
I have spent more time in prayer lately than at any time in my life, thus the reason for so few blogs of late. Truly in my walk, which with all honesty becomes so very painful at times, I couldn't make it with out a great deal of time spent laying on the Father's breast. The other day I was so worn and tattered that it seemed, I had only laid out a handful of prayerful petitions all day long. As night came on, I felt quite worthless and as if I had wasted a whole day. I was downtrodden, as I thought my life has increasingly become just as the barest of existence. Then with wonderful sweet tenderness my Lord spoke to me that if a day's produce consisted of just one solitary well appointed prayer, that day was considered rich in accomplishment and gain within His Kingdom. I then wept, wondrously contemplating how good is this Lord of ours. Truly I am leaning little by little that His burden is light and His work is love.
It seems the ways of the world and traditions of the organized church die a hard death. These two realms, are tied to the "cosmos", which is the universal system, and they push hard on man toward works and unceasing activity. Surely, all of the forms of the bane of incessant production and work are tied to Adam's curse.
"By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return." Gen 3:19
I would like to think that as we come close to our complete transformation ........ our metamorphosis ......... our glorification, that this curse might loose it's hold on us. Should the world economies falter further where man had no work, will God's son's be enabled to walk out of and away from "Adam's sweat of your brow curse"? Can God's elect find sustenance and provision by doing only the works of the Father as did our older brother Jesus? Will a days work for a son or daughter of the Highest sometimes consist of a few well appointed prayers? Might another day's activity be made up solely of sweet fellowship with the gathering of family and friends with Jesus in the midst? Maybe even just a long country walk with one's Lover and Bridegroom might fill the bill, for a day well spent.? I can't answer all those questions, but there is something in my heart that says, very soon the sons of God are going to see their life's work change and instead of sweat dripping from their brow they will walk ever with their LORD God in the garden, in the cool of the day."
As usual I set out to write something entirely different and had no inkling to share that above. It felt good, so maybe there is something there. I know Eliyah and I once shared a short exchange on the curse soon being reversed. Anyway I wanted to write a short introduction to a message by Bob Torango that I copied from a forum discussion we are enjoying.
Within this excerpted message Robert explains why physical death came to man by way of Adam. In truth the way he writes it, physical death is a merciful act relieving man of having to exist in an "eternal state of contradiction, having a corrupted nature along with a state of immortality."
This short anointed message is about as clear as I have seen written on death, resurrection and the manifestation of the sons of God. I pray you find new understanding and hope in these words. May they also add encouragement to my earlier spontaneous message as we leave the curses of Adam behind and our corruption in the dust.
It seems the ways of the world and traditions of the organized church die a hard death. These two realms, are tied to the "cosmos", which is the universal system, and they push hard on man toward works and unceasing activity. Surely, all of the forms of the bane of incessant production and work are tied to Adam's curse.
"By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return." Gen 3:19
I would like to think that as we come close to our complete transformation ........ our metamorphosis ......... our glorification, that this curse might loose it's hold on us. Should the world economies falter further where man had no work, will God's son's be enabled to walk out of and away from "Adam's sweat of your brow curse"? Can God's elect find sustenance and provision by doing only the works of the Father as did our older brother Jesus? Will a days work for a son or daughter of the Highest sometimes consist of a few well appointed prayers? Might another day's activity be made up solely of sweet fellowship with the gathering of family and friends with Jesus in the midst? Maybe even just a long country walk with one's Lover and Bridegroom might fill the bill, for a day well spent.? I can't answer all those questions, but there is something in my heart that says, very soon the sons of God are going to see their life's work change and instead of sweat dripping from their brow they will walk ever with their LORD God in the garden, in the cool of the day."
As usual I set out to write something entirely different and had no inkling to share that above. It felt good, so maybe there is something there. I know Eliyah and I once shared a short exchange on the curse soon being reversed. Anyway I wanted to write a short introduction to a message by Bob Torango that I copied from a forum discussion we are enjoying.
