But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:23,24
About a year ago the Lord had me spend a number of weeks researching a movement in the organized church before He sent me amongst them to share truth. The movement of which I refer is what is known as the "restoration of the apostles and prophets" and it is but the last in a series of restorative movements conceived by those holding tight to the traditions of men and the teachings of today's orthodox church. Recognizing the failures and weakness of the traditional church, those beholden to the system, for what seems like decades now have been prophesying and teaching that the power and ways of first century church is going to be restored to it's original glory. According to these promoters, following the restoration of pastors, teachers and evangelists, the next and last offices to be restored is to be, the positions of "the apostle and the prophet."
Folks, God is not performing a "do over" now nor will He later. Instead He is gloriously moving forward to new heights and leading a faithful remnant from the "wilderness church age" into the age of the "mature son and the first fruits of His great harvest." The mature son leaves the mother or the church realm of tutors and sitters to learn how to walk in the ways and words of the Father. This is part of our growing up into the very image of the "Pattern Son" Jesus Christ, who left his mother to be about His Father's business.
At age twelve, Jesus went to Jerusalem with his parents for the Passover. Instead of departing with them to Nazareth, He stayed behind talking with the teachers in the temple. When they found Him, He responded to His mother's question saying: "Why is it that you sought Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business" (Lk. 2:49)
Brother Preston Eby describes the time we are living in with regard to these self proclaimed prophets and apostles with their self promoting schemes."We are living in an hour of great deception, and the land is full of self-proclaimed apostles and prophets who will tell you that only their ministry, or their revelation, or their church, or their movement can bring you to perfection, immortality, and sonship."
....... I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD. Jer.23:32
In my last message I quoted a few writings of Brother Hotchkiss and the one thing that always stands out about this old saint of God is that he desires only to point others to Jesus and that they be led by the Holy Spirit and the "mind of Christ." As part of his touching epitaph and possible farewell, our dear brother writes this:
We share our brother's desire. I can say with a certainty Joian and myself, as we write on this blog, it is but for the sole purpose to challenge our family, friends and readers to leave the dominion of man, learn of the Father and be led by the unction of the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ. There is certainly never a desire to gather unto ourselves but instead an overwhelming care to point all to our Father and His Son Jesus. We know that we are entering the age where we are to come out of the representative institutions of man and go to the very Source. It is time to be still and learn the voice of the Father. If we surrender and commit all we have to His care He is faithful to keep it against that day.
........I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. 2Ti 1:12-14
I have shared this as an introductory to a few prophetic messages (below) that are pretty much part and parcel for the current state of affairs, where man lifts up and looks to these self appointed prophets for a word in this perplexing and perilous time. These messages have been published by well known figures in the church today. While one points to "wrath and judgement" come to America the other speaks of prosperity and blessing arriving soon in the United States.
I can only say, "start letting the Father build that Ark which be Christ within you and you will find His immeasurable peace and love no matter what events unfold in this vaporous and passing world." Soon, I hope to share with you what the Lord has been speaking to me in prayer about "our Ark" as typed in the Old Testament when the world was evil and Noah in obedience, harkened to God to the saving of himself and his family. How often of late, Joian and I have spoken over the phone of "the building of His Arc within" that our children and those that we love might find safety and hope in today's perilous and evil world.
By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Hbr 11:7
Here are two prophetic messages taken from Dr. Stephen Jones' web site this month. Dr. Jones is a respected writer and historian, but I believe one who has of late gotten off the narrow path a bit with much projecting of events accompanied by the setting of dates. This practice almost always entails a combination of errors that in the past has previously discredited many men of God and even destroyed their ministries.
Dr. Jones' Entry from 07/23/2007
A Short History of Executive Orders
We are now transitioning from martial rule back to martial law. The president is beginning to conduct his presidency exactly the same as Lincoln did during wartime. Executive orders have the same effect as laws passed by Congress prior to the Civil War. However, the effect of the Executive Order is immediate and without debate. They cannot be overruled by Congress and/or the Supreme Court. Constitutional checks and balanced cease to exist.
