"The outward symbols disappear
From him whose inward sight is clear;
And small must be the choice of days
To him who fills them all with praise!
"Keep while you need it, brothers mine,
With honest seal your Christmas sign,
But judge not him who every morn
Feels in his heart the Lord Christ born!"
The Christmas holidays for some strange reason have most oft for me, been filled with feelings of melancholy. Oh I tell ya, I suffered some excruciatingly sad ones growing up and maybe it is that which haunts me. And then again, maybe there is a thousand unknown reasons why I have found little joy in the celebratory season. Well, this season has been different, in that I suffer a joy mixed with sorrow and a glory stirred with suffering. Such are the ways I believe, when one has even surrendered his emotions to the Lord. Surely it is His joy and sorrow, glory and suffering that are precious parts and golden parcels for the making of a priest after the likeness of Jesus. There is always the paradox in the Kingdom, so in keeping such my soul wrestles the spirit. The two parts of the inward man grapple dizzily, one mixing it up with the other, often times leaving my awareness in a pleasant slow motion bliss. It is in this state of surrender, where it matters not whether tears fall or laughter erupts. One might even describe this experience as an oblivious pleasant dream state of not knowing where spirit meets soul, but resting in a deep trust that there is sacred union taking place beyond any of our efforts. It is almost as the place, I have heard women, who have suffered labor, describe. They talk of the setting, where the foreign pain is so great, one finds escape in an out of body realm. There, the expectant mother feels like she is looking down on the scene of the workings of the birth of a child. So it seems, God has made wondrous escape for me this season. I have been miraculously translated from melancholy to the state of being a peaceful observer of the ongoing union and birthing process of spirit and soul bringing forth the mature son in Christ image. Tonight, with pleasant cleansing tears, born of a menagerie of emotions, I write in wonderment of God's ways with me. Bless His Name, for there is none like Him and He is good ........... so very very good.
Just so happened today, I enjoyed a lovely phone visit with the lady, in who's home I met Jesus, some thirty five years ago. She is a most wise and compassionate soul and she tells it like it is. I so love that kind of person. And what a wonder, my friend and I should be close after all these years and further more, miraculous is it, that we would know the same Sovereign God of Love that saves all. What are the odds on that!
So Caroline and I were catching up and I was sharing my strange and unique pleasant state, when she was quickened to a poem. She gave a little synopsis, after sharing the title and author. This was one of those eureka moments, as I was looking for the missing part for the blog I wanted to publish. I felt there was something out there that I would come across to introduce some video songs that reflect my many emotions these last few days. So with out further adieu, I share a most incredible gift of poetry and then some songs that really moved me this week. Be blessed my dear friends and I pray your Christmas season is as wonderfully filled with Him, as mine.
With this poem, just the title alone grabbed me, as I believe to really know Christ, one must enter the mystical realm of understanding.
The Mystic's Christmas
by John Greenleaf Whittier
"All hail!" the bells of Christmas rang,
"All hail!" the monks at Christmas sang,
The merry monks who kept with cheer
The gladdest day of all their year.
But still apart, unmoved thereat,
A pious elder brother sat
Silent, in his accustomed place,
With God's sweet peace upon his face.
"Why sitt'st thou thus?" his brethren cried,
"It is the blessed Christmas-tide;
The Christmas lights are all aglow,
The sacred lilies bud and blow.
"Above our heads the joy-bells ring,
Without the happy children sing,
And all God's creatures hail the morn
On which the holy Christ was born.
"Rejoice with us; no more rebuke
Our gladness with thy quiet look."
The gray monk answered, "Keep, I pray,
Even as ye list, the Lord's birthday.
"Let heathen Yule fires flicker red
Where thronged refectory feasts are spread;
With mystery-play and masque and mime
And wait-songs speed the holy time!
"The blindest faith may haply save;
The Lord accepts the things we have;
And reverence, howsoe'er it strays,
May find at last the shining ways.
"They needs must grope who cannot see,
The blade before the ear must be;
As ye are feeling I have felt,
And where ye dwell I too have dwelt.
"But now, beyond the things of sense,
Beyond occasions and events,
I know, through God's exceeding grace,
Release from form and time and space.
"I listen, from no mortal tongue,
To hear the song the angels sung;
And wait within myself to know
The Christmas lilies bud and blow.
"The outward symbols disappear
From him whose inward sight is clear;
And small must be the choice of days
To him who fills them all with praise!
"Keep while you need it, brothers mine,
With honest seal your Christmas sign,
But judge not him who every morn
Feels in his heart the Lord Christ born!"
I have listened to these two renditions of "Silent Night" over and over again and each time I cried for different reasons. This first song video brought a ticklish joy to my heart mixed with some sorrow. Oh, how I wish I had some children come to visit some times. How I miss the innocent magic they possess.
Here are fifty three little angels of Nagasaki with Andrea Rieu. Please enjoy.
Wow, what can I say about this next one and to say too much would be a shame, as I would wrongly color your experience in measuring this awesome song. I wept deeply with this one, as it made me think of my father, whom I lost some weeks ago. In reality, Dad was lost from me before I was even born. His overwhelming distance from my sisters and me, I believe was, in part, wrought from the ravages of war. He fought three of them as a career Naval Officer. The most damaging to Dad, I believe, was as a submariner in the Second World War. Could you imagine the harrowing horror of depth charges being dropped on you, as you lay at the bottom of the sea. How very tragic these wars and we sometime loose sight of the post traumatic ramifications that effect the many that love these warriors. May you be moved.
The truce began on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1914, when German troops began decorating the area around their trenches in the region of Ypres, Belgium, for Christmas. They began by placing candles on trees, then continued the celebration by singing Christmas carols, most notably Stille Nacht (Silent Night). The British troops in the trenches across from them responded by singing English carols.
The two sides continued by shouting Christmas greetings to each other. Soon thereafter, there were calls for visits across the "No Man's Land" where small gifts were exchanged — whisky, jam, cigars, chocolate, and the like. The artillery in the region fell silent that night. The truce also allowed a breathing spell where recently-fallen soldiers could be brought back behind their lines by burial parties. Proper burials took place as soldiers from both sides mourned the dead together and paid their respects. At one funeral in No Man's Land, soldiers from both sides gathered and read a passage from the 23rd Psalm.
The truce spread to other areas of the lines, and there are many stories of football matches between the opposing forces. The film Joyeux Noël suggests that letters sent home from both British and German soldiers related that the score was 3-2 in favour of the Germans.
And then, how could I not end this heartfelt and emotional writing without a most beautiful rendition of the song of all songs. I pray, you might reflect on just how amazing His grace is and how it has been so uniquely and lovingly extended to you.
Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2Cor12:10
I cried some days ago when I received an E-mail from Florian, as I knew he was dying. His state of impending mortality is not in the sense of dying as the world knows. No, it is a state of his soul dieing to this world and himself, that Christ might ever live and reign in and through him. There are so many beautiful souls I know, that are currently in this very same process, as our dear brother. One way or another, diverse trials seem to abound but each that is counted as elect of this age, are finding that there is a supernal contentment in the midst of these fires. So it is, that we should all occasionally weep, as we view the death of a son. For as it is with the Lord so it is with us as we witness pure and beautiful souls in the making.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Ps 116.15
And we are not afraid, but are quite content to die, for then we will be at home with the Lord. For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth. After my skin is destroyed, this I know -- that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain,
for the former things have passed away.
2 Cor 5.8, Job 19.25-27 & Rev 21.4
Here, in the E-mail mentioned, our brother Florian describes his death and his appointed fire between the bookend thoughts concerning others which I have omitted.
"I am working two jobs at the moment and the money is barely enough to pay the bills. Sometimes I'm so tired that all I can do is fall on my bed and say 'Papa meet me' just before I fall asleep. We are going probably through one of the toughest times of our lives right now but we also experience Father's provision in new ways. The worst thing I guess is not really getting around to pray and the lack of vision. On the other hand we sense we are entering a new realm of intimacy with Him and a level of compassion for the broken and hurting. In other words, I have no clue what is going on. I just know that He is holding on to us even if we let go of Him."
An hour or so after being moved by Florian's letter, I happened upon a writing by one of his favorite teachers. I knew then, I would share his letter and part of this writing below, that others might gain strength and encouragement. You will love how this author describes the Divinely appointed tension we often feel. Better yet he gives the "why of it."
Designed Tension
"There is a strange tension involved as we walk along the Jesus-Way. Though the tension has been designed by God to bring out His best in us, a feeling that this ought not to be persistently dogs us. One of the marks of spiritual maturity is the recognition and acceptance of this tension as a dynamic necessary for the believer to come to an intimate knowledge of "the glory of His grace."
If we are to know God, we must come to know Him in His glorious givingness. Grace is just that---God's givingness. God is glorious in His givingness. It is by His givingness that we know His glory. "The glory of His grace," literally means "His grace's glory." That's His nature, to pour out Himself into us from within us. He is, in Christ, the artesian well in us springing up into aeonian life.
The goal of that up-springing is that the artesian well in us should become rivers of living water flowing out of our innermost being as we become extensions of the out-pouringness of the Divine Nature, that is, to love as He loves, to give as He gives.
God gives out of His infinite supply, and the supply, paradoxically, is infinite because God is always emptying Himself into His Son, and His Son into others, and by that emptying, His own fulness is always a fresh supply. I dare say that God's fulness in the aeonian flow of His life, grows by the dynamic of His self-emptying.
His fulness is not a static condition. From out of His eternal infinitude, within our creaturehood, He increases Himself so that in the interplay of His eternality with His aeonian immanence, the eternality of God gives increase to creation, and draws forth from itself increase in the process.
This is seen clearly in Mary's exclamation, "My soul doth magnify the Lord...." The Greek word translated as "magnify" most essentially simply means to make large, to increase. The word can include the idea of extolling God, and though we usually think of that in terms of saying great things about God, more essentially, we extol the excellence of God by His increase in our soul-life.
So enters the strange-feeling tension. We are called to walk the Jesus-Way conscious of BOTH infinite supply, and extreme need. Even God by His Spirit in the aeons experiences this consciousness, for He, with us, and us, with all creation, groans for the revealing of the sons of God ......
So enters the strange-feeling tension. We are called to walk the Jesus-Way conscious of BOTH infinite supply, and extreme need. Even God by His Spirit in the aeons experiences this consciousness, for He, with us, and us, with all creation, groans for the revealing of the sons of God.
We are often made to feel, by unbalanced teaching, that we ought to walk only in the consciousness of infinite supply, so when those times come when we are engulfed in a sense of need, we are made to feel that we're so lacking in divine consciousness that those who preach this perception to us must certainly live on a much higher spiritual plane.