Within this excerpted message Robert explains why physical death came to man by way of Adam. In truth the way he writes it, physical death is a merciful act relieving man of having to exist in an "eternal state of contradiction, having a corrupted nature along with a state of immortality."
This short anointed message is about as clear as I have seen written on death, resurrection and the manifestation of the sons of God. I pray you find new understanding and hope in these words. May they also add encouragement to my earlier spontaneous message as we leave the curses of Adam behind and our corruption in the dust.
I can only believe that more and more of His Life, Light and Glory is being realized with each passing hour as we walk into the dawn of the never ending Day of Lord.
Some think that we have no need to expect a further salvation, as they believe it has all been accomplished at the cross, and now we have nothing else to experience except that which has been done in Christ Jesus Himself. I, however, believe that the journey is far from over! This is only the beginning of the wonders of Christ yet to be made known to this present age. I see this eonian unfolding of God's purpose and will for mankind as an ongoing, progressive unveiling of the riches of Christ, which have been secured for us in Christ and will now be made available to those that He is forming as a First Fruit company of heirs of His glory. In them, the nature and character of Christ will be fully developed to be the First Expressions of His manifest Self, which will then be presented in stages, (trumpet blasts), to the rest of the world. But, it must begin in us, before it can be manifest to the rest of mankind. We are involved in an ongoing relationship experience with our Father that includes that which WAS, that which IS and that which IS TO COME. As heirs apparent of such an awesome commission, it is incumbent upon us to have the spirit reveal to us what HAS been done in Christ, what IS being done in our being and what is TO BE DONE in the world. Ultimately, we must know that our destiny in Christ is to be put on open display to the world, fully perfected in Christ, a Corporate Man of the Christ essence, which will bring an end to the remaining vestiges of sin and death.
This is why I think it is important to see the ongoing process of being "made whole" by the metamorphosis of life swallowing up death. I used to think this would happen in the future, in heaven, but I now see this happening here and now, in a people first, as the evidence to the world that the vivifying, resurrection life of Christ was not just a singular event for Him only, but will now be seen and witnessed in many sons, raised into that same glory, while in this body. I think we truly need to be awakened to what is happening in us at this point in history, as the veil of fleshly understanding is being rent and we are being ushered into the most holy place of the temple of God, which we are .........
Personally, I believe Adam brought BOTH a spiritual death and a physical death to the human race. When the scripture states, "In the day you eat, you shall surely die", the DAY it is speaking of is Adam's life in the garden and the death it is speaking of is separation from God. Prior to the act of sin, Adam walked in the garden with God, in relationship with Him, but this face to face relationship was severed when Adam sinned, which was indeed a "set up", since there is no OOPS in God. Adam was meant to eat of the fruit of good and evil, in order to continue the journey of redemption, which was in the works all along. Physical death is a natural result, or side effect, of spiritual sin. God numbered the days of man, since corruption was now at work in the being of man. If Adam had eaten of the Tree of Life, he would have been in an eternal state of contradiction, having a corrupted nature along with a state of immortality. So, it was the grace of God which drove the man from the garden to continue the process of rearranging mankind's makeup, both spirit, soul AND body. Scientists tell us that man is supposed to live forever, but in the genetic DNA of our cells, there is a time in the aging process where a "death sentence" is written, which causes the cells to start to die, whereas before that time period the cells have the ability to grow and develop endlessly. It is called a genetic death switch and it corresponds with the numbering of the years of a human's life.
