A few weeks ago I was led to start a new blog that the Lord might use to reach those in my community. I truly feel the time is ripe for the message of "Universal Reconciliation" as the saints bound in the organized churches are hungry for this freeing Truth in Christ Jesus. Left and right we see signs that God is tearing down the whorish temples of Babylon and with this we perceive that their is coming a new openness to the "Real Good News of the Gospel of Christ." Hopefully this new blog titled "JACKSON HOLE & CHRIST" will not only be used in my community but also by others that frequent "SONSHINE." For the time being most of "our" material on JH&Christ will be geared toward spreading the message of "God's graceful gift of salvation extended to all men." I say "our" because this is not a work I am capable of doing by myself. I joyfully acknowledging the invaluable sharings of communal gifts by a number of others through financial support, writings, correspondence and most importantly prayer. This can be applied to both our blogs. These are not "I" endeavors but "Christ works" shared by many members that make up His body. God forbid that there should ever the be the elevation of one over another as we move in Him, setting this fallen world free from the bounds of sin, self and Satan.

With that introductory I want to share a photo of the cards we had printed up to give out and place on the many bulletin boards around town. Lastly here is the link to our new site and also a new message by our dear sister Eliyah, which I know you will enjoy.
We hope you will visit and even bookmark JH&Christ, as a place you might possibly send another that is ripe to explore and know Jesus, the Saviour of the World.

In God's Grace,

Jack, Joian, Eliyah, Kai, Mike, Caroline and a number of unnamed others
