Good morning my dear brother(s) and sister(s)!
Well, we are finally taking off.....we have been so busy packing, cleaning, and shopping for groceries and at last we are done. We are packed to the gills as they say....from Zadok's G.I. joe army men to Elisha's 'my little ponies' and all the blankets & pillows and the back is full of groceries and a cooler and the luggage rack has got ONE BIG SUITCASE on top....lol.....but we are all so excited to go and fellowship with other believers and celebrate the Lord's Feast together.
The Feast of Tabernacles is called by many names.....Sukkot, Feast of Boothes, The Feast of Ingathering.....but the one I love the best is THE SEASON OF OUR JOY.
Well, we are finally taking off.....we have been so busy packing, cleaning, and shopping for groceries and at last we are done. We are packed to the gills as they say....from Zadok's G.I. joe army men to Elisha's 'my little ponies' and all the blankets & pillows and the back is full of groceries and a cooler and the luggage rack has got ONE BIG SUITCASE on top....lol.....but we are all so excited to go and fellowship with other believers and celebrate the Lord's Feast together.
The Feast of Tabernacles is called by many names.....Sukkot, Feast of Boothes, The Feast of Ingathering.....but the one I love the best is THE SEASON OF OUR JOY.
I love that the Lord says that He will choose the place where He wants His people to celebrate His feast. The first year He wanted us to celebrate it just with Him alone (how precious and romantic that our first Tabernacles was just with our precious little family and the King of Glory...). Not knowing anything about Tabernacles but just having a heart to obey and please our Lord we set up a tent in the backyard and had a fire pit and every morning we would go outside and fellowship with HIM....and every morning there was DEW on the ground....I was told that this is a beautiful sign that is present during Tabernacles signifying His presence.....and I was delighted to see that it was there for us too.....and His presence was so FELT during this precious time.....and at night the moon was full and we would talk about the Lord, sing, read, make smores, eat, laugh, and we even attempted to sleep out in the tent but MOMMY ended up gettin scared of what might be in the woods....lol....so around midnight we all headed back inside.....lol.....but the Lord even used that to gently show me that I still had fear that He wanted to overcome within me.
Last year was our 2nd Tabernacles and He showed us that He wanted us to go to a beautiful place in Arkansas.....the place where we went was named 'the FACE of God'....I did not know it until I looked up the meaning of the name of the town we were in.....and that is what it meant...whewww.....He surely does know how to pick the place!
We were still just our family and Him....but it was as if we had the whole park/lake to ourselves.....in fact we almost did....and the atmosphere was charged with His beauty, glory, and intimacy. One day we went out on a boat and we had the whole lake to ourselves and Lana 'accidentally' turned on the radio....and it just so happened to be on a Christian station....and the song that was playing was...."I just love you Jesus'....we had rented a party barge that had a upstairs.....so me and the children just danced on top of the boat with hands lifted high in a circle just praising our FATHER and wonderful LORD....right there in the middle of the Lake....and I could sense His pleasure and all the angels around us.....dancing with us..... the sky was shining and His glory was so powerful.....and this is the memory that I have the most about that trip.....for He did this for us....provided the most beautiful trip to meet with Him.
Tabernacles is an appointment.....a HOLY appointment.....and this year He has chosen a place that we are going to be with other believers.....and I rejoice!
Last year was our 2nd Tabernacles and He showed us that He wanted us to go to a beautiful place in Arkansas.....the place where we went was named 'the FACE of God'....I did not know it until I looked up the meaning of the name of the town we were in.....and that is what it meant...whewww.....He surely does know how to pick the place!
We were still just our family and Him....but it was as if we had the whole park/lake to ourselves.....in fact we almost did....and the atmosphere was charged with His beauty, glory, and intimacy. One day we went out on a boat and we had the whole lake to ourselves and Lana 'accidentally' turned on the radio....and it just so happened to be on a Christian station....and the song that was playing was...."I just love you Jesus'....we had rented a party barge that had a upstairs.....so me and the children just danced on top of the boat with hands lifted high in a circle just praising our FATHER and wonderful LORD....right there in the middle of the Lake....and I could sense His pleasure and all the angels around us.....dancing with us..... the sky was shining and His glory was so powerful.....and this is the memory that I have the most about that trip.....for He did this for us....provided the most beautiful trip to meet with Him.
Tabernacles is an appointment.....a HOLY appointment.....and this year He has chosen a place that we are going to be with other believers.....and I rejoice!
.......... The Lord instructs us that during Tabernacles that we are not to EVEN THINK ON ANYTHING NEGATIVE....for it is a season of Joy....and we are told to celebrate and think on HIM.
I pray that your time this week will be soooooo full of HIM and HIS JOY.....no matter where you are....even if it is just right there in your living room.....and I am praying that He will surprise us all with the most wonderful visitation that we can ONLY IMAGINE!
I look forward to sharing with you when we get back....until then, please know that we love you ...... and are keeping you ........ ever before the throne.
All our love,
The Schulz Family
I look forward to sharing with you when we get back....until then, please know that we love you ...... and are keeping you ........ ever before the throne.
All our love,
The Schulz Family
(Parenthesis ....... are
mine that Eliyah's message
be enlarged to equal the
size of her heart)