Jesus became the Pattern Son for us, in that He overcame not only sin, but death AND the grave. In so doing, He finished the work of conciliation, which went into immediate affect at His resurrection, but He also set a precedent for a glorification for the natural body, but this was not to be brought into activation until there was a generation of believers that were found "incorruptible", which would then qualify them for an immortal, glorified body. I do not see this as something that happens at some future millennium, as I believe this is the Day of the Lord, the appointed time for believers to experience the Feast of Tabernacles, which, again, I do not believe points to some way off time in heaven, but it is a spiritual Feast that represents God filling His house with His Life and Glory. In I Cor, 15 we find Paul discussing with us a "mystery" in the Greek, a Sacred Secret. Obviously, this was something that Paul wanted us to ponder and seek out a truth that was not "obvious", but a truth that one had to look beyond the obvious to find. Origen, the great Early Church Father, believed that the scriptures had 3 levels of truth in them, not the King James Version, but the original scriptures. These three levels he viewed as the same makeup as our own being, a Body, as Soul and a Spirit. The first, most obvious truth of the scriptures was to take them at face value, reading the scriptures like anyone would read a book, what you see is what you get. This was the Body of the scriptures. However, there was, in the same verses, a deeper truth that was below the obvious, surface level. This was the Soul of the scriptures. Thirdly, there was a level of understanding regarding the same scriptures that was "perfect truth", the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of scripture. In this particular verse, Paul is speaking to us from the "musterion", the Sacred Secret of the Spirit of the Word, which would speak to those with ears to hear of a greater understanding regarding this subject of incorruptibility and immortality.
1 Cor 15:51-57
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory KJV
I know we all think we have thoroughly read this particular piece of scripture, but I would urge you to read it again, but this time expecting to see the 3rd level of understanding in it. In verse 51, the term sleep would be concerning a "physical death" which is the term Jesus used concerning the state of Lazarus. The word, "change" would be something much more relevant to us than a change that takes place at 30,000 feet in the Rapture, but it would behoove us to see this change as one that happens from the inside out, not made accessible to prior generations, but in this, the REGENERATION of the Son of God, it is an event that takes place in the Temple of God, which is you! The CHANGE is what we must focus on here, as it is not actually referring to a physical immortality but an incorruptible nature. This is the experience of METAMORPHOSIS that we are to be involved in, a "metamorphoo" of a swallowing up of death by a LIFE that is able to free us from the God-ordained death that is the side effect of sin. Again, Christ has not only disannulled the covenant we had with death, He has broken our agreement with hell through His life, death and resurrection.
Many folks today think physical immortality is what this change is all about, but if you notice in your King James bible, there is only one true emphasis in verse 53, when Paul uses the word "must" which is a proactive term, one of action, and this has to do with the change from corruptible to Incorruptibility. The second part of this verse is an automatic result of the first and only "action" of change, which is evidenced by the fact that even the King James translators have left the second "must" in italics, their way of letting us know that particular word was not included in the Greek translation. So, physical immortality is not something we pray for and seek after, but it is one of those wonderful "automatics" of God's process of metamorphosis concerning our becoming WHOLE. For me, this is an action of life overcoming death, and is not to be put off into the future but is to be entered into right now. If we will allow ourselves to be judged now, purified now, instructed and reproved now, in this life, then in the eons to come there will be no further judgments necessary. It is appointed unto man once to die, then the judgment. Again, if we think of death only having to do with the grave, then this would mean this death would be the grave, but for me, this "dying" would signify for some the grave, but for others it would be an appointment of having Christ separate us from our carnal ways and change us by His instructive judgment into a greater WHOLENESS of our being. II Cor 5 1-4 speaks directly to this.
2 Cor 5:1-4
5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. KJV
Notice, once again, the emphasis is not on a futuristic event, but "we that are in this tabernacle", those that are living in their physical tabernacle, do groan to be "clothed upon", an inside out action of metamorphosis.
There is much more that could be written on this, but this is, to me, the greater salvation that is the direct consequence and action of the past fact of the great conciliation in Christ, in God. I always enjoy reading the viewpoints of other, and I do know there are many others that do not see this the same way as myself, but if we are careful not to box God into our past theological confinements and let Him teach us the deeper levels of understanding regarding His plan of the ages and for all generations of mankind, then we can continue to diligently and correctly apply the scriptures not only to past generations, but for our present generation. For the scriptures do point to a "chosen generation" that will be the "firstfruits" to experience God through a celebration of God tabernacling with them, filling them with Light and Glory.
