
It was five years later that I was sitting under a juniper tree, trying to worship God in spirit and truth, but how could I with so many questions interfering. Suddenly the Holy Spirit moved within my inner being, drowning out every other voice, rising up to overwhelm me completely, slaying me under the mighty power of God in a deep trance. Whether I was in the body or out of the body, I know not, for I had lost all consciousness of place and time. In fact, we were sitting in the shade of this tree when be began to pray, yet when I regained consciousness the shade had moved to the other side of the tree. I found myself lying with my face toward the blazing sun without damaging my eyes or even receiving a sunburn. This in itself was miracle, as it was 115 degrees in the shade. Imagine how hot it would be in the direct sun. When I had fully collected my faculties I realized that I was alone, for the others knowing I was in the hands of God had gone home to take care of our children who were expected to arrive home from school.
I do not know how long I was in this trance before I began to perceive that God was showing me a glorious light. It was a light beyond human description. Not yellow or orange but transparent, luminous white, vibrant and living, the Shekinah glory of God. Ex. 24:10 The light in which Christ is now dwelling which no man hath seen nor can see. [1Tim. 6:16] To me this was an ex-pression of the glory of God in Christ who is the brightness of His glory and the express image of his person (essence and nature) Heb. 1:3
Soon I noted a tiny cross (seemingly) coming up out of the heart of the earth. [Matt. 12:40] Could this be our own deep or unconscious being? We are a small universe within ourselves: heaven, spiritual; earth, natural; mind, ruling; mind and body, ruled over. Be this as it may, this cross, surrounded by this glorious white light of God, continued to grow until it completely spanned the universe filling the whole world with the glory of God. Isa. 6:1, 11:9; Hab. 2:14
Then I was made to see great spheres whirling out of this great mass of white light. Could they be planets? I was made to know that they represented GREAT WORLD STAGES OF TIME through which God is working to fulfill his original plan for all mankind. These large Eons of Time not only whirled into view, but they slowly revolved around the cross. They came out from God and were returning back into God. "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things." Rom. 11:36
As I continued to watch, I saw glorious RAYS OF LIGHT emanating from the cross. They began to stream out from the cross to every Eon, completely covering each one with its own pure illumination. The cross seemed to be like a huge radiant magnet sending out RAYS OF LOVE AND LIFE everywhere, influencing and enlightening the whole creation then gradually drawing all back into itself again. [John 12:32] These great Eons of Time seemed to be hinged to the cross by these flashing rays, holding all things together by their influence and power. [Col. 1:17] I was made to know that the CROSS OF CHRIST represented the LIFE AND LOVE of God flowing out to all men without respect of persons, sustaining and drawing all unto Himself by His magnetic power. In Him is life, and that life is the light of men. He lighteth every man that cometh into the world. [John 1:4,9] He loves us, washes us and then changes us into kings and priests by His own life, drawing us back into Himself. [Rev. 1:15]
In amazement the whole panoramic view began to move in a majestic flowing orbit. All was in motion, vibrating and alive. The pulsations of the cross, the rays flashing everywhere, illuminating and healing, the eons whirling in their orbits around the cross, covered with the grace and life of the flashing rays which were dispelling the power of God throughout the universe. Beholding this, I was made to know that nothing is stagnant or stationary, but full and all advancing steadily according to schedule in the plan and purpose of God.
In the cross, God was revealing Himself as He really is. There His great heart of love was fully exposed to all everywhere. Wonder of wonders! ALL were responding! ALL were worshipping, as I head a great volume of praise like the voice of many waters around the cross. Everywhere I looked all were kneeling or lying prostrate in praise and utter adoration. Nor did I see sickness, death or hell. All were covered with the light of life. I know that all things were made new so that former things were no longer remembered. The whole restored universe was offering homage and praise unto the Lamb, who sitteth upon the throne for the eon of the eons. [Rev. 5:11, 21:5]
Remember how I had said, "O, God, you dont seem to be fair, therefore how can I love and worship you fully?" Well, in this vision I know God was giving the answers. He began revealing Himself as He truly is a God of love, who never could and never will show partiality as He is no respecter of persons. But through the operation of the eons in Christ, He reaches out to and draws all men unto Himself in their own time and order.
