The only feasts that have yet to be fulfilled, scripturally, are the fall feasts of which the Feast of Tabernacles is one. Undoubtedly, at least to me, the return of the Lord will occur during this time. This return is not going to be the all out rapture, or taking away, as some in the churchianity crowd envision. As they hold their boarding passes for the rapture bus, the true revealing will whizz right on by them, not because the Lord wants it hidden from them, but because their eyes are not able to see the Truth. The return will be revealed in His sons and daughters, His fulness will be revealed, His truth evident in His chosen ones.
Tabernacles always occurs during the same time of the year, the Fall. It never has a set date, simply because it scheduled around the moon phases and not according to the man made Gregorian calendar we all use. Ironically, we also know the season of our Lord’s return, but not the day nor the hour. Fall, to me, is the most glorious time of the year. Cooler weather, longer nights and promenading the landscape is God’s pallet of colors in the trees.
This is also the time of the year when our family goes onto our Tabernacles vacation destination the Lord has picked out for us. I do not like to use the word ‘vacation’ in its worldly sense, because it means much more than that to us. The word vacation includes the root word ‘vacate’ meaning ‘to empty’ or ‘to leave’ which needs to happen in all of us, before a fulfilling can occur. In that sense, when we go on our trips to tabernacle with the Lord, we vacate in order for Him to fill us up. This year, the Lord chose Lake Kentucky to meet with us.
A couple of days into our vacating, I turned on the television to see what the weather channel had to say about the next few days in our area, weatherwise. As I was waiting for local weather on the 8's, the WC gave a brief science lesson on the reasoning behind the changing of the colors during the Fall. All of this would later turn out to become a deep spiritual revelation for me.
Apparently, the reason leaves change their visible garment is due to a chemical reaction that takes place involving water and phosphorous. For most of the year, trees will take up water through the root system and funnel it to the leaves. The water then mixes with the phosphorous in the leaves which we recognize as the color green. In the Fall, the funneling of water to the leaves stops and no chemical reaction occurs. This then causes the leaf’s true color to be revealed. Leaves are naturally different in color from one another. The green we see is only an illusion, a masking if you will.
Digging deeper, the Lord then downloaded a revelation unto me. It is true, that the colors we see in the Fall are the leaves’ true colors. The world sees this change as a dying of the leaf as one witnesses the change in color and the inevitable falling onto the ground that occurs with each leaf. His sons and daughters ought to see this as life, a revealing of truth. For truth is life. If the multitudes of color are true colors then conversely, the green color which the world sees as life, is a charade and the opposite of life. A counterfeit of the truth.
I believe that upon the Lord’s return, we will all see the shedding of masks and a revealing of true colors in all aspects. We will understand that what we once saw as life in many cases was in fact the opposite. What we once understood as death is actually a revealing and the fulfillment of truth. Again, all this is but another confirmation to me that the Lord’s return will occur during the Feast of Tabernacles. When the world admires the splendor of colors and sees it as a dying, then His sons and daughters will see the truth and know that this feast of colors is the revealing and fulfilling of His truth, only to be discerned by His chosen ones at that time.