Robert D Torango
(I took the liberty of adding
subtitles to Torango's message
as they were extracted from
a flowing forum discussion)
Some think that we have no need to expect a further salvation, as they believe it has all been accomplished at the cross, and now we have nothing else to experience except that which has been done in Christ Jesus Himself. I, however, believe that the journey is far from over! This is only the beginning of the wonders of Christ yet to be made known to this present age. I see this eonian unfolding of God's purpose and will for mankind as an ongoing, progressive unveiling of the riches of Christ, which have been secured for us in Christ and will now be made available to those that He is forming as a First Fruit company of heirs of His glory. In them, the nature and character of Christ will be fully developed to be the First Expressions of His manifest Self, which will then be presented in stages, (trumpet blasts), to the rest of the world. But, it must begin in us, before it can be manifest to the rest of mankind. We are involved in an ongoing relationship experience with our Father that includes that which WAS, that which IS and that which IS TO COME. As heirs apparent of such an awesome commission, it is incumbent upon us to have the spirit reveal to us what HAS been done in Christ, what IS being done in our being and what is TO BE DONE in the world. Ultimately, we must know that our destiny in Christ is to be put on open display to the world, fully perfected in Christ, a Corporate Man of the Christ essence, which will bring an end to the remaining vestiges of sin and death.
This is why I think it is important to see the ongoing process of being "made whole" by the metamorphosis of life swallowing up death. I used to think this would happen in the future, in heaven, but I now see this happening here and now, in a people first, as the evidence to the world that the vivifying, resurrection life of Christ was not just a singular event for Him only, but will now be seen and witnessed in many sons, raised into that same glory, while in this body. I think we truly need to be awakened to what is happening in us at this point in history, as the veil of fleshly understanding is being rent and we are being ushered into the most holy place of the temple of God, which we are .........
Personally, I believe Adam brought BOTH a spiritual death and a physical death to the human race. When the scripture states, "In the day you eat, you shall surely die", the DAY it is speaking of is Adam's life in the garden and the death it is speaking of is separation from God. Prior to the act of sin, Adam walked in the garden with God, in relationship with Him, but this face to face relationship was severed when Adam sinned, which was indeed a "set up", since there is no OOPS in God. Adam was meant to eat of the fruit of good and evil, in order to continue the journey of redemption, which was in the works all along. Physical death is a natural result, or side effect, of spiritual sin. God numbered the days of man, since corruption was now at work in the being of man. If Adam had eaten of the Tree of Life, he would have been in an eternal state of contradiction, having a corrupted nature along with a state of immortality. So, it was the grace of God which drove the man from the garden to continue the process of rearranging mankind's makeup, both spirit, soul AND body. Scientists tell us that man is supposed to live forever, but in the genetic DNA of our cells, there is a time in the aging process where a "death sentence" is written, which causes the cells to start to die, whereas before that time period the cells have the ability to grow and develop endlessly. It is called a genetic death switch and it corresponds with the numbering of the years of a human's life.