Where will this all lead? I believe it will result in an overt Emperor-Presidency. Bush and his Busheviks may decide to stay in power and call off the 2008 election with the ongoing war as an excuse. It might become too risky in his mind to risk a transfer of government in this time of international crisis.
All it would take would be another "black flag" terrorist attack or two, coupled with a nuclear event somewhere in the world to justify this scenario. Chertoff, the Director of Homeland "Security" (snicker, snicker) already had a "gut feeling" that something is afoul on the domestic front. The fact that he has this gut feeling will be enough to allay criticism and justify more "security" measures when the inevitable takes place. In the past few days Chertoff has trotted out several minions to confirm his suspicions. (It is ironic that Chertoff is the son of a fundamentalist rabbi and was raised as a Zionist with the Cabala as his bible.)
Is any of this possible? . . . Expect it. There are very few Christians that would believe what I've written here. But in true Laodicean tradition, they have not studied the history that backs up everything I've said. . . . Understanding that we are now a democracy and not a republic is foundational. But it is only the starting point.
(the whole of this article can be found at this link)
Dr. Jones' Entry from 07/11/2007
The Eve of Destruction?
"The Middle East today is like Europe on the eve of the Great War of 1914-18. It needs only a spark to set the whole region on fire."
So says a Middle East observer to Patrick Seale, leading British author on the Middle East in an article dated June 22, 2007, How Israel and the United States Aim toward Disaster. It was published by Middle East Online.
There are a number of reports saying that many, if not all, of the Middle East leaders are expecting war this month (July). Certainly, they are making feverish preparations. Iraq's foreign minister, Zebari, who is himself a Kurd from northern Iraq, is quoted as saying to MSNBC News, July 9, that Turkey has amassed 140,000 troops on its border with Iraq to fight the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a group advocating the formation of an independent Kurdistan.
On the same day, July 9, according to DEBKAfile Intelligence, "Damascus called on Syrian civilians to depart Lebanon to avoid 'an eruption' expected next week." BBC News Brief for July 9 also notes that Russia is evacuating its citizens from the Gaza Strip, and that they have reached the Israeli-Jordanian border, expecting to cross into Jordan shortly. Russia is also flying its citizens out of Lebanon. This is normal when a country believes that war is imminent.
Apparently, Hamas and the PLO are also expecting war, because the urgency of the situation has caused them to begin holding covert peace talks in Stockholm, beginning July 8. The talks are sponsored on the two sides by Saudi Arabia and Iran. Hamas is represented by Imad al Alami. He is talking with PLO ambassador in Sweden, Eugine Makhloof. (DEBKAfile, July 9, 2007).
Probably the most ominous sign of all was reported by the Washington Times on July 6 in a weekly column by Bill Gertz, "Inside the Ring": "International radio operators picked up large numbers of coded Air Force communications being sent around the world on June 26 that indicated some type of military activity was about to take place." These messages were said to be "extraordinary" because of the unprecedented length of the messages. Normally, they are only about 30 characters long, but these had up to 174 characters. This phenomenon has not been seen since the First Gulf War in 1991. Because this comes on the heels of a significant U.S. nuclear war exercise, it is making a lot of people nervous.
It makes me wonder if perhaps the huge breach of intelligence, brought about by the capture of intelligence documents on June 19 in Gaza has brought some fear in the hearts of world leaders, causing them to speed up the time table for war. What would be the spark of the war? What would be its consequences? That is hard to say, but it seems to me that President Bush has been baiting the Iranians for a long time, hoping to get them to do something that would give us a plausible excuse to attack them. The simple fact that they are making nuclear fuel does not seem to be enough of an excuse to do more than rattle their sabers as loudly as possible.
