1. bring disputing sides together: to work with opposing parties with the goal of bringing them to an agreement or reconciliation
2. get somebody's support or friendship back: to bring a disagreement with somebody to an end, or overcome somebody's anger, suspicion, or hostility
3. be charming: to gain something, especially somebody's friendship, goodwill, or respect, by behaving pleasantly
I pray this testimony by Dora Van Assen blesses you as much as it did me. Eliyah and Florian shared their testimonies on our new blog "JACKSON HOLE & CHRIST" a few days ago. I shall add Dora's testimony to their stories, of how they came to see the "reconciliation of all things in Christ Jesus"
Here are the links to Florian's and Eliyah's testimonies:
How amazing that God's sons are so hidden at this time. Dora is another, that one would have a hard time finding, save for the light of the Spirit that illuminates a life well spent.
Introduction to Dora Van Assen
Note: words in brackets are mine,
as the author of this intro. has
some New Age leanings and thus her
terminology reflects such. Preston
Eby has on occasion quoted the
words and poems of Dora Van Assen.
Just to give you a little introduction to our dear Sis. Dora who, by the way, passed into the heavens a few years ago at the age of about 85.
This is a little of her testimony of how the spirit brought her into the message of reconciliation or how that all men are NOW conciliated to God,
The dictionary definition of conciliate:
1. bring disputing sides together: to work with opposing parties with the goal of bringing them to an agreement or reconciliation
2. get somebody's support or friendship back: to bring a disagreement with somebody to an end, or overcome somebody's anger, suspicion, or hostility
3. be charming: to gain something, especially somebody's friendship, goodwill, or respect, by behaving pleasantly
and how WE have now been entrusted with the message of RE-conciliation or sharing the good news of that love and seeing others re-connect with the spirit.
She was slain in the spirit and [experienced a Heavenly vision] for four hours back in the early 1940's while she and her husband were missionaries to the Indians in the American Southwest. She was shown the plan of God for the fulfilling of God's ideal, or that all would be brought into [the full awareness of their position in] Christ. From God who in the beginning was God All In One (within Himself) to God who is All In All or who is absolutely everything in absolutely everyone (filled with the fullness of God).
She and her husband where pioneers of this good news gospel long before it had gained some of the recognition that it has now. After her husband passed and their 17 years of ministry among the Indians, God began to take her and this message of His love for all around the world. She spent 3 years among the Maori people of New Zealand, went to Africa two different times with the present day result of many works for God being established there sharing the message of God's love for all. I recall her telling of going to the Philippines and a man hiking down from a remote village in the mountains to meet this elderly lady whose writings of God's love had come into his hands. Many in Brazil were also blessed by her anointing as well. She ministered in eleven different nations in all.
[Dora was ministering in Africa once] and she had two interpreters who were going to help interpret her message. She would say something and then one of them would repeat it in his dialect for the people and then the other one would repeat her words in his dialect. She said she got a little frustrated at first with all this and then forgot all about them as she got into an anointing and took off in the spirit ministering.
People began to fall on their faces before the Lord in the dirt, and afterwards they told her that when she was preaching they saw her turn into a manifestation of the glory of the Lord. It was not her words nor the people's understanding of them, but the Presence those words embodied that did the work. Hallelujah!!
[Dora] traveled around in her little Volkswagen bug here in the states and ministered this word everywhere and anywhere that a door was opened to her and she said when they wouldn't let her preach it, she would sing it, and when they wouldn't let her sing it, she would pray it, for out of her flowed a river of life.
It was my privilege to know this Mother of Israel who laid down her life for the gospel of Jesus Christ and continues to minister from the heavens cheering us on to the finish.
Much love to all,
Dora Van Assen's Experience:
In the midst of the many seemingly contradictory creeds and doctrines, in desperation, I finally cried out in my heart, Oh, God, I want to love and worship you, but I cannot for I do not know you. What is the purpose of continuing to create these countless souls knowing what the end result will be? Why bring these miserable creatures into this world, only to live out their entire existence in diseased and deformed bodies, in darkened and retarded minds, in dire poverty, never once being able to go to sleep with a full stomach and others, the privileged few living in luxury and an over abundance smart, enlightened, healthy and strong in mind and body? Oh, God, this partiality doesn't seem fair and that is why I cannot fully open my whole heart and mind to you in love and adoration.
