Madame Guyon
I sense the mind of Christ when I find myself being disturbed by the term “balance” when used to speak of the things in the Kingdom. It is like saying neutral grey is good, when Truth is always painted in black and white. And I can’t settle for partiality either, when the "Alpha and Omega" are the measure of Christ. Furthermore, the "nought and the all", even fall short in describing the infinite wholeness of God. For He is truly the Immeasurable One.
I’ll tell ya, the carnal soul of man loves ambiguity and confusion thus the "black and white" and the "nought and all", can never be accepted as characteristic of God and His Kingdom.
However, for you, man and woman of God, allow me to share, that a number of years ago my Lord began to have me measure Truth with a few rules in mind. First, everything in the Kingdom, is encapsulated in the "nought and the all", which be the boundaries of God in creation. Secondly, everything in creation is also moving toward the "One", which be the Glory of Christ. Lastly, His Spirit always has me choose the simplest of concepts, because Truth is not complex nor confusing when viewed through a Jesus focused, single eye. With regard to the person of God, I will choose one over three any day.
It seems, I always find myself sharing on one forum or another and I have noticed that those that build their theology, primarily with carnal reason and intellect, always slip up somewhere, in their message. It may be just a sentence, or even a phrase, hidden in the midst of unending paragraphs of confusion and falsity, but it will always be there. The hidden truth will somehow find it’s way into the mixture. This often makes for a great invitation to show the prideful intellectual, the hypocrisy within their view. I don’t know why God does the following with me. Normaly, I quickly peruse written material that lacks anointing. And I will see the hypocrisy and then spy the hidden mention of Truth in the unsavory mix. God has given me this gift and I am so grateful for it, as it saves much time and even frustration. Thank you, Lord!
This below is a forum response to an intellectually bent trinitarian that slipped up, when writing of the atonement and the cross. In the mix of his silver dollar words and lofty ideas, this vain philosopher inserted the phrase, “the whole fullness of the Deity is the one doing.” Is that not a great invitation when spouted by an orthodox trinitarian churchman. I certainly thought so. You must understand a trinitarian distinctly divides Deity into three instead of seeing God as one. We, who have learned to be still in prayer, should know the Father is Jesus outside the eons, while Father is Jesus in the world. Once someone has this revealed to them, things become much simpler and all Truth starts moving toward the One. Conversely, those with a trinity view, are ever in the division mode and this precipitates even a greater division between God and man. Allow me to share once again the progression, in this neat little poem. We move from divided to One. Think of atonement as, "at one ment."
How strange it should be,
That we who seemed four,
Are now become Three.
And We Who are Three
Are yet become One,
Father, Spirit and Sons in the Son.
My reply is below and hopefully you can see that which I am conveying. Lord willing, I will do better in a future blog, as the Lord reveals more and when I have time to embellish and clarify the thought, “GOD GAVE HIS VERY ABSOLUTE ALL AT CALVARY.” To lend some aid in your understanding, take note that we are discussing the topic of “abandonment” conveyed in these most sacred of scriptures, quoted just below. May Our Dear Father give you the heart and mind to comprehend a measure of the cost of ALL, that He gave through His Precious Son, Christ Jesus. Oh, to think of how dark it must have been that ninth hour, when God spoke of abandoning His own self, before He died a very human death. I weep now, as I recollect, He carried all my despair and all of yours, for they were surely His very own. Oh my, I am completely undone in the telling of it! There is a God that so knows and understands our infirmities, because they are His. Who has such a God? Who knows such a God. I am so smitten, because you and I, dear reader, can answer, “WE DO!”
Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Mat 27:45,46
In a long post, my trinitarian friend slipped out of his theology by using the phrase, "the whole fullness of the deity is the one doing". He was speaking of the "the crucifixtion" and in trying to make his point that the Father never abandoned His Son. He had to resort to using such a phrase which is at complete odds with the orthodox trinity view. His phrase makes Christ and Father one. I will emphasize that point and even share, because Jesus and the Father are one, God abandoned all of Himself for our sake. He completly, without measure, gave of Himself, to us that He would, at the fullness of the ages, be All in All that we are made up of. This is the full-fill-ment our souls groan for.
Yes, "the whole fullness of the deity is the one doing" Amen!Thus, the the fullness of the Father, in Christ, suffered the cross. I tell ya, this "Christ and Cross" is veiled in much mystery! The intellect can never discern it, as only the "heart" can know it ....... that is, the indwelling heart of the Father and the inward mind of Christ. The fullness of God even rests within us. We just haven't realized it yet.
For so it was ordained between God and man from all eternity, that Man should be God, and God, Man, neither without the other; that is, as God Himself is, and will be, the Paradise, garden, tabernacle, mansion, house, temple, and Jerusalem of man, so also was Man created for the same end, that he should be the Paradise, garden, tabernacle, mansion, house, temple, and Jerusalem of God; that by this mutual union and friendship of God with Man, and of Man with God, all the wisdom, power, virtue and glory eternally hidden in God should be opened and multiplied. For, God once made all things for Man, but Man for Himself.
Valentine Weigelius.
I love that by Weigelius and I have shared it often, illustrating the glory, God has invested in man. My friend, allow me to share with you also, another favorite quote that often strikes the ire of those who believe that intellect and reason can open the mysteries of the Kingdom.
"Reason should not undertake to comprehend the last destructions; they are ordained expressly to destroy our reason." Fenelon
Let it be known, Jesus only spoke that, which He heard of the Father. Only by Jesus speaking to, through, and by the Father and vice versa, could we ever see the great truths of the Kingdom, where all is being made ONE.
"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works." Jn 14:10
Surely the Father's words through Christ, speaking of "abandonment" was the language of the last destructions. How can reason measure such Love, that God would abandon Himself for our sake, Selah! On that rugged blood stained cross, did we not witness the very end of God Himself and His love toward man. He gave to us, all of Himself. Oh, how this magnificent God of ours stooped in servitude, even to becoming nothing to Himself, that we might be entreated with His very All. Yes, the Father in Christ Jesus gave His all for the very purpose Weigelius stated, "that Man should be God, and God, Man, neither without the other." This unreasonable God of ours, is truly made up of the Nought as well as the All ! Who can comprehend such, save the mind of Christ and the heart of God, which are one and the same.
Lord, grant us each, such abandonment that we might experience the NOUGHT of You, to know the ALL of You that we might be ONE.