Certainly, this is largely due to the fact that Russia would consider an attack on Iran to be an attack upon Russia, and Putin has reportedly told this to Bush in blunt terms. This has no doubt delayed an attack on Iran, but it has also served to raise the stakes. When the war does come, we will find ourselves against Russia. Hopefully, such a scenario would involve only a proxy war, with each side supporting the opposite sides. But these things have a way of getting out of hand, as we saw in World War One.
Reports are saying that these nations are preparing for (or even expecting) war as early as next week--that is, by July 15. Such reports in the past have often proven to be exaggerated. IF this were to happen, I would see the timing of such a war in the light of the spiritual warfare that we did July of 2001. We have been seeing in 2007 an emergence into the world of the many spiritual battles that we did back in 2001.
In fact, on July 11, 2001 the spiritual battles suddenly exploded into what we called "world war" when we perceived a spiritual attack upon America itself. Of course, these heavenly battles are not detected by the vast majority of the people, nor do most people have any understanding how these wars set patterns for earthly events afterward. In fact, it is difficult to discern the time factors as to when these things begin to emerge into the earth.
We did take note back in 2001 that there was an old revelation, "July is like September," and hence, we expected to see some emergence into the world on Sept. 11, 2001. The destruction of the World Trade Center on that date certainly confirmed the view. But since the end of last year we have begun to see a six-year emergence, and I suspect we will also see these spiritual events emerge next year as well on a seven-year cycle.
At this point, all we can do is be watchful. The spiritual warfare in 2001 was completed on July 14, with final details being wrapped up on July 15 and 16. So for months now, we have wondered what might emerge at this particular time. It is by no means certain that we will see a Middle East eruption next week. There are other possibilities for the fulfillment of these things. For instance, because "July is like September," we may see things happen in September as if it were July. Or things may settle down for another year. I simply do not know and can only be watchful of actual events occurring and developing in the world.
I will say, however, that back in 1986 in my vision of the two Gulf Wars, I took note that the purpose and "calling" of the second "bear," which was released on Sept. 11, 2001, is to destroy Jerusalem. The "bear" is a spiritual entity, but also involves Iran, the biblical Persia, which is prophetically pictured as a bear in Daniel 7:5.
Persia is the nation God used to judge ancient Babylon, and I believe God is using Iran for the same reason today. Mystery Babylon has ruled us beyond its time, but has refused to release us (Jer. 50:33). Therefore, God will redeem us (Jer. 50:34) and is using modern Persia in the divine plan.
So even if the world trembles in fear over the prospects of war and destruction, we can remain confident that God has not lost control over His universe. Though the powerful men on earth fancy themselves as the ones shaping history, they are outsmarted by God Himself, who is using them, even as God used Assyria to judge Israel, and Babylon to judge Judah. All is happening according to His laws and His judgments on the earth, and when their purpose is completed, God will then judge them for overstepping the boundaries of His law.
It appears that we are now closer to the resolution of these things, a climax of history, whose ending has been pre-written. The earth is not going to be destroyed with Babylon, and we are not on the eve of destruction. The destruction of war is not for the purpose of destroying those who are in Christ. Its purpose, in fact, is to remove from us the yoke of bondage that was placed upon us in the days of Daniel. The Babylonian succession of world empires will end in God's pre-determined time, and no man can prevent the fall of this great world empire.
So while this is a sobering time, it is not a time for fear, but to look up, for our redemption draws near.
Next is the opposing prophetic message given by a well known and highly acclaimed prophet in the realm of the organized and fallen church. It was also shared this month as was Stephen Jones' two previous messages.