Jesus didn't live that way. Paul didn't. John didn't. They prayed for God's supply. They prayed from a consciousness of infinite supply AND profound need. That's what prayer is. We have religiousized it, and turned it into a formula. In fact, prayer is living in the Presence of infinite supply with a consciousness of neediness. Prayer, dear ones, simply is having the eyes of our human need fixed on Jesus.
The process often involves being exhausted from drawing out of our own resources, from a deceived expectation that our own endurance is up to life's challenges. Just naturally, our existential state is a state of neediness, when deception enters in, things become really complicated as we egotistically try to be to ourselves what we need.
That's what creation is all about. God has brought into existence a dimension of neediness as a complement to His provision, and then He exacerbates the situation through the lie of the serpent about our capabilities. Read Paul carefully, and you meet a man keenly aware that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him, but you meet a man of weakness also; a man in whose weakness, God's strength is perfected.
See, to know God's strengthening, you must be in touch with your weakness. God strengthens the weak."
(excerpted from a writing by John Gavazzoni)
"Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2Cor12:10
Hopefully, as I add to the anointed message of Gavazzoi, we might see, there is even a deeper revelation of our need meeting His supply. It is even a rest from tension and He is bringing some into it, by varying degrees. One day this freedom from care of self will fully overtake us and like Enoch we will be found no more. Lord help us to judge the glorious meaning of "no more."
Considering our weakness, as it lays before His almighty strength, I believe the starting place of pure faith is found with the surrender of our soul mixed with a trust that God is good in all His workings toward us. Our futility is so complete, we cannot possibly ever find faith. Instead, faith is given to us, as an unmerited gift. It is only given, as we are caused to recognize our need. So it is, in recognition of our futility, we learn to trust Him to carry us through the times that try our souls and rend our flesh. After suffering my fare share of trials, I have deduced, that there is a most sacred intersection, in which Christ is found in His greater glory. This Holy place is located where "I don't know" meets "I can't". With tears flowing, I will tell you, this is where one finds direction for life and rest for one's soul. And it is, that from the Holy place we enter into the Holy of Holies and the very ark of God's Christ. I know you, like me, are learning it is all Him and when we have come to the point of having nothing to offer but the sacrifice of the whole of our self, there we find in return, our personal setting at His table, overflowing with Heaven's bounty.
If I might share one other thing; standing in the middle of "I don't know" and "I can't" is truly the closest thing I know, to being translated to another world. Really! For those that trust not in themselves, but only in Him, He is taking them into that which I might term the "unknowing." This blessed state, more fully described as the "unknowing of self" is where one senses he or she is blissfully adrift and being carried by the Spirit above the cares of life. It is an almost subconscious state, where one easily entreats that which satiates real goodness within our soul. Even in the midst of great trial this can be experienced. And in such, it is all the more greatly needed.
The world with it's people and it's circumstances will try us with the taunt, "Can God spread a table in the desert? Ps 78:19
And while it may not be fully perceived by others you will feel the latter rain falling about you and refreshing your soul.
In the wilderness the latter rain of the Spirit will be poured out and there will be justice, righteousness, peace, faith, and rest in the Lord. Til the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest. Then justice shall dwell in the wilderness; and righteousness shall abide in the fruitful field. And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and confidence for ever. And my people shall abide in a peaceable habitation, and in safe dwellings, and in quiet resting-places. Isaiah 32:15-18
If you are like me, you probably scratched your head when you first read of Paul and Silas singing in jail. I mean, how in the world could these crazy loons possibly be happy?! Now you know and may you cause others to scratch and think lunatic as you demonstrate that unspeakable joy in the middle of trouble. I know I have family that looks at me and I have heard the whispers, "Jack's not right. Because of his sickness he is not right in his head as he seems to throw care to the wind. So they gather to care for me in my blissful state. And my bliss only increases. lol
Please now suffer me, an unexpected rant. God! I am so dang tired of those that prophesy, for the world, "end time predictions of doom and gloom" or worse yet "it is finished and this is as good as it gets." Yeah, I am sick of it and I bet some of you are too! It all strikes my spirit wrong, as I believe these self appointed prophets of doom either love the sensational, are bored or want for others their portion of fire and the sooner the better. And the "it is finished" crowd seem to care little for anything resembling personal judgement as they would rather illusion their ease and thus pretend ease for all. Well, I say take a safari in Congo or a trek through Gaza and then tell me how easy it is there! There is great gloom and doom in this world today and there always has been. Such is the nature of this world for man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward*. Yes, I am sick and tired of the voices that walk the ditch on both sides of the narrow. However, even in this I can take solace, knowing one day, both the gloomy prognosticator and the New Age illusionist will find full surrender and be dragged up hither. There, they will wish good for all, knowing all will eventually find the Christ of the Cross and shelter in His side. Rant over
Anyway, with rant behind, I am overjoyed because some I count as friend, are learning like me to say, "where ever and when ever, Lord. I am all Yours, to be moved by and also into Your almighty, all knowing and immeasurable goodness."
So in closing let me say , it is the Spirit of God that translates us from the darkness of our fallen world into the peaceful radiance of the Kingdom of the Son**. For a surety our salvation is realized on Christ's path where our ignorance bows before His omniscience, our weakness reveals His strength, and our emptiness is replaced by His fullness. What an amazing journey God has set before His prized pilgrims of this age. These selfless sojourners are those who are not afraid to forsake all and follow where ever He goes. Truly, the heaven bent soul is moved by His careful hand along a sparsely traveled path, found in this world but not of this world.
Dear reader, as we find sweet surrender and rest in Him, we are being raised, and being TRANSLATED into His Kingdom NOW. You will never be able to explain this, for it is in the experience, we realize the wonderment of resting in Christ. So,I pray you find the sacred place of surrender, for out of your weakness, He will carry you into the dawning day, of the fullness of His power and glory. And there you will find that all that was once lost and marred is now made new and perfect. There is no more glorious hope in Christ, thus I share with you and I hope you share with others, that GOD IS GOOD!
* Job 5:7
** Col 1:13
Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2Cor12:10
I cried some days ago when I received an E-mail from Florian, as I knew he was dying. His state of impending mortality is not in the sense of dying as the world knows. No, it is a state of his soul dieing to this world and himself, that Christ might ever live and reign in and through him. There are so many beautiful souls I know, that are currently in this very same process, as our dear brother. One way or another, diverse trials seem to abound but each that is counted as elect of this age, are finding that there is a supernal contentment in the midst of these fires. So it is, that we should all occasionally weep, as we view the death of a son. For as it is with the Lord so it is with us as we witness pure and beautiful souls in the making.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Ps 116.15
And we are not afraid, but are quite content to die, for then we will be at home with the Lord. For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth. After my skin is destroyed, this I know -- that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain,
for the former things have passed away.
2 Cor 5.8, Job 19.25-27 & Rev 21.4
Here, in the E-mail mentioned, our brother Florian describes his death and his appointed fire between the bookend thoughts concerning others which I have omitted.
"I am working two jobs at the moment and the money is barely enough to pay the bills. Sometimes I'm so tired that all I can do is fall on my bed and say 'Papa meet me' just before I fall asleep. We are going probably through one of the toughest times of our lives right now but we also experience Father's provision in new ways. The worst thing I guess is not really getting around to pray and the lack of vision. On the other hand we sense we are entering a new realm of intimacy with Him and a level of compassion for the broken and hurting. In other words, I have no clue what is going on. I just know that He is holding on to us even if we let go of Him."
An hour or so after being moved by Florian's letter, I happened upon a writing by one of his favorite teachers. I knew then, I would share his letter and part of this writing below, that others might gain strength and encouragement. You will love how this author describes the Divinely appointed tension we often feel. Better yet he gives the "why of it."
Designed Tension
"There is a strange tension involved as we walk along the Jesus-Way. Though the tension has been designed by God to bring out His best in us, a feeling that this ought not to be persistently dogs us. One of the marks of spiritual maturity is the recognition and acceptance of this tension as a dynamic necessary for the believer to come to an intimate knowledge of "the glory of His grace."
If we are to know God, we must come to know Him in His glorious givingness. Grace is just that---God's givingness. God is glorious in His givingness. It is by His givingness that we know His glory. "The glory of His grace," literally means "His grace's glory." That's His nature, to pour out Himself into us from within us. He is, in Christ, the artesian well in us springing up into aeonian life.
The goal of that up-springing is that the artesian well in us should become rivers of living water flowing out of our innermost being as we become extensions of the out-pouringness of the Divine Nature, that is, to love as He loves, to give as He gives.
God gives out of His infinite supply, and the supply, paradoxically, is infinite because God is always emptying Himself into His Son, and His Son into others, and by that emptying, His own fulness is always a fresh supply. I dare say that God's fulness in the aeonian flow of His life, grows by the dynamic of His self-emptying.
His fulness is not a static condition. From out of His eternal infinitude, within our creaturehood, He increases Himself so that in the interplay of His eternality with His aeonian immanence, the eternality of God gives increase to creation, and draws forth from itself increase in the process.
This is seen clearly in Mary's exclamation, "My soul doth magnify the Lord...." The Greek word translated as "magnify" most essentially simply means to make large, to increase. The word can include the idea of extolling God, and though we usually think of that in terms of saying great things about God, more essentially, we extol the excellence of God by His increase in our soul-life.
So enters the strange-feeling tension. We are called to walk the Jesus-Way conscious of BOTH infinite supply, and extreme need. Even God by His Spirit in the aeons experiences this consciousness, for He, with us, and us, with all creation, groans for the revealing of the sons of God ......
So enters the strange-feeling tension. We are called to walk the Jesus-Way conscious of BOTH infinite supply, and extreme need. Even God by His Spirit in the aeons experiences this consciousness, for He, with us, and us, with all creation, groans for the revealing of the sons of God.
We are often made to feel, by unbalanced teaching, that we ought to walk only in the consciousness of infinite supply, so when those times come when we are engulfed in a sense of need, we are made to feel that we're so lacking in divine consciousness that those who preach this perception to us must certainly live on a much higher spiritual plane.
Jesus didn't live that way. Paul didn't. John didn't. They prayed for God's supply. They prayed from a consciousness of infinite supply AND profound need. That's what prayer is. We have religiousized it, and turned it into a formula. In fact, prayer is living in the Presence of infinite supply with a consciousness of neediness. Prayer, dear ones, simply is having the eyes of our human need fixed on Jesus.
