Oh, how this temporal world entices the souls of men, in their forgetfulness of their origins in Christ. We each, have been lowered from our first estate in God, that we might be humbled by the disorder of this world. The forgetful man, not knowing God, becomes as a stranded sailor holding to the remnants of his sinking ship. So it is given to man, this world of corruption, with the respite of a bit of heaven sowed into it. It is given to teach each of us in this world, the opposites of Father God's enduring substance which is our real and ever enduring substance. Of no greater place, than in our facing down of the shadow of death do we find the greater substance of Father's life, through Christ Jesus. Father, help us all to realize our physical death is but only a shadow of the greater spiritual death that is put away upon our remembrance of our Saviour and Lord, Christ Jesus, God's Lamb slain even before the foundations.

Our life's journey can be likened to that of the prodigal son that goes through his substance only to measure the greater substance of his original estate, kept in waiting by the love of his father. So it is today, that our good friend and dear sister, Joian, sees more clearly her original estate, found in a Father's love for His child. Joian has been through a tremendous trial this last week as she has come face to face with death's shadow. How wonderful it was this morning, to read her victorious words as recorded in a short message to a friend on Facebook.

"Life is a circle of repeating, but each circle spirals upward ever closer to Him who we love.....the Lord has said this is not unto death at this time so, I will go on. But departing this world is no longer a fear of mine.......and so stay or go I am his.....I am remarkably well, more deeply touched by God's presence through the love poured out by others than I ever thought possible.....dumbfounded really! I will not be doing chemotherapy as the Lord has directed in the most amazing way to assure me he is taken me gently though this ......"

Dear reader, you can view something of Joian's recent experience in the "Prayer & Praise" section on our blog sidebar. We also pray, you have the realization that in the face of Jesus, which is the very countenance of Eternity's Love, our physical death loses it's sting. Father's gift to us of the fullness of His eternal estate, through Christ Jesus, is far beyond even our greatest imagination. The wonders of His infinite Love, do we enjoy even today.


Ps. We continue to lift Joian and her beautiful family up in prayer. May God's restful peace, through Christ Jesus, flow into their lives with greater measure with each passing day.