July 14, 2007 Nashville, TN
North Korea is only the beginning of the submission of the nations. China is looking upon this nation now and saying if they are afraid and they are internally divided and can not fulfill what they had said concerning Iraq and the Middle East then we shall surely stand to win against them. Again says the Lord what do I say about this? A leader in the East, in Asia, shall suddenly topple over in the presence of cameras and the network. God says this will be a sign. This must not be taken lightly. During these summer months and before the election I will be exposing certain ones. Three to four nations that I've said before shall follow suit. They say our arms will be laid down. America shall finally win the battle even though you will continually be hated. Hatred says the Spirit of God shall never conclude its action successfully. I have now sent a Word to this nation again and I have done it over and over. I will cause these next few months to be months of great victory and exposure, the secrets of the Lord shall be revealed. I will capture those who have captured. I will terrorize those who have terrorized. I will bring justice over and over and over. America shall be on her knees because of the wind that I am sending that shall cause a cleansing to take place that could never have happened had there not been the sound of victory in the voices of the people as they praised in the midst of fear, in the midst of terror. Rejoice for this year many great breakthroughs will cause My people to say, it has begun it surely has begun. The season has come, it is upon us, and it has begun.
I will open up the heavens send the rain and the wind. Can you hear the sound; can you hear the sound of the wind? I will send the wind to you just like the day of Pentecost. As they were in one accord they heard the sound that came. Hear the sound I'm sending to this nation. I'm sending a sound of triumph, of victory to this nation. I'm sending a sound of victory to your nation. Your accusers have said they will come, the terrorists have said they will come and destroy in the summer months of this nation. Watch me says the Lord, I will protect this nation again. I will reveal and expose where they are hidden, again and again and again. Do you hear the sound of victory for this nation? I can hear the sound of a mighty army. Can you hear the sound? I can hear the sound of a mighty army, tens of thousands of angels. Can you hear the sound?
Your military power shall never die, nor shall it wane but the spiritual militant power has risen above your natural military power. God says because of this I will speed up and accelerate your victory. Hidden in the third cave of the Pakistan border I will sniff out and draw out many of those that have hidden themselves. There will be two deaths in Pakistan; the Spirit of God says it shall cause havoc. I will bring peace to this nation as it has never ever experienced. Do not fear your borders are protected, your schools are protected, your children are protected, your jets are protected, your air space is protected, your seas are protected, your land is protected, My people are protected. For this day the God of the universe hears your praise and sends the fire of God to Pakistan. It is time for the exposure says the Spirit of the Living God. Rejoice America your restoration has begun. Now I will pay back says the Spirit of the Lord for vengeance is mine. I will pay back your enemies by putting you on the top; economically I will drive you back to the highest place as I do what I'm going to do with your energy crisis. You will have the Middle East come to you and say will you share with us what you have discovered.
What is this that I hear, an independent that arises a switch in power? God says listen, righteousness shall prevail in the streets of America and in the White House nothing will be determined without My counsel. They shall plan but ultimately it is I says the Lord that will determine the outcome. There will be a very strange move of My Spirit amongst the children of this nation. Come to me like a little child and I will raise you up. There will be praise in summer. There will be rain in summer. There will be joy in summer. I'll send the rain and the wind. The spirits of men will pray, the spirits of men will rejoice it's the end of a season the beginning of something, everyone's been waiting for. America your greatest hour is upon you.(Clement)
It makes you want to scratch your head ....... doesn't it. Are we in America approaching the "eve of destruction" or a "time of rejoicing and peaceful restoration" ................. who are we to believe?
To tell you the truth, I have no idea and it truly matters little to me, as I am comforted by the thought that I am firmly held in the Father's hands as is also my family and loved ones. I can rest because I know all of the world's events have been purposed and planned in Love even before the foundations of the world were set.
Finally, wanting to end on a positive note, allow me to share a closing word by a fellow named Joe Farrell. I pray it rings true with your spirit as it did with mine.
It has been the desire of man to go back to the glory of the early church, but Paul said of those in his day, "All seek their own and none seek the things of Christ." Why was this so? Do we not see the same in our day? Have we not each one experienced zeal without knowledge? Is it not time to seek the Lord to come in judgment in our own hearts and destroy root and branch of the man of sin in each of us that we might be experientially transformed into the everlasting Kingdom and Love of the Father? Even so come Lord Jesus!
God bless you and may you find a deep comforting rest in Christ and His Inward Kingdom no matter what the coming season,
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Isa 9:6,7