The process often involves being exhausted from drawing out of our own resources, from a deceived expectation that our own endurance is up to life's challenges. Just naturally, our existential state is a state of neediness, when deception enters in, things become really complicated as we egotistically try to be to ourselves what we need.
That's what creation is all about. God has brought into existence a dimension of neediness as a complement to His provision, and then He exacerbates the situation through the lie of the serpent about our capabilities. Read Paul carefully, and you meet a man keenly aware that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him, but you meet a man of weakness also; a man in whose weakness, God's strength is perfected.
See, to know God's strengthening, you must be in touch with your weakness. God strengthens the weak."
(excerpted from a writing by John Gavazzoni)
"Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2Cor12:10
Hopefully, as I add to the anointed message of Gavazzoi, we might see, there is even a deeper revelation of our need meeting His supply. It is even a rest from tension and He is bringing some into it, by varying degrees. One day this freedom from care of self will fully overtake us and like Enoch we will be found no more. Lord help us to judge the glorious meaning of "no more."
Considering our weakness, as it lays before His almighty strength, I believe the starting place of pure faith is found with the surrender of our soul mixed with a trust that God is good in all His workings toward us. Our futility is so complete, we cannot possibly ever find faith. Instead, faith is given to us, as an unmerited gift. It is only given, as we are caused to recognize our need. So it is, in recognition of our futility, we learn to trust Him to carry us through the times that try our souls and rend our flesh. After suffering my fare share of trials, I have deduced, that there is a most sacred intersection, in which Christ is found in His greater glory. This Holy place is located where "I don't know" meets "I can't". With tears flowing, I will tell you, this is where one finds direction for life and rest for one's soul. And it is, that from the Holy place we enter into the Holy of Holies and the very ark of God's Christ. I know you, like me, are learning it is all Him and when we have come to the point of having nothing to offer but the sacrifice of the whole of our self, there we find in return, our personal setting at His table, overflowing with Heaven's bounty.
If I might share one other thing; standing in the middle of "I don't know" and "I can't" is truly the closest thing I know, to being translated to another world. Really! For those that trust not in themselves, but only in Him, He is taking them into that which I might term the "unknowing." This blessed state, more fully described as the "unknowing of self" is where one senses he or she is blissfully adrift and being carried by the Spirit above the cares of life. It is an almost subconscious state, where one easily entreats that which satiates real goodness within our soul. Even in the midst of great trial this can be experienced. And in such, it is all the more greatly needed.
The world with it's people and it's circumstances will try us with the taunt, "Can God spread a table in the desert? Ps 78:19
And while it may not be fully perceived by others you will feel the latter rain falling about you and refreshing your soul.
In the wilderness the latter rain of the Spirit will be poured out and there will be justice, righteousness, peace, faith, and rest in the Lord. Til the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest. Then justice shall dwell in the wilderness; and righteousness shall abide in the fruitful field. And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and confidence for ever. And my people shall abide in a peaceable habitation, and in safe dwellings, and in quiet resting-places. Isaiah 32:15-18
If you are like me, you probably scratched your head when you first read of Paul and Silas singing in jail. I mean, how in the world could these crazy loons possibly be happy?! Now you know and may you cause others to scratch and think lunatic as you demonstrate that unspeakable joy in the middle of trouble. I know I have family that looks at me and I have heard the whispers, "Jack's not right. Because of his sickness he is not right in his head as he seems to throw care to the wind. So they gather to care for me in my blissful state. And my bliss only increases. lol
Please now suffer me, an unexpected rant. God! I am so dang tired of those that prophesy, for the world, "end time predictions of doom and gloom" or worse yet "it is finished and this is as good as it gets." Yeah, I am sick of it and I bet some of you are too! It all strikes my spirit wrong, as I believe these self appointed prophets of doom either love the sensational, are bored or want for others their portion of fire and the sooner the better. And the "it is finished" crowd seem to care little for anything resembling personal judgement as they would rather illusion their ease and thus pretend ease for all. Well, I say take a safari in Congo or a trek through Gaza and then tell me how easy it is there! There is great gloom and doom in this world today and there always has been. Such is the nature of this world for man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward*. Yes, I am sick and tired of the voices that walk the ditch on both sides of the narrow. However, even in this I can take solace, knowing one day, both the gloomy prognosticator and the New Age illusionist will find full surrender and be dragged up hither. There, they will wish good for all, knowing all will eventually find the Christ of the Cross and shelter in His side. Rant over
Anyway, with rant behind, I am overjoyed because some I count as friend, are learning like me to say, "where ever and when ever, Lord. I am all Yours, to be moved by and also into Your almighty, all knowing and immeasurable goodness."
So in closing let me say , it is the Spirit of God that translates us from the darkness of our fallen world into the peaceful radiance of the Kingdom of the Son**. For a surety our salvation is realized on Christ's path where our ignorance bows before His omniscience, our weakness reveals His strength, and our emptiness is replaced by His fullness. What an amazing journey God has set before His prized pilgrims of this age. These selfless sojourners are those who are not afraid to forsake all and follow where ever He goes. Truly, the heaven bent soul is moved by His careful hand along a sparsely traveled path, found in this world but not of this world.
Dear reader, as we find sweet surrender and rest in Him, we are being raised, and being TRANSLATED into His Kingdom NOW. You will never be able to explain this, for it is in the experience, we realize the wonderment of resting in Christ. So,I pray you find the sacred place of surrender, for out of your weakness, He will carry you into the dawning day, of the fullness of His power and glory. And there you will find that all that was once lost and marred is now made new and perfect. There is no more glorious hope in Christ, thus I share with you and I hope you share with others, that GOD IS GOOD!
* Job 5:7
** Col 1:13
So living with my sister has been quite humbling. You know, I always took pride in my clean house when I lived alone and Joian, having visited me, will attest to my cleaning abilities.. But jeepers, the other day my sister went on a tirade berating my housecleaning skills. While she continued to rail on me, I was made to watch as she showed me how to clean, to her standards. When she pulled out a couple toothpicks and began to clean with them, with horror I proclaimed, " HOLEY MOLEY! That is some fine cleaning!".
With toothpicks in hand, I sadly report my future time on SONSHINE will be limited. For I am the house keeper of a professional housekeeper. A fate worse than hell!
Yes, my sister house keeps for the rich and famous of Jackson Hole, while I find humility keeping her house spotless ........ with toothpicks.
Does anyone need a roommate?
And then we have the dogs! Some nights there are four of them sleeping over. I'm not necessarily a dog person and when I crawled into bed the other night and found the old hair shedding, foul smelling lab sleeping on my pillow, I wanted to cry. Up til then I refused to even smile at him, as he also loves to lay his hundred pounds of dead wight right on my oxygen line while I turn six shades of blue. And if he isn't laying somewhere, this beast and his twin daughter love to follow me down the hall, stepping on my line which drags behind me. Oh, that is just so much fun, as the O2 line they step on is connected to my nose. It's almost like I am their puppet and they got me by the nose, jerking me at their whim. Shoot the other day they got me three times in one single trip down the hallway. Talk about a nose job, just paint mine swollen and bright red!
So to improve my attitude toward my new canine housemates, I have watched this video a number of times. I am sure it will warm the souls of the you dog lovers, and entertain Ellie's kids.
God bless,
So living with my sister has been quite humbling. You know, I always took pride in my clean house when I lived alone and Joian, having visited me, will attest to my cleaning abilities.. But jeepers, the other day my sister went on a tirade berating my housecleaning skills. While she continued to rail on me, I was made to watch as she showed me how to clean, to her standards. When she pulled out a couple toothpicks and began to clean with them, with horror I proclaimed, " HOLEY MOLEY! That is some fine cleaning!".
With toothpicks in hand, I sadly report my future time on SONSHINE will be limited. For I am the house keeper of a professional housekeeper. A fate worse than hell!
Yes, my sister house keeps for the rich and famous of Jackson Hole, while I find humility keeping her house spotless ........ with toothpicks.
Does anyone need a roommate?
And then we have the dogs! Some nights there are four of them sleeping over. I'm not necessarily a dog person and when I crawled into bed the other night and found the old hair shedding, foul smelling lab sleeping on my pillow, I wanted to cry. Up til then I refused to even smile at him, as he also loves to lay his hundred pounds of dead wight right on my oxygen line while I turn six shades of blue. And if he isn't laying somewhere, this beast and his twin daughter love to follow me down the hall, stepping on my line which drags behind me. Oh, that is just so much fun, as the O2 line they step on is connected to my nose. It's almost like I am their puppet and they got me by the nose, jerking me at their whim. Shoot the other day they got me three times in one single trip down the hallway. Talk about a nose job, just paint mine swollen and bright red!
So to improve my attitude toward my new canine housemates, I have watched this video a number of times. I am sure it will warm the souls of the you dog lovers, and entertain Ellie's kids.
God bless,
Raphael Berndt finishes his
morning session on SONSHINE
Florian and Clare, our German friends,
believe in starting 'em early, learning
the computer and reading English.
Why is it, that they who have left, yet still pine for the church have nothing in return, when I say, "they who worship the tormenting hellfire God, worship a false Deity"?
They can not refute it!
This video, I share below, was taken about the time I quit going to church and fled the ghost of hell. It was the so called, "dancing in the spirit" that had overtaken our congregation and if you didn't dance you were considered as quenching the spirit. Have you any idea, how uncomfortable you would feel as you sat, rather than cut a rug with the rest of the congregants!?! If you didn't dance, the following sermon castigating the wall flowers, would surely cause you to want to crawl under your pew. Of course with the dancing, came along side the fund raising for a new auditorium that God was going to fill, if we would but build it. So it was, that I was appointed the "point man in charge of motivation" with our new building program. Being a well know Gideon that rubbed shoulders with the wealthiest Christians in our city, surely I would lead in selling bonds for building the new church. Wrong! For the life of me and might I say, "supernaturally", I could not sell even a single dollar's worth of bonds. I was more than mortified! I didn't dance, I couldn't sell and I sure wasn't laughing about it!
At the same time all this shenanigans was taking place in my church , an incredible undertaking was happening just outside the doors. In the church parking lot, a quiet little widow woman was clandestinely placing the writings of George Hawtin on the seats of a few selected automobiles, while we were in service. Oh my God! I had never read such anointed material, speaking to "the inward Kingdom of God", "all men saved", and "mystery Babylon." I'll tell ya, the handwriting was on the wall! And I would leave the church and spend twenty years dieing and losing next to everything, before I would realize what had happened. Then a still small voice, from deep within, would arise and begin to guide me. My oh my, how far is this still small voice from such as this video proclaims. Dear sweet reader all I can say is, "today, it is so good to be alone and still ..... with just Him."