Four of us were gathering daily under a juniper tree in the Mojave Desert near Lancaster, California over 25 years ago [it would now be about 50 years ago] to seek God in the spirit of true worship. Though I had been a minister of the gospel for several years, I still had so many unanswered problems and questions concerning Gods plan of salvation. Though my hands were lifted heavenward in praise, and my lips were saying hallelujah, my mind was filled with many disturbing questions.
These questions in my mind had first begun to prick me when my husband, a confirmed atheist, was so marvelously converted while lying on his deathbed cursing God! Suddenly, he began to cry in agony of soul, tears gushing out of his eyes like a fountain, his body rolling from side to side in the bed. When at last he could speak, he said," God spoke to me", then added, "I did not want to pray; God made me pray!" Sitting up, he placed his hand on his side, saying, "God reached down his hand, touching my side. I'm healed! I'm going to get up."
While I stood in dumb-founded amazement, he dressed, went outside and began hoeing weeds in the garden. Suddenly he again began to shout at the top of his voice, as he ran around the house in an incoherent fashion. Then rushing in to me, he threw his arms around me saying so sweetly, "Oh, Mama, I'm saved! Aren't you glad I'm saved?"
Later that day as God led him to pray (exposed to the neighborhood right on our porch) he was filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and prophesying to the neighbors who, out of curiosity, had gathered in our home to see what was taking place.
While hoeing in the garden he had such a tremendous experience of seeing Jesus standing before him in light form, then entering into him overwhelming him completely within and without. Later, after things quieted down, I saw him gazing in a mirror in order to see if he could see Jesus reflected in his own face. 2 Cor. 3:18
In my own self-righteousness, I, whom had thought I was so far ahead of the unbelieving world, (holding out very little hope for them) saw my own unbelieving husband, saved, healed, filled with the spirit, and receive the revelation of the indwelling Christ by the sovereign power of God. Within a matter of minutes my suppositions that one must repent, believe, pray through, endure and prove themselves faithful before experiencing salvation, had been disproved. My mind began to be filled with doubtings and questionings. Could I be mistaken? Had I falsely presented the gospel, basing salvation on works instead of the grace of God? In one day God had reached out to my husband, whom I thought so far behind spiritually, and placed him ahead of me in spiritual knowledge and experience of our Lord and Savior. Oh Glory! I have had to move at a rapid, rapid pace since that time in order to keep abreast of the move of God.
A few days later I heard my husband praying for his deceased father. Surely he should not be praying for his father who also was an atheist. According to my teaching his destiny was sealed, therefore, I had supposed there was no hope for his soul. However, I was afraid to stop him as he was under such an intense burden of prayer. I began praying that God would lift the burden by blotting out the memory of his father. Is this not what we are taught, that in heaven God will remove the memory of our unsaved loved ones from our minds? Otherwise, how could we ever be happy in heaven thinking of our father, mother, brother, sister, or one of our own dear children suffering in the torment of hell forever?
After a while my husband came in the house, his face shining with the radiance of God. He said, "I've been praying for my father." I interrupted, "Oh, Honey, don't you know that you cannot pray for anyone after they are dead?" He replied, "I had to pray for my father; I could not bear to think that he was lost. I had to tell God how honest my father was, and how good he was to everyone, and oh, how much I loved him! And God answered me too!" In amazed unbelief I asked, "He did? What did He say?" And my husband, looking at me in calm assurance replied, God said," MY LOVE IS GREATER THAN YOUR LOVE! And if Gods love is greater than my love, I know my father is in good hands!" From that hour he never worried about the welfare of his father anymore. How this shook me! Could there possibly be hope for the unsaved after death?
(continued in next blog)