Jesus became the Pattern Son for us, in that He overcame not only sin, but death AND the grave. In so doing, He finished the work of conciliation, which went into immediate affect at His resurrection, but He also set a precedent for a glorification for the natural body, but this was not to be brought into activation until there was a generation of believers that were found "incorruptible", which would then qualify them for an immortal, glorified body. I do not see this as something that happens at some future millennium, as I believe this is the Day of the Lord, the appointed time for believers to experience the Feast of Tabernacles, which, again, I do not believe points to some way off time in heaven, but it is a spiritual Feast that represents God filling His house with His Life and Glory. In I Cor, 15 we find Paul discussing with us a "mystery" in the Greek, a Sacred Secret. Obviously, this was something that Paul wanted us to ponder and seek out a truth that was not "obvious", but a truth that one had to look beyond the obvious to find. Origen, the great Early Church Father, believed that the scriptures had 3 levels of truth in them, not the King James Version, but the original scriptures. These three levels he viewed as the same makeup as our own being, a Body, as Soul and a Spirit. The first, most obvious truth of the scriptures was to take them at face value, reading the scriptures like anyone would read a book, what you see is what you get. This was the Body of the scriptures. However, there was, in the same verses, a deeper truth that was below the obvious, surface level. This was the Soul of the scriptures. Thirdly, there was a level of understanding regarding the same scriptures that was "perfect truth", the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of scripture. In this particular verse, Paul is speaking to us from the "musterion", the Sacred Secret of the Spirit of the Word, which would speak to those with ears to hear of a greater understanding regarding this subject of incorruptibility and immortality.
1 Cor 15:51-57
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory KJV
I know we all think we have thoroughly read this particular piece of scripture, but I would urge you to read it again, but this time expecting to see the 3rd level of understanding in it. In verse 51, the term sleep would be concerning a "physical death" which is the term Jesus used concerning the state of Lazarus. The word, "change" would be something much more relevant to us than a change that takes place at 30,000 feet in the Rapture, but it would behoove us to see this change as one that happens from the inside out, not made accessible to prior generations, but in this, the REGENERATION of the Son of God, it is an event that takes place in the Temple of God, which is you! The CHANGE is what we must focus on here, as it is not actually referring to a physical immortality but an incorruptible nature. This is the experience of METAMORPHOSIS that we are to be involved in, a "metamorphoo" of a swallowing up of death by a LIFE that is able to free us from the God-ordained death that is the side effect of sin. Again, Christ has not only disannulled the covenant we had with death, He has broken our agreement with hell through His life, death and resurrection.
Many folks today think physical immortality is what this change is all about, but if you notice in your King James bible, there is only one true emphasis in verse 53, when Paul uses the word "must" which is a proactive term, one of action, and this has to do with the change from corruptible to Incorruptibility. The second part of this verse is an automatic result of the first and only "action" of change, which is evidenced by the fact that even the King James translators have left the second "must" in italics, their way of letting us know that particular word was not included in the Greek translation. So, physical immortality is not something we pray for and seek after, but it is one of those wonderful "automatics" of God's process of metamorphosis concerning our becoming WHOLE. For me, this is an action of life overcoming death, and is not to be put off into the future but is to be entered into right now. If we will allow ourselves to be judged now, purified now, instructed and reproved now, in this life, then in the eons to come there will be no further judgments necessary. It is appointed unto man once to die, then the judgment. Again, if we think of death only having to do with the grave, then this would mean this death would be the grave, but for me, this "dying" would signify for some the grave, but for others it would be an appointment of having Christ separate us from our carnal ways and change us by His instructive judgment into a greater WHOLENESS of our being. II Cor 5 1-4 speaks directly to this.
2 Cor 5:1-4
5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. KJV
Notice, once again, the emphasis is not on a futuristic event, but "we that are in this tabernacle", those that are living in their physical tabernacle, do groan to be "clothed upon", an inside out action of metamorphosis.
There is much more that could be written on this, but this is, to me, the greater salvation that is the direct consequence and action of the past fact of the great conciliation in Christ, in God. I always enjoy reading the viewpoints of other, and I do know there are many others that do not see this the same way as myself, but if we are careful not to box God into our past theological confinements and let Him teach us the deeper levels of understanding regarding His plan of the ages and for all generations of mankind, then we can continue to diligently and correctly apply the scriptures not only to past generations, but for our present generation. For the scriptures do point to a "chosen generation" that will be the "firstfruits" to experience God through a celebration of God tabernacling with them, filling them with Light and Glory.
Robert D Torango
(I took the liberty of adding
subtitles to Torango's message
as they were extracted from
a flowing forum discussion)