The church leader in the video, Papa Hagin, is considered to be the "father of the modern faith movement" and the pioneering promoter of " the word of faith and the prosperity gospel." His drunken side kick and protege', Kenneth Copeland, is even at it today, binding men, woman and children to the fallen world while he fleeces them for all they are worth. Here in the video, is an amazing example of fleshly phenomenon and the latent power of the soul. While I believe there are the true manifestations of the Spirit, even being drunk, joyous and laughing with New Wine, this is the counterfeit.
Why is this soulish and false .......... because the fruit gives evidense and this type of meeting would be the last place I would ever want my chidren or your children.
(excuse the written lines within this video
as they are written by some who are yet to meet
their Saviour. Their motives do not distiguish the
ekklesia from the harlot church)
Why is it, that they who have left, yet still pine for the church have nothing in return, when I say, "they who worship the tormenting hellfire God, worship a false Deity"?
They can not refute it!
This video, I share below, was taken about the time I quit going to church and fled the ghost of hell. It was the so called, "dancing in the spirit" that had overtaken our congregation and if you didn't dance you were considered as quenching the spirit. Have you any idea, how uncomfortable you would feel as you sat, rather than cut a rug with the rest of the congregants!?! If you didn't dance, the following sermon castigating the wall flowers, would surely cause you to want to crawl under your pew. Of course with the dancing, came along side the fund raising for a new auditorium that God was going to fill, if we would but build it. So it was, that I was appointed the "point man in charge of motivation" with our new building program. Being a well know Gideon that rubbed shoulders with the wealthiest Christians in our city, surely I would lead in selling bonds for building the new church. Wrong! For the life of me and might I say, "supernaturally", I could not sell even a single dollar's worth of bonds. I was more than mortified! I didn't dance, I couldn't sell and I sure wasn't laughing about it!
At the same time all this shenanigans was taking place in my church , an incredible undertaking was happening just outside the doors. In the church parking lot, a quiet little widow woman was clandestinely placing the writings of George Hawtin on the seats of a few selected automobiles, while we were in service. Oh my God! I had never read such anointed material, speaking to "the inward Kingdom of God", "all men saved", and "mystery Babylon." I'll tell ya, the handwriting was on the wall! And I would leave the church and spend twenty years dieing and losing next to everything, before I would realize what had happened. Then a still small voice, from deep within, would arise and begin to guide me. My oh my, how far is this still small voice from such as this video proclaims. Dear sweet reader all I can say is, "today, it is so good to be alone and still ..... with just Him."
The church leader in the video, Papa Hagin, is considered to be the "father of the modern faith movement" and the pioneering promoter of " the word of faith and the prosperity gospel." His drunken side kick and protege', Kenneth Copeland, is even at it today, binding men, woman and children to the fallen world while he fleeces them for all they are worth. Here in the video, is an amazing example of fleshly phenomenon and the latent power of the soul. While I believe there are the true manifestations of the Spirit, even being drunk, joyous and laughing with New Wine, this is the counterfeit.
Why is this soulish and false .......... because the fruit gives evidense and this type of meeting would be the last place I would ever want my chidren or your children.
(excuse the written lines within this video
as they are written by some who are yet to meet
their Saviour. Their motives do not distiguish the
ekklesia from the harlot church)
"The self is so self-confident that unless it is totally discouraged it will not give up."
So it is, we suffer at first
Then we suffer for others
The latter is mixed with joy
So it is, we die to our self
And in this we also die for others
For we are the offerings of God
"The cry of man's anguish went up to God,
'Lord take away pain:
The shadow that darkens the world Thou hast made,
The close-coiling chain
That strangles the heart, the burden that weighs
On the wings that would soar,
Lord, take away pain from the world Thou hast made,
That it love Thee the more.'
"Then answered the Lord to the cry of His world:
'Shall I take away pain,
And with it the power of the soul to endure,
Made strong by the strain?
Shall I take away pity, that knits heart to heart
And sacrifice high?
Will ye lose all your heroes that lift from the fire
White brows to the sky?
Shall I take away love that redeems with a price
And smiles at its loss?
Can ye spare from your lives that would climb unto Me
The Christ on His cross?"
poem by Lettie Cowman
"The self is so self-confident that unless it is totally discouraged it will not give up."
So it is, we suffer at first
Then we suffer for others
The latter is mixed with joy
So it is, we die to our self
And in this we also die for others
For we are the offerings of God
"The cry of man's anguish went up to God,
'Lord take away pain:
The shadow that darkens the world Thou hast made,
The close-coiling chain
That strangles the heart, the burden that weighs
On the wings that would soar,
Lord, take away pain from the world Thou hast made,
That it love Thee the more.'
"Then answered the Lord to the cry of His world:
'Shall I take away pain,
And with it the power of the soul to endure,
Made strong by the strain?
Shall I take away pity, that knits heart to heart
And sacrifice high?
Will ye lose all your heroes that lift from the fire
White brows to the sky?
Shall I take away love that redeems with a price
And smiles at its loss?
Can ye spare from your lives that would climb unto Me
The Christ on His cross?"
poem by Lettie Cowman
Sometimes you can't tell 'em. Tis good to just be, even until the times of remembrance, when Jesus reveals to our wayward friends and loved ones, Who He really is. Oh, to dream what it will be like to stand in His Glory and extend our arms to those who were blind and now see. And then, to take them, hand in our hand, to bow and lay our crowns at His feet. Surely, our delight will signal their crowns are as ours and all are His. What wonder, we sometimes get to see our dreams fulfilled even today, as His order is played out and one or another answers the supernal call from Home.
This morning, I have to believe Ellie was moved by Ray's daily devotional, as was I. Be encouraged dear reader, as you read and contemplate this anointed message.
“Until the time that his word came: the Word of the Lord tried him,”
(Psalm 105:19).
This is the experience of those who are to be firstfruits of the new creation. While we wait for the time of our own deliverance from this bondage of vanity and subjection to corruption, we are “tried by the Word.” There is no justifying of your vision in the eyes of those around you. There is no visible form of manifestation that what God has spoken into your heart concerning the ages to come shall ever be realized. The bondage of vanity is yours to experience just as much as for all the rest of groaning creation. The moments of glory when you see into the realms beyond, and your spirit knows the certainty of the things which the Holy Spirit reveals to you, these moments, I say, are interlaced with long periods of dryness and times when “THE WORD OF THE LORD TRIES YOU” deep into inmost core. Yet the Word of the Lord is sure, its fulfillment is secure, and as an anchor deep within, its “wisdom and knowledge become the stability of thy times, and the strength of thy salvation,” (Isa. 33:6).
Joseph was no different then us, when he received his dreams he had to tell somebody. There was still a distinction made between the messenger and his message. He told his brethren, and they hated him. He told his father, and his father rebuked him. Thus one learns to ‘limit’ the telling. Self-proclaimed visions are not the reality. When the vision becomes reality it needs no telling. Eventually the message and the messenger become one! When Joseph became the embodiment of his dreams, he ceased telling them, and simply LIVED THEM. Let others recall the message they have heard, let them acknowledge the truth, but he who has been thoroughly tried by the Word till he becomes the message, has no need for self-defense, nor self-proclamation, his state of being is the message. Reality is its own declaration.
Tried by the Word till all error is removed,
We stand in His presence, message approved,
Steadfast in the truth we cannot be moved.
Ray Prinzing
This morning, I have to believe Ellie was moved by Ray's daily devotional, as was I. Be encouraged dear reader, as you read and contemplate this anointed message.
“Until the time that his word came: the Word of the Lord tried him,”
(Psalm 105:19).
This is the experience of those who are to be firstfruits of the new creation. While we wait for the time of our own deliverance from this bondage of vanity and subjection to corruption, we are “tried by the Word.” There is no justifying of your vision in the eyes of those around you. There is no visible form of manifestation that what God has spoken into your heart concerning the ages to come shall ever be realized. The bondage of vanity is yours to experience just as much as for all the rest of groaning creation. The moments of glory when you see into the realms beyond, and your spirit knows the certainty of the things which the Holy Spirit reveals to you, these moments, I say, are interlaced with long periods of dryness and times when “THE WORD OF THE LORD TRIES YOU” deep into inmost core. Yet the Word of the Lord is sure, its fulfillment is secure, and as an anchor deep within, its “wisdom and knowledge become the stability of thy times, and the strength of thy salvation,” (Isa. 33:6).
Joseph was no different then us, when he received his dreams he had to tell somebody. There was still a distinction made between the messenger and his message. He told his brethren, and they hated him. He told his father, and his father rebuked him. Thus one learns to ‘limit’ the telling. Self-proclaimed visions are not the reality. When the vision becomes reality it needs no telling. Eventually the message and the messenger become one! When Joseph became the embodiment of his dreams, he ceased telling them, and simply LIVED THEM. Let others recall the message they have heard, let them acknowledge the truth, but he who has been thoroughly tried by the Word till he becomes the message, has no need for self-defense, nor self-proclamation, his state of being is the message. Reality is its own declaration.
Tried by the Word till all error is removed,
We stand in His presence, message approved,
Steadfast in the truth we cannot be moved.
Ray Prinzing
"Is He willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is impotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Whence then is evil?" Therefore, how can an all powerful and all knowing God who loves his people permit evil to exist on His earth?”
David Hume 1711-1776
I have had a glorious morning in Him, as I pondered the subject of Hume's questions. I can but think, is it no wonder the Bible calls such, the "Mystery of Iniquity." Along side my contemplations, I read many awesome things and I believe, even shared some awesome things with others. However, above all, I found this below, to be the most awesome and is it no wonder, that it speaks to the Cross of Christ, a place I am bound never to leave, until I find myself in His likeness.
May God bless you with the reading of Edward Shilito's poem, "Jesus of the Scars", penned as he found himself sickened by the tragedy of suffering and death in the "great war". As an epilogue, are the thoughts of Olsen and Piper. I took the liberty to enlarge the latter by removing one word, "Calvinism" and then adding a phrase.
Oh, that Calvin, might himself, have added "all men" to the determinism of God. For God is determined to see "all men saved." Thank God, we have and share the greater hope and the real "Good News!"
Jesus of the Scars
If we have never sought, we seek Thee now;
Thine eyes burn through the dark, our only stars;
We must have sight of thorn-pricks on Thy brow,
We must have Thee, O Jesus of the Scars.
The heavens frighten us; they are too calm;
In all the universe we have no place.
Our wounds are hurting us; where is the balm?
