fittest theory simply the logically produced fruit of the teaching of a corrupted church?)
Most pastors will not drill home week after week on Sunday mornings all the things that one must do or not do in order to maintain their salvation. No, this doctrine is usually used in a more subtle way. This doctrine most often comes out when a sheep begins to get out of line. Most human beings are incapable of sustaining a continuous bombardment of sermons that center on walking the straight line to avoid the fiery flames of Hell. They’ll go find another church or go insane. Once the teaching that one can lose their salvation is injected in a soul, it is not necessary to keep the message ever before them (although some do). After all, it only takes a little leaven -- a little doubt -- to leaven the whole lump -- that is, keep a person in fear. Once the fear is injected into the soul, it can then be sugar-coated with phrases like, “Oh, it’s very hard to lose your salvation. You really have to stray FAR before anything like that may happen. Remember, God loves you and has no desire to see you in Hell.” But phrases like that do NOT neutralize the poisonous seed that is already firmly planted in the hearts of souls. Once the seed is planted, its power to rob us of the power of the life of God is in effect. The sugar coated words about how hard it is to lose one’s salvation merely serve to prevent us from ejecting the seed. They are Satan’s subtlety at its best.
Under this system, because one is ever in a condition of never knowing honestly whether they are truly saved or not -- there is a strong impulse to do works that would “appear” righteous. These “works” become proof that God is indeed working in their lives and that they are on the road which prevents them from falling into Hell. The central core of life then, under this teaching, becomes saving oneself to the everlasting exclusion of billions of people who will perish in Hell for all eternity as “failures” who didn’t measure up. I know this may shock some readers, but this teaching is pretty much at the heart of modern Christianity and especially in Evangelicalism.
Getting Perfect Enough To Stay Saved
Because the teaching that there is the possibility of losing one’s salvation is a central tenet of modern Christianity, is it any wonder that there is a great interest in promoting and preserving “self” in the church? After all, the most important people to keep out of Hell are yourself and those closest to you, right?
One of the sad by-products of this teaching is that a person is never able to enter into the promised rest spoken of so clearly in the following scripture:
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mat.11:29-39, KJV)
It is a difficult labor for the SELF-righteous person to enter into God’s promised rest. A SELF-righteous person has filled themselves with countless dead works. It is a labor indeed carrying them about and counting them all the time to make sure they are enough. It is a hard thing to compare oneself to others to see if one is doing better than their neighbor in the good works/bad works department. One must really pay attention to “self.” And that’s really hard work. There’s little joy in that kind of work – there is no rest.
Taken from the paper "BE PERFECT?" by Gary Amirault (Gary is a brother I occasionally have had the opportunity to share my vision of Christ with. He is a tireless saint publishing the "Real Good News" and that being, "Jesus died that all men be saved.") This is the link to the outstanding paper from which the above excerpt was taken.
also for any that might not understand the concept and truth of the "antichrist and harlot spirits" that indwell you and me this (below) might possibly be one of the most anointed and beneficial writings you will ever read. It changed my life and a number of others I have shared it with.
Is declared what that whore or inward mystery is; together with the destruction thereof, by the powerful appearing of Christ in us.
By Joseph Salmon
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matt 11:28-30