I set the alarm for 4:00 a.m., Thursday night before Memorial Day weekend. Excited about the trip to Wyoming and a chance to fellowship with Jack. The whole trip was turning into adventure.
I awoke unexpectedly at 2:00 a.m. and since I was wide awake, I decided to get up early.......I turned on the T.V. trying to catch the weather but instead came across a program honoring Medal of Honor recipients. I spent an hour listening to them retell their stories. Most were unable to do so without great emotion, all were by now old men....their wars spanned WWII-Vietnam. ALL, had this humility about themselves, realizing their lives had been spared for a reason. They often refered to prayer and God. It didn't take long before I was making spiritual comparison's with all their words and crying right along with them....here are a couple of quotes:
"This medal is not mine; I hold it in trust for all those who never got to be grandfathers."
" There is a price that was paid for our freedom, a sacrifice was made for it. I represent those who did the same thing I did but didn't live to receive the honor........after I made it back to France, I came to the gravesite of each one and there I honored them ..........in my heart."
"I hold it in trust"......."there is a price that was paid for our freedom".........."I honored them in my heart"........... how these words brought me again to the cross and to all those who have gone before.
I have witnessed such a dishonoring of my savior these last months on several forums. I've come to a clear understanding of the meaning "my soul is vexed".
Next morning we were up early to see the wonders of Wyoming. Just two streets from the house a crowd was gathering, cameras out........Jack said, stop!, we got an animal. So with camera in hand I joined the crowd, alone.
Seems Jack has an aversion to being a tourist (or with one)...and my Utah license plates made me that. Also got me the nickname UTAH, everytime I missed a turn or jumped out to take a picture.......lol
So, he missed seeing a little fox with five kits playing on the meadow next to the road. I learned from a mom who was standing with her children that the moma fox is called a vixen.....and the male fox? Well, he's a dog........ some hidden meaning I'm sure for all you symbolic types....LOL......I would visit my little fox (sans Jack) every morning. Twice, she came off the meadow and walked right in front of me on her way to the grocery store,(I think) stopping long enough for me to get a few shots of her.
Just so you know what I was comparing it with, here's a few more pictures of this wild and wooly land......lol
Thought I was in Africa when I came around the corner and spotted these Pronghorns...........'twas beautiful indeed. As my father stooped to share his creation with me...........I felt his kiss......how I love him.......
Joian and Jack