Lord Jesus, by Thy Scars, we claim Thy grace.
If, when the doors are shut, Thou drawest near,
Only reveal those hands, that side of Thine;
We know to-day what wounds are, have no fear,
Show us Thy Scars, we know the countersign.
The other gods were strong; but Thou wast weak;
They rode, but Thou didst stumble to a throne;
But to our wounds only God's wounds can speak,
And not a god has wounds, but Thou alone.
Our belief in God's sovereignty does not offer a "seemingly simple answer to the problem of evil." Rather, it bows in humility to what God has revealed. And it gazes with faith and hope at the zenith of that revelation in the crucified Savior. When understanding fails and questions remain, we look at the Jesus of the scars and remember that our God--the only God there is--was wounded for us, and we let His wounds speak to ours.
"Is He willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is impotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Whence then is evil?" Therefore, how can an all powerful and all knowing God who loves his people permit evil to exist on His earth?”
David Hume 1711-1776
I have had a glorious morning in Him, as I pondered the subject of Hume's questions. I can but think, is it no wonder the Bible calls such, the "Mystery of Iniquity." Along side my contemplations, I read many awesome things and I believe, even shared some awesome things with others. However, above all, I found this below, to be the most awesome and is it no wonder, that it speaks to the Cross of Christ, a place I am bound never to leave, until I find myself in His likeness.
May God bless you with the reading of Edward Shilito's poem, "Jesus of the Scars", penned as he found himself sickened by the tragedy of suffering and death in the "great war". As an epilogue, are the thoughts of Olsen and Piper. I took the liberty to enlarge the latter by removing one word, "Calvinism" and then adding a phrase.
Oh, that Calvin, might himself, have added "all men" to the determinism of God. For God is determined to see "all men saved." Thank God, we have and share the greater hope and the real "Good News!"
Jesus of the Scars
If we have never sought, we seek Thee now;
Thine eyes burn through the dark, our only stars;
We must have sight of thorn-pricks on Thy brow,
We must have Thee, O Jesus of the Scars.
The heavens frighten us; they are too calm;
In all the universe we have no place.
Our wounds are hurting us; where is the balm?
Lord Jesus, by Thy Scars, we claim Thy grace.
If, when the doors are shut, Thou drawest near,
Only reveal those hands, that side of Thine;
We know to-day what wounds are, have no fear,
Show us Thy Scars, we know the countersign.
The other gods were strong; but Thou wast weak;
They rode, but Thou didst stumble to a throne;
But to our wounds only God's wounds can speak,
And not a god has wounds, but Thou alone.
Our belief in God's sovereignty does not offer a "seemingly simple answer to the problem of evil." Rather, it bows in humility to what God has revealed. And it gazes with faith and hope at the zenith of that revelation in the crucified Savior. When understanding fails and questions remain, we look at the Jesus of the scars and remember that our God--the only God there is--was wounded for us, and we let His wounds speak to ours.
A friend sent this testimony to me yesterday. I know it will encourage you that still hold hope for someone that resides in the deepest of darkness. In one swift swoop, the light of His face brings marvelous love to the most unlovable. Such is it with Byron's story.
Byron's Story
Before my re-birth I was totally lost in spiritual darkness - an atheistic, God concept hating, Christianity loathing type person. How that led to what I am today makes no natural sense at all. It happened alone in a deserted room after losing the woman I loved and falling into a deep depression for over two years. At rock bottom for months on end, I finally ‘lost it’ one night, rolling around on the floor and spontaneously screaming out for help (to no one in particular) and basically wishing to die very badly. My spirit was crying out over and over and over "What's wrong with me? what's wrong with me?!!". Finally, out of the clear blue I heard this voice inside calmly say "You're starving... to death". A voice??? This was a first. I was absolutely stunned and thinking "wow, did I imagine that?!! What the heck is going on here?" A strange calm came over me. There was a love, a compassion in that voice and as I dragged myself up into bed and drifted off to sleep my memory echoed softly those words over and over again "You're starving... to death, you're starving... to death, You're starving... to death.....
The next morning I started putting 1 and 2 together: 1. I was crying out 2. a voice answered ... so could it be like.... (gulp) maybe... God? Answering? Like a prayer or something? I began to tremble thinking “This is impossible”. I got up and decided to go see a friend whom I hadn't seen in months. Not seeing him was on purpose because he was a Jesus freak who would sometimes tell my friends and I that we needed to 'seek God' and 'know Christ' etc. I was a nice person, but inside it would anger me and I remember wishing that he would just shut the - bleep- up. But now I'm thinking maybe he could shed some light on what had happened. "You're starving... to death"? What in the world was that supposed to mean? It was driving me nuts! So I show up at his door early in the morning, knock, and he is very surprised to see me and says something like "Hey there stranger, what's going on?" All I said was "I think God might have spoken to me last night". That's ALL I said. He invited me in and I was ready to explain what I meant but before I could say another word, He told me to sit down and he'd be back in a minute, and he scurries off into his bedroom. Keep in mind, all I'd told him was "I think God might have spoken to me last night" and I mentioned nothing at all of the "starving to death" thing.
After about ten minutes he comes out of his bedroom with an open bible, and while pointing down to a particular spot on the page he says "Read this". I looked down and read where he was pointing. It said: "I have food to eat that you don't know anything about". (John 4:32) Can you imagine what went through my head? How could he have known??? "Why did you show me that?" I demanded. He replied "I just went back and prayed and felt like you needed to read that verse." And so I start asking him "How did you know?" and he says "Know what?" I was speechless. The stunning truth became clear, it WAS God who had spoken - it had to be. There was no other possible explanation. All the sudden this love came washing over me like waves. I can't explain it - love, forgiveness, compassion. I had done nothing to cause/deserve this. I was crying, couldn't speak, and left back to the deserted room - but now I was in the presence of perfect love. The depression disappeared INSTANTLY, just vanished. I was flying inside - it was like a dream, a fairytale. That night I did have a dream. In the dream I could see underground, a side view, (mmm.. like remember in Jurassic Park - the illustration of the diggers going down into the cave to find the amber? Like that). I saw a man, whom I knew to be Jesus, buried, lying under the earth just below the surface in the darkness. All the sudden he started to glow and then broke upright through the ground and stood (floating) a few feet above the ground in the open air, now shimmering in white light. A voice spoke and said "This is you" and I replied "No it's not... that's Jesus" and I woke up.
I pulled out a bible that my former lady friend had given me from under a pile of junk and started reading - it had opened to Romans. Again a shocking moment came when I got to 6:4 "just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life" and later in Colossians "having been buried with Him in baptism, you were also raised with Him through faith produced within you by God who raised Him from among the dead". All the sudden the "This is you" thing started making sense. For the next couple of weeks I was in the presence of Deity, really, it was like He was in the room with me. Intense Joy had replaced the sadness and emptiness. Physical food became optional as I devoured the scriptures for several weeks and soon saw the "big picture" ie: creation being made subject to vanity - but only for a season, all of creation groaning for the manifestation of the Sons of God, The ultimate restitution of all things etc. I was still in a daze though, why me? I had been basically lazy and self serving my whole life, and yet this all knowing, supernatural ‘person’ is treating me like I was the best thing there ever was. IT MADE NO SENSE AT ALL! I realized one thing for sure: God is sovereign. He planned all this and has great plans for all of His creation, to bring all out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Just as the first Adam chose death for all mankind, Jesus, the last Adam, has now chosen life for all mankind, to be manifested in due time.
A friend sent this testimony to me yesterday. I know it will encourage you that still hold hope for someone that resides in the deepest of darkness. In one swift swoop, the light of His face brings marvelous love to the most unlovable. Such is it with Byron's story.
Byron's Story
Before my re-birth I was totally lost in spiritual darkness - an atheistic, God concept hating, Christianity loathing type person. How that led to what I am today makes no natural sense at all. It happened alone in a deserted room after losing the woman I loved and falling into a deep depression for over two years. At rock bottom for months on end, I finally ‘lost it’ one night, rolling around on the floor and spontaneously screaming out for help (to no one in particular) and basically wishing to die very badly. My spirit was crying out over and over and over "What's wrong with me? what's wrong with me?!!". Finally, out of the clear blue I heard this voice inside calmly say "You're starving... to death". A voice??? This was a first. I was absolutely stunned and thinking "wow, did I imagine that?!! What the heck is going on here?" A strange calm came over me. There was a love, a compassion in that voice and as I dragged myself up into bed and drifted off to sleep my memory echoed softly those words over and over again "You're starving... to death, you're starving... to death, You're starving... to death.....
The next morning I started putting 1 and 2 together: 1. I was crying out 2. a voice answered ... so could it be like.... (gulp) maybe... God? Answering? Like a prayer or something? I began to tremble thinking “This is impossible”. I got up and decided to go see a friend whom I hadn't seen in months. Not seeing him was on purpose because he was a Jesus freak who would sometimes tell my friends and I that we needed to 'seek God' and 'know Christ' etc. I was a nice person, but inside it would anger me and I remember wishing that he would just shut the - bleep- up. But now I'm thinking maybe he could shed some light on what had happened. "You're starving... to death"? What in the world was that supposed to mean? It was driving me nuts! So I show up at his door early in the morning, knock, and he is very surprised to see me and says something like "Hey there stranger, what's going on?" All I said was "I think God might have spoken to me last night". That's ALL I said. He invited me in and I was ready to explain what I meant but before I could say another word, He told me to sit down and he'd be back in a minute, and he scurries off into his bedroom. Keep in mind, all I'd told him was "I think God might have spoken to me last night" and I mentioned nothing at all of the "starving to death" thing.
After about ten minutes he comes out of his bedroom with an open bible, and while pointing down to a particular spot on the page he says "Read this". I looked down and read where he was pointing. It said: "I have food to eat that you don't know anything about". (John 4:32) Can you imagine what went through my head? How could he have known??? "Why did you show me that?" I demanded. He replied "I just went back and prayed and felt like you needed to read that verse." And so I start asking him "How did you know?" and he says "Know what?" I was speechless. The stunning truth became clear, it WAS God who had spoken - it had to be. There was no other possible explanation. All the sudden this love came washing over me like waves. I can't explain it - love, forgiveness, compassion. I had done nothing to cause/deserve this. I was crying, couldn't speak, and left back to the deserted room - but now I was in the presence of perfect love. The depression disappeared INSTANTLY, just vanished. I was flying inside - it was like a dream, a fairytale. That night I did have a dream. In the dream I could see underground, a side view, (mmm.. like remember in Jurassic Park - the illustration of the diggers going down into the cave to find the amber? Like that). I saw a man, whom I knew to be Jesus, buried, lying under the earth just below the surface in the darkness. All the sudden he started to glow and then broke upright through the ground and stood (floating) a few feet above the ground in the open air, now shimmering in white light. A voice spoke and said "This is you" and I replied "No it's not... that's Jesus" and I woke up.