This was such a new revelation to me that at first I could not accept or hardly believe what I had seen. The vision stayed before me day and night until, again in despair, I asked God to show me the meaning of this vision in His word. Praise His Name! God, in his patience and mercy, opened up His word in a new and living way. He gave me such a new and wonderful conception of His love and plan for His own creation, that it inspired my depiction of this vision on a chart although we know that the riches of God are unsearchable (untraceable) Eph. 3:8
A few days after receiving this tremendous vision of the cross with its rays extending everywhere, filling the heavens and the earth with its glory; while sitting at the kitchen table I cried, "O Lord, you will have to show me the meaning of this vision, otherwise I'll just have to put it out of my mind." Slowly opening my Bible at random my eyes fell upon Eph. 1:9-12:
"Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself; that in the dispensation of the fulness of TIMES He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him: in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His will; that we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Christ."
The word TIMES, seemed to leap from the page. Never before had I noticed the "S" on this word "TIMES", though having read this passage again and again. Could "time" be plural? Was there more than one time? As these questions spun through my mind, my eyes fell upon Eph. 2:4-7:
"But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: THAT IN THE AGES TO COME He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Jesus Christ."
In amazement it began to dawn upon me that here were yet AGES TO COME. During the future AGES God was going to show forth unto others, by His grace alone, this very love and grace which He had displayed to us when He saved us. In fact, the realization came that we were being saved now in this age for that very purpose, to be His glorious body displayed to all creation. That what He had done for us (by His grace) He would do for all, as He is no respecter of persons. There is no partiality in God! There are just different times and order to show forth His love displayed in the cross.
Surely, it would not be necessary to display this exceeding riches of His grace and love in Heaven (as we understood it then) as all would know Him there. Where else would it be shown, but here in this world in the the coming ages? Yes, and even in hell, not to condemn, but deliver. Simultaneously, with this 'traditional' shattering thought, the magnificent cross of the vision again appeared with its glorious healing rays shining out everywhere in God's universe - in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth, covering these immense circling periods of time with light and love: "gathering together in ONE all things in Christ" - Eph. 1:10 This will be accomplished when these TIMES are full or finished.
Immediately all doubt was removed. The assurance came that the vision was true, confirmed by His word. These scriptures to which He sovereignly directed, took on a totally new meaning and light. The whole Bible became a new book as God opened it up on a new and living way. Let us again turn to Eph. 1:3-12, noting what it declares:
1. God has a will. This mystery (secret) of His will is being made known unto us. Not of our merit, but according to His own pleasure. He works all things after the counsel of His own will.
2. God has this purpose in Himself. No one instructs Him or gives Him anything, so He can expect reimbursement - Rom. 11:33-36
3. It is God's purpose to gather together in One, all things in Christ. This is being worked out through Christ during long periods of time, called eons. It will be completed when these TIMES (eons) are full (fullness of times). According to the EONIAN PURPOSE which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
4. We have been chosen in Christ (by grace before the beginning of the world) to obtain an inheritance in these things. We have a first (prior) hope in Christ, so we can be to the praise of His glory. Eph. 1:3,4,12
5. We have been predestined to come forth at this time, to be part of His glorious body - Rom. 8:29 A nucleus saved ahead of time, to be as a sign of His great love for all.
6. This is all of grace. "....by whose grace you are saved...that (for this reason) in the ages to come, He will show the exceeding riches of His grace to all His creation. - Eph. 2:5-
7. With the revelation of these utterly new truths to me, God impressed me to draw the vision. The drawing, the title, the size and position of the cross, the number of eons, the scriptures, etc. all were given by divine revelation. When I noticed that I had drawn eight eons it seemed all wrong. I had been taught that seven was the number of perfection. Every chart I had ever seen of God's plan contained only seven dispensation. But God Himself revealed that eight is the number of a new beginning, bringing in the complete and full consummation of God's Plan of the Eons. Gradually through the study of the word, especially The Literal Concordant Version, the true meaning and purposes of these eons unfolded.
There in lies the unending triumph of Jesus Christ in the subjecting of all things everywhere to God. What a blessing to know that, "all in the fullness of time will be filled with His Great Love!"
Jack & Joian