"Rush Into the Ark!" There it was, the four short words, making up the title of his latest grand expose. The author, who is a whirl wind of activity, gave clue to why his concocted message was of an unsavoury mixture. He had never learned the lesson that God never rushes and thus when we are truly called to follow Him, we will mostly certainly slow down. Believe me, God knows how to slow down ..... even stop. And one thing else, you don't rush into the ark, He carries you. For the best effort can never be ours.
Dear reader are you feeling harried and rushed today. A little time of silence, sitting at the Master's feet may be in order. Try it and see if things don't slow down in the rest of your day. He might even carry you.
"The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord," reads Psalm 37:23.
On the margin of his Bible at this verse George Mueller had a notation, "And the stops also." It is a sad mistake for men to break through God's hedges. It is a vital principle of guidance for a Christian never to move out of the place in which he is sure God has placed him, until the Pillar of Cloud moves.--
Must life be a failure for one compelled to stand still in enforced inaction and see the great throbbing tides of life go by? No; victory is then to be gotten by standing still, by quiet waiting. It is a thousand times harder to do this than it was in the active days to rush on in the columns of stirring life. It requires a grander heroism to stand and wait and not lose heart and not lose hope, to submit to the will of God, to give up work and honors to others, to be quiet, confident and rejoicing, while the happy, busy multitude go on and away. It is the grandest life "having done all, to stand."--J. R. Miller