I pulled out a bible that my former lady friend had given me from under a pile of junk and started reading - it had opened to Romans. Again a shocking moment came when I got to 6:4 "just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life" and later in Colossians "having been buried with Him in baptism, you were also raised with Him through faith produced within you by God who raised Him from among the dead". All the sudden the "This is you" thing started making sense. For the next couple of weeks I was in the presence of Deity, really, it was like He was in the room with me. Intense Joy had replaced the sadness and emptiness. Physical food became optional as I devoured the scriptures for several weeks and soon saw the "big picture" ie: creation being made subject to vanity - but only for a season, all of creation groaning for the manifestation of the Sons of God, The ultimate restitution of all things etc. I was still in a daze though, why me? I had been basically lazy and self serving my whole life, and yet this all knowing, supernatural ‘person’ is treating me like I was the best thing there ever was. IT MADE NO SENSE AT ALL! I realized one thing for sure: God is sovereign. He planned all this and has great plans for all of His creation, to bring all out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Just as the first Adam chose death for all mankind, Jesus, the last Adam, has now chosen life for all mankind, to be manifested in due time.
The other day while sharing on a forum, a participant used 2Cor 5:21 KJV in a treatise she had written. By the Spirit, I knew she didn't understand the true meaning of this scripture, as few have ever questioned the sloppy rendition found in most popular translations.
It hurt my heart to think how many ways God's most perfect sacrifice can be sullied. Then I again realized, how He has even sewn the errors in our Bibles, knowing it is for kings, in the making, to uncover Truth by the Spirit. I then began to search out an old writing by Preston Eby, in which he lays the record straight concerning this scripture. After much searching, I just could not find it. However in God's goodness last night, I stumbled across another article exposing the truth of the matter.
I pray that from now on, when you see this familiar verse, you will see the missing word "offering", which should be placed at the end of "sin". Let us ever hold high and pure God's sacrifice of His precious Son, Jesus. A Savior, in Whom sin never entered, for ever perfect was He!
Jesus Made Sin?
Though much can be said on the subject of sin, permit us to deal briefly with a specific aspect of the topic of sin, namely Jesus being made sin for us. A common translation states "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" (II Corth 5:21 KJV). In fact, there are other translations which state basically the same idea. Young's Literal states "make sin"; Moffatt reads "to be sin"; the Living Bible states "took sinless Christ and poured into him our sins"; and the Jerusalem states "made sinless one into sin". From these, many have come to the conclusion that Jesus BECAME sin. But is this really so? Does scripture teach such a doctrine?
First, let us state that there are other translations that would have us read the verse differently. The Williams quotes "He made Him who personally knew nothing of sin to be a sin-offering for us...". The Diaglott states "For Him who knew no Sin, he made a Sin-offering on our behalf...". Again, the Literal Concordant has "For the One not knowing sin, He makes to be a sin offering for our sakes...".
Secondly, many are familiar with the words of the Old Testament prophet Hosea "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". However, only two verses later it states "They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity" (Hosea 4:8 KJV). It is a story of the priests eating the sin offering, yet the King James Version uses the word "sin" rather than "sin-offering". I have read that in Hebrew, the phrase "sin offering" is often called "sin". In other words, if we were speaking in that language and referring to the animal offering, we would refer to it as "sin" and all would know what was meant. Regarding the words of Hosea, it should be easy to understand that the priests did not eat up the SIN of the people but rather the sin-offering. So, as with this old testament verse, the same idea applies to II Corinthians 5:21 as Jesus was made a sin-offering and not made sin!
Thirdly, there are several other verses that bear witness to the fact that Jesus was without sin. Peter describes Jesus as a "lamb without blemish and without spot" (I Peter 1:19). The writer of Hebrews states "how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Heb 9:14). A lamb without blemish? Without spot? Notice that neither apostle qualifies their statement that Jesus was without blemish or sin "except while hanging on the cross". Why? Because they said what they meant and meant what they said! He was without blemish, spot or sin, period. Without, never, not even once!!
Last, how can sin make atonement for sin? Can you do away with sin by offering up a sacrifice of sin? No beloved, the entire unregenerate race of mankind has been slave to sin and by nature was born into sin and shapen in iniquity. In accordance with Old Testament teachings, only a blameless sacrifice could atone for the sins of the people.
In conclusion, Jesus never became sin at any point in time and never in the eternal realm of spirit. To even think the thought that the sinless one was made into sin grieves my spirit. The doctrine of Jesus becoming sin is a terrible idea and contrary to sound biblical teaching. We pray that all who teach "Jesus becoming sin" consider what we had to say and adjust their theology accordingly.
Timothy D Carroll is a good brother and his writings can be found here:
The other day while sharing on a forum, a participant used 2Cor 5:21 KJV in a treatise she had written. By the Spirit, I knew she didn't understand the true meaning of this scripture, as few have ever questioned the sloppy rendition found in most popular translations.
It hurt my heart to think how many ways God's most perfect sacrifice can be sullied. Then I again realized, how He has even sewn the errors in our Bibles, knowing it is for kings, in the making, to uncover Truth by the Spirit. I then began to search out an old writing by Preston Eby, in which he lays the record straight concerning this scripture. After much searching, I just could not find it. However in God's goodness last night, I stumbled across another article exposing the truth of the matter.
I pray that from now on, when you see this familiar verse, you will see the missing word "offering", which should be placed at the end of "sin". Let us ever hold high and pure God's sacrifice of His precious Son, Jesus. A Savior, in Whom sin never entered, for ever perfect was He!
Jesus Made Sin?
Though much can be said on the subject of sin, permit us to deal briefly with a specific aspect of the topic of sin, namely Jesus being made sin for us. A common translation states "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" (II Corth 5:21 KJV). In fact, there are other translations which state basically the same idea. Young's Literal states "make sin"; Moffatt reads "to be sin"; the Living Bible states "took sinless Christ and poured into him our sins"; and the Jerusalem states "made sinless one into sin". From these, many have come to the conclusion that Jesus BECAME sin. But is this really so? Does scripture teach such a doctrine?
First, let us state that there are other translations that would have us read the verse differently. The Williams quotes "He made Him who personally knew nothing of sin to be a sin-offering for us...". The Diaglott states "For Him who knew no Sin, he made a Sin-offering on our behalf...". Again, the Literal Concordant has "For the One not knowing sin, He makes to be a sin offering for our sakes...".
Secondly, many are familiar with the words of the Old Testament prophet Hosea "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". However, only two verses later it states "They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity" (Hosea 4:8 KJV). It is a story of the priests eating the sin offering, yet the King James Version uses the word "sin" rather than "sin-offering". I have read that in Hebrew, the phrase "sin offering" is often called "sin". In other words, if we were speaking in that language and referring to the animal offering, we would refer to it as "sin" and all would know what was meant. Regarding the words of Hosea, it should be easy to understand that the priests did not eat up the SIN of the people but rather the sin-offering. So, as with this old testament verse, the same idea applies to II Corinthians 5:21 as Jesus was made a sin-offering and not made sin!
Thirdly, there are several other verses that bear witness to the fact that Jesus was without sin. Peter describes Jesus as a "lamb without blemish and without spot" (I Peter 1:19). The writer of Hebrews states "how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Heb 9:14). A lamb without blemish? Without spot? Notice that neither apostle qualifies their statement that Jesus was without blemish or sin "except while hanging on the cross". Why? Because they said what they meant and meant what they said! He was without blemish, spot or sin, period. Without, never, not even once!!
Last, how can sin make atonement for sin? Can you do away with sin by offering up a sacrifice of sin? No beloved, the entire unregenerate race of mankind has been slave to sin and by nature was born into sin and shapen in iniquity. In accordance with Old Testament teachings, only a blameless sacrifice could atone for the sins of the people.
In conclusion, Jesus never became sin at any point in time and never in the eternal realm of spirit. To even think the thought that the sinless one was made into sin grieves my spirit. The doctrine of Jesus becoming sin is a terrible idea and contrary to sound biblical teaching. We pray that all who teach "Jesus becoming sin" consider what we had to say and adjust their theology accordingly.
Timothy D Carroll is a good brother and his writings can be found here:
THE GOOD PART, THE BEST PART .... "He is Enough!"
And Jesus answered and said unto her, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luk 10:41,42
Some years ago, Joian and I would meet for the first time and share a most anointed time on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, located on Coronado Island. My new friend, and soon to become my best friend, while sitting in the sand, would converse and touch on the deepest things in God. However, we could not delve deeply into these things, for a sustaining foundation was being laid for our growing relationship. You might ask, what was that foundation? To which I would reply, "Jesus is enough .... He is more than enough." A number of the hardest questions were queried that day and in a most unique way, they were subconsciously answered without words. Instead the difficult quandaries were laid to rest by a flowing supernal peace, reserved only for the communion of the saints of the Most High God, with Jesus in their midst.
Later as months would pass, Joian and I would entertain the thought of marriage. We would pass over this idea however, with a recognition that such a union would detract from our growing relationship with our Lord and our imputed Spirit led quest to realize time alone with God. We had realized this quest was not only the better part but the very best part of our lives. I believe, even in the divine union of marriage, should we grow in God there will be the Holiest places, where each must lay husband or wife, children and friends upon the altar, to find, that God in Christ is enough, more than enough. For a certainty, one must experience the sacred sacrifice, of the giving up of all one holds dear in this world to Him, no matter our state or vocation. And how amazing, that when a couple arrives at such a place of forsaking of all, including each other, they find the sacred marriage union between man and wife becomes what it could never be, beforehand. This is the principle of the multiple becoming One. And as it is with man and wife so it is also with Christ and His bride, the church. How truly wonderful is the great paradox of the Kingdom, where all must die, to live anew in Oneness with Him. This is for a surety, the path to Heaven on earth, where all that is Good is found enjoined within Him!
