
The virus was a corkscrew affair, a skinny spiral with a tiny pod at one end. Highly contagious, it fell from an alien world and landed in Eden. Eve was infected first. Succumbing to its poison, a helpless sigh whisped from her throat, a wounded weep of death mingled with sweetness. Then cold her body convulsed, and collapsed to the earth in a fleshy heap.

Deadly, infectious, the virus began to replicate. The contagion spread quickly from Eve to her husband, and then to their children, as the Adamic race was plunged into physical and spiritual death.

Today this same malignant disease is still loose upon the earth. All mankind is infected and the mortality rate is 100%. It multiplies in the mind, then overwhelms the spirit. The infection is swift, lethal, the virus cunning and virulent, a concert of constant mutation ever surviving in ingenious modes of new expression.

The onset is void of symptoms, each young host feeling self-directed and in control of his destiny. Later indications are confusion, idolatry, immorality, failure, and aging.

The virus secretes a sugary anesthetic, an affection for the things of the world. Advanced cases appear increasingly numbed by the saccharine of temporal accomplishments. Death follows quickly, often accompanied by a sickening sweet delusion of self-satisfaction, and the spirit departs, rarely ever sensing the true purpose of its visit. This disease is “Evil,” and this is the Mystery of Iniquity.

From ancient times, the purpose of evil has been sought as an urgent serum. Discovery of a benevolent motive, hiding in its folds, might assuage the pain of earthly life, upholstering its rubble with comfort and meaning.

The doctors of divinity, convened in postmortem, have long tried to isolate the cause of Adam’s demise and to explain the epidemic of evil. Superstitions of every sort have been proffered, the most common being to blame the Devil, declaring that his purpose is contrary to his maker. Beyond that, many charge individual men, asserting they are the Devil’s tools.

But these lame excuses are incomplete, and demeaning to an all sovereign God. And still, there is no religious doctrine that has been able to synthesize a cure- because there is no cure for the working of God. And the profusion of theological fables has only further obscured his true purpose, in the Mystery of Iniquity.

Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root.

(taken from the book "Sonplacing" by Garrison Rusell)