So it is today, that I share a message for those that might be struggling amidst a trial or tribulation. Whether single or with husband or wife, this message holds the deepest truth, one will ever find in the Kingdom and it is simply, "God in Christ, is enough. He is enough for every situation and every union. For even when all seems broken, tired, old and thrown askew, Jesus is able to pick up the pieces and put them together, anew. Even that, which seems as sure as dead, will bloom afresh with the full vibrancy of New Life. You might ask, "when will this be? What is the key to such glory?" I know of only one answer,"when we have come to the end of ourselves and to the end of all, that is about us. It is there, and only there, that we will learn, 'He is enough... more than enough.'" This I believe, is the deepest truth of all truths and should God have His hand on you, you will find yourself pulled into this Truth. And that Truth, above all truths, will carry you over every mountain and through every thing, this world can ever throw at you. The best part, is that once realized, this Truth ever grows as God brings other battered and pillaged souls to you and you are able to share the remedy to all that ails the tired and torn soul. God is good, He is good like that! Oh, to be able to share and even demonstrate such before my children, your children, and for that matter, all His children. This is our great commission, for which we were sent into this fallen world. To know and to proclaim and to demonstrate, JESUS IS ENOUGH!
With that said, as an introduction, please allow me to share a confirming word taken from Chip Brogden's devotional this morning. And to that, I would love to bless you with a couple of anointed songs, hoping you might lift your hands and praise Him, Who alone is worthy to be called "Enough".
In His Sweet Lord Jesus,
What is the "deeper Christian life"? It is nothing more and nothing less than Christ Himself. To be deep is to be simple, focused, and devoted to the One Thing that is needed But even here, some believers seek the deeper Christian life as a thing, a teaching, a certain way of acting spiritual. The "deeper life" becomes the goal instead of Christ as Life. They become profoundly mystical and spiritual, but it is death because they do not touch Christ, they touch spirituality. There is no life in spirituality, or mysticism, or religiosity; there is only Life in Christ. Anything less becomes a distraction.
I came to the Lord in the midst of the Charismatic movement. The emphasis was on Spirit-filled living, restoring spiritual gifts, the power of God, and so forth. We find no fault with walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. But what is the purpose of all this fullness? Why tongues, and prophetic words, and other spiritual gifts? Why the manifest power of God? All of these things are given us by the Lord to draw us deeper into Himself; to repeat, they are means to an End, but they are not the end, for the End, the Purpose, and the Reason for all things is Christ.
And Jesus answered and said unto her, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luk 10:41,42
Some years ago, Joian and I would meet for the first time and share a most anointed time on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, located on Coronado Island. My new friend, and soon to become my best friend, while sitting in the sand, would converse and touch on the deepest things in God. However, we could not delve deeply into these things, for a sustaining foundation was being laid for our growing relationship. You might ask, what was that foundation? To which I would reply, "Jesus is enough .... He is more than enough." A number of the hardest questions were queried that day and in a most unique way, they were subconsciously answered without words. Instead the difficult quandaries were laid to rest by a flowing supernal peace, reserved only for the communion of the saints of the Most High God, with Jesus in their midst.
Later as months would pass, Joian and I would entertain the thought of marriage. We would pass over this idea however, with a recognition that such a union would detract from our growing relationship with our Lord and our imputed Spirit led quest to realize time alone with God. We had realized this quest was not only the better part but the very best part of our lives. I believe, even in the divine union of marriage, should we grow in God there will be the Holiest places, where each must lay husband or wife, children and friends upon the altar, to find, that God in Christ is enough, more than enough. For a certainty, one must experience the sacred sacrifice, of the giving up of all one holds dear in this world to Him, no matter our state or vocation. And how amazing, that when a couple arrives at such a place of forsaking of all, including each other, they find the sacred marriage union between man and wife becomes what it could never be, beforehand. This is the principle of the multiple becoming One. And as it is with man and wife so it is also with Christ and His bride, the church. How truly wonderful is the great paradox of the Kingdom, where all must die, to live anew in Oneness with Him. This is for a surety, the path to Heaven on earth, where all that is Good is found enjoined within Him!
So it is today, that I share a message for those that might be struggling amidst a trial or tribulation. Whether single or with husband or wife, this message holds the deepest truth, one will ever find in the Kingdom and it is simply, "God in Christ, is enough. He is enough for every situation and every union. For even when all seems broken, tired, old and thrown askew, Jesus is able to pick up the pieces and put them together, anew. Even that, which seems as sure as dead, will bloom afresh with the full vibrancy of New Life. You might ask, "when will this be? What is the key to such glory?" I know of only one answer,"when we have come to the end of ourselves and to the end of all, that is about us. It is there, and only there, that we will learn, 'He is enough... more than enough.'" This I believe, is the deepest truth of all truths and should God have His hand on you, you will find yourself pulled into this Truth. And that Truth, above all truths, will carry you over every mountain and through every thing, this world can ever throw at you. The best part, is that once realized, this Truth ever grows as God brings other battered and pillaged souls to you and you are able to share the remedy to all that ails the tired and torn soul. God is good, He is good like that! Oh, to be able to share and even demonstrate such before my children, your children, and for that matter, all His children. This is our great commission, for which we were sent into this fallen world. To know and to proclaim and to demonstrate, JESUS IS ENOUGH!
With that said, as an introduction, please allow me to share a confirming word taken from Chip Brogden's devotional this morning. And to that, I would love to bless you with a couple of anointed songs, hoping you might lift your hands and praise Him, Who alone is worthy to be called "Enough".
In His Sweet Lord Jesus,
What is the "deeper Christian life"? It is nothing more and nothing less than Christ Himself. To be deep is to be simple, focused, and devoted to the One Thing that is needed But even here, some believers seek the deeper Christian life as a thing, a teaching, a certain way of acting spiritual. The "deeper life" becomes the goal instead of Christ as Life. They become profoundly mystical and spiritual, but it is death because they do not touch Christ, they touch spirituality. There is no life in spirituality, or mysticism, or religiosity; there is only Life in Christ. Anything less becomes a distraction.
I came to the Lord in the midst of the Charismatic movement. The emphasis was on Spirit-filled living, restoring spiritual gifts, the power of God, and so forth. We find no fault with walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. But what is the purpose of all this fullness? Why tongues, and prophetic words, and other spiritual gifts? Why the manifest power of God? All of these things are given us by the Lord to draw us deeper into Himself; to repeat, they are means to an End, but they are not the end, for the End, the Purpose, and the Reason for all things is Christ.
Of all the old mystic's writings that I have read, I found Fenelon's maxims, the clearest and most practical. Last night, I stumbled across a fellow by the name of Fred, who has made a friend of François Fénelon. Below Fred and Fenelon share some wonderful insights for our advancement in God. I have highlighted that which I thought exceptional. As a last note, if there be anything I would hope others to know, it would be, "seek the map maker instead of the map." So many fretting souls are about figuring out what's going to happen, when we can be satisfied to know "God is happening ...... and He is happening within our lives right now!"
1. The Presence precedes the plan.
For years younger people have asked me how they could know God's plan for their life. While reading Fénelon and other saints, I find they are not concerned with that question. Their concern is not with the plan but with the Presence. When we have a guide, we don't need a map. Without the Presence we attempt work for God instead of letting God work through us. Fénelon said: Put aside your self-interest and simply let God's will unfold around you. Everything he does for you is for your good. Worship him without having to know and see everything. Continue doing the good things that you do since you feel that you should and you can do them so easily. Be careful that all your extra energy does not lead you into trouble and, above all, live in the present moment and God will give you all the grace you need. He continues, Live your daily life out in the presence of God. He will give you all that you need. God's glory and his purpose are the end of all things. You will find happiness and salvation there but not as an end in itself. It is all for God.
2. Self-love is subtle.
"You will be tempted to speak out in a humble tone of voice to tell others of your problems. Watch out for this. A humility that is still talkative does not run very deep. When you talk too much, your self-love relieves his sense of shame a little."
Fénelon goes on to say: "Self love is proud of its spiritual accomplishments. You must lose everything to find God for himself alone. You won't begin to let go of yourself until you have been thrown off a cliff. He takes away to give back in a better way." "Self-interest and pride cause you to reject the gifts of God, because they do not come in a way that suits your taste. He asks for nothing but death, and you desire nothing but life." "Selfishly loving yourself shunts your spirit. You put yourself in a straitjacket when you are enclosed in self. When you come out of that prison you experience how immense God is and how he set his children free. Be humble. Do not trust the old nature."
He probes even deeper: So to strip self-love of its mask is the most humiliating punishment that can be inflicted. You see that you are no longer as wise, patient, polite, self-possessed, and courageous in sacrificing yourself for others as you had imagined. You are no longer fed by the belief that you need nothing. . . . You no longer think that your greatness and generosity deserve a better name than self-love. However, you are further tormented because you also weep and rage that you have cried at all. What your old nature fears the most is necessary for its destruction.
3. Suffering is useful.
Fénelon speaks of suffering as God's exercise program, his gymnasium: Suffering is necessary for all of us. You will be purified by dying to see your own desires and will. Let yourself die. You have excellent opportunities for this to happen. Don't waste them. . . . God never makes you suffer unnecessarily. He intends for your suffering to heal and purify you. The hand of God hurts you as little as it can. The yoke that God gives is easy to bear if you accept it without struggling to escape.
4. One test of relation with God is peace.
Fénelon recommended Guyon: "Encourage peace, become deaf to your overactive imagination. Your spinning imagination will harm your health and make your spiritual life very dry. You worry yourself sick for no good reason. Inner peace and the sweet presence of God are chased away by restlessness."
Or, consider, "Peace and comfort are to be found only in simple obedience. Remain at peace, for peace is what God wants for you no matter what is happening. There is in fact a peace of conscience which sinners should enjoy as they are repenting. Suffering should be peaceful and tempered with God's comfort."
And regarding the future: "Live in peace without worrying about the future. Unnecessary worrying and imagining the worst possible scenario will strangle your faith."
He warned "there never is peace in resisting God . . . . Allow yourself to be humble. If you are silent and peaceful when humiliating things happen to you, you will grow in grace." And "The point of trusting God is not to do great things that you can feel good about, but to trust God from a place of deep weakness. Here's a way to know if you are actually trusting God with something. You will not think about the matter any longer nor will you feel a lack of peace."
5. Silence brings blessings.
Fénelon: "Try to practice silence as much as general courtesy permits. Silence encourages God's presence, prevents harsh words, and causes you to be less likely to say something you will regret. Silence also helps you put space between you and the world. Out of the silence that you cultivate you will get strength to meet your needs."
6. Growth and change are the work of the cross.
Fénelon has helped me to think of the work of the cross--redemption--as the constant tension of growth and change as the old nature gives way to the new. It is a process that starts with the new birth and ends at the close of our earthly journey, by which time we are hopefully more mature in the likeness of Christ.
Fénelon said to Mme. Guyon, "Bear your cross. Do you know what this means? Learn to see yourself as you are and accept your weakness until it pleases God to heal you. If you die a little every day of your life, you won't have too much to worry about on your final day."
Then with assurance he says, "You and I are nothing without the cross. I agonize and cry when the cross is working within me, but when it is over I look back in admiration for what God has accomplished. Of course I am then ashamed I bore it so poorly."
7. The focused life is the simple life.
"Our hidden agendas can poison the simplicity of a situation. The desire to do a work for God is simple enough, but I greatly complicate it when I add the hidden agenda of wanting to be recognized and appreciated while doing it."
8. Give grace to yourself and others.
I can almost hear Fénelon say, "Lighten up." He wrote: "Do not be surprised to find yourself overly sensitive, impatient, proud, and self-willed. Realize that this is your natural disposition. Bear with yourself, but do not flatter yourself into thinking you are better than you are but wait on God's timing to transform it. Stop at once when your activities become too hurried."
Madame Guyon, a rich and beautiful widow and close friend of Fénelon, woke many souls to share her love for God. For this she was vilified, harassed, imprisoned, and her writings condemned. Fénelon stood by her at great personal cost.
For a brief biography of FENELON
Of all the old mystic's writings that I have read, I found Fenelon's maxims, the clearest and most practical. Last night, I stumbled across a fellow by the name of Fred, who has made a friend of François Fénelon. Below Fred and Fenelon share some wonderful insights for our advancement in God. I have highlighted that which I thought exceptional. As a last note, if there be anything I would hope others to know, it would be, "seek the map maker instead of the map." So many fretting souls are about figuring out what's going to happen, when we can be satisfied to know "God is happening ...... and He is happening within our lives right now!"
1. The Presence precedes the plan.
For years younger people have asked me how they could know God's plan for their life. While reading Fénelon and other saints, I find they are not concerned with that question. Their concern is not with the plan but with the Presence. When we have a guide, we don't need a map. Without the Presence we attempt work for God instead of letting God work through us. Fénelon said: Put aside your self-interest and simply let God's will unfold around you. Everything he does for you is for your good. Worship him without having to know and see everything. Continue doing the good things that you do since you feel that you should and you can do them so easily. Be careful that all your extra energy does not lead you into trouble and, above all, live in the present moment and God will give you all the grace you need. He continues, Live your daily life out in the presence of God. He will give you all that you need. God's glory and his purpose are the end of all things. You will find happiness and salvation there but not as an end in itself. It is all for God.
2. Self-love is subtle.
"You will be tempted to speak out in a humble tone of voice to tell others of your problems. Watch out for this. A humility that is still talkative does not run very deep. When you talk too much, your self-love relieves his sense of shame a little."
Fénelon goes on to say: "Self love is proud of its spiritual accomplishments. You must lose everything to find God for himself alone. You won't begin to let go of yourself until you have been thrown off a cliff. He takes away to give back in a better way." "Self-interest and pride cause you to reject the gifts of God, because they do not come in a way that suits your taste. He asks for nothing but death, and you desire nothing but life." "Selfishly loving yourself shunts your spirit. You put yourself in a straitjacket when you are enclosed in self. When you come out of that prison you experience how immense God is and how he set his children free. Be humble. Do not trust the old nature."
He probes even deeper: So to strip self-love of its mask is the most humiliating punishment that can be inflicted. You see that you are no longer as wise, patient, polite, self-possessed, and courageous in sacrificing yourself for others as you had imagined. You are no longer fed by the belief that you need nothing. . . . You no longer think that your greatness and generosity deserve a better name than self-love. However, you are further tormented because you also weep and rage that you have cried at all. What your old nature fears the most is necessary for its destruction.
3. Suffering is useful.
Fénelon speaks of suffering as God's exercise program, his gymnasium: Suffering is necessary for all of us. You will be purified by dying to see your own desires and will. Let yourself die. You have excellent opportunities for this to happen. Don't waste them. . . . God never makes you suffer unnecessarily. He intends for your suffering to heal and purify you. The hand of God hurts you as little as it can. The yoke that God gives is easy to bear if you accept it without struggling to escape.
4. One test of relation with God is peace.
Fénelon recommended Guyon: "Encourage peace, become deaf to your overactive imagination. Your spinning imagination will harm your health and make your spiritual life very dry. You worry yourself sick for no good reason. Inner peace and the sweet presence of God are chased away by restlessness."
Or, consider, "Peace and comfort are to be found only in simple obedience. Remain at peace, for peace is what God wants for you no matter what is happening. There is in fact a peace of conscience which sinners should enjoy as they are repenting. Suffering should be peaceful and tempered with God's comfort."
And regarding the future: "Live in peace without worrying about the future. Unnecessary worrying and imagining the worst possible scenario will strangle your faith."
He warned "there never is peace in resisting God . . . . Allow yourself to be humble. If you are silent and peaceful when humiliating things happen to you, you will grow in grace." And "The point of trusting God is not to do great things that you can feel good about, but to trust God from a place of deep weakness. Here's a way to know if you are actually trusting God with something. You will not think about the matter any longer nor will you feel a lack of peace."
5. Silence brings blessings.
Fénelon: "Try to practice silence as much as general courtesy permits. Silence encourages God's presence, prevents harsh words, and causes you to be less likely to say something you will regret. Silence also helps you put space between you and the world. Out of the silence that you cultivate you will get strength to meet your needs."
6. Growth and change are the work of the cross.
Fénelon has helped me to think of the work of the cross--redemption--as the constant tension of growth and change as the old nature gives way to the new. It is a process that starts with the new birth and ends at the close of our earthly journey, by which time we are hopefully more mature in the likeness of Christ.
Fénelon said to Mme. Guyon, "Bear your cross. Do you know what this means? Learn to see yourself as you are and accept your weakness until it pleases God to heal you. If you die a little every day of your life, you won't have too much to worry about on your final day."
Then with assurance he says, "You and I are nothing without the cross. I agonize and cry when the cross is working within me, but when it is over I look back in admiration for what God has accomplished. Of course I am then ashamed I bore it so poorly."
7. The focused life is the simple life.
"Our hidden agendas can poison the simplicity of a situation. The desire to do a work for God is simple enough, but I greatly complicate it when I add the hidden agenda of wanting to be recognized and appreciated while doing it."
8. Give grace to yourself and others.
I can almost hear Fénelon say, "Lighten up." He wrote: "Do not be surprised to find yourself overly sensitive, impatient, proud, and self-willed. Realize that this is your natural disposition. Bear with yourself, but do not flatter yourself into thinking you are better than you are but wait on God's timing to transform it. Stop at once when your activities become too hurried."
Madame Guyon, a rich and beautiful widow and close friend of Fénelon, woke many souls to share her love for God. For this she was vilified, harassed, imprisoned, and her writings condemned. Fénelon stood by her at great personal cost.
For a brief biography of FENELON
This morning, as I experienced the Master adding another flower to His heavenly bouquet, these songs helped me have a good cry. Jesus, cried too ..... as He carried that flower to Our Father.
"Who plucked that flower?" cried the gardener, as he walked through the garden.
His fellow servant answered, "The Master." And the gardener held his peace.
TL Haines
This morning, as I experienced the Master adding another flower to His heavenly bouquet, these songs helped me have a good cry. Jesus, cried too ..... as He carried that flower to Our Father.
"Who plucked that flower?" cried the gardener, as he walked through the garden.
His fellow servant answered, "The Master." And the gardener held his peace.
TL Haines
NUGGETS OF PRECIOUS GOLD ..... "The Steps Leveled"
So it has been these last two nights, that God has awakened me in the middle of the night to thrill my heart with a selected reading and add it to a new blog. This today, which I quote below in its entirety, is Jan Antonsson's newest writing. We have the Antonsson's link in our sidebar as Joian and myself have grown to love Jan and appreciate greatly the telling of that which she is seeing in the Kingdom. Of all the authors and teachers I read today, I believe Jan comes the closest to seeing that which I see. She has also taken some real beatings later in life as have I. When you suffer you see. No other way about it.
So it has been these last two nights, that God has awakened me in the middle of the night to thrill my heart with a selected reading and add it to a new blog. This today, which I quote below in its entirety, is Jan Antonsson's newest writing. We have the Antonsson's link in our sidebar as Joian and myself have grown to love Jan and appreciate greatly the telling of that which she is seeing in the Kingdom. Of all the authors and teachers I read today, I believe Jan comes the closest to seeing that which I see. She has also taken some real beatings later in life as have I. When you suffer you see. No other way about it.
I came into the "sonship" message almost thirty years ago and if I was to complain of some unnecessary baggage, many proponents of this message carry, it would be the pride one takes in knowing they are elect. I even include myself, as I have at times fallen into the trap of thinking myself, one step up on others who know not God. The great theologian, Karl Barth would say, "we all are on the same step before God." I would go as far as to say, "we, the elect of this age, are in actuality one step below unregenerate humanity, for one must first descend before they may ascend."
Now this, He went up, what is it but that he first went down into the lower parts of the earth? Eph 4"9
Such is the way of UNMERITED GRACE through Christ Jesus, where all men shall know and receive it's fullness, each in his own order. And be it known, the last will be first and the least the greatest until all the steps have been leveled and we rest perfectly in God, All in All. Oh my, what a Gospel ........ what a God!
Given for the Saints of the World, 10/25/09.
"First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation" (II Peter 1:20).
We always appreciate feedback and a number of you wrote about last week's essay, "We shall All Be Changed." What I write is firstly for me, and if anyone else gets anything out of them, as some apparently do, then God be praised. We're all on the path home to God from whence we came and to whom we all go, but we've each come through different "filters," which influenced us and shaped our thinking, be it our cultural heritage or denominational background. That matters not to God, who called us from the foundation of the world, out of our own Ur of the Chaldees to the Land He has Promised, the Land flowing with milk and honey. He has promised victory over the giants in the land which stand in our way home to Him.
A friend we met when we first got on the Internet commented about this recent writing, indicating that he differs somewhat from what I wrote and he wanted my opinion, saying that "iron sharpens iron." Others may be interested in what he said. We'll call him Bob (not his real name). Here's a portion of what he wrote:
"I don't believe these manifested sons of God will include everyone on earth, as your friend suggested. Maybe in the next age, but not at the "twinkling." I believe Scripture is clear that only those who are His at His coming are included in that manifestation. The "all" means all who are His.
"So unless you expect to see 5 or 6 billion people suddenly come to Christ, I can't see how all mankind will be changed at this time. Only those who have the Holy Spirit get the new body. "But if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him" (Rom. 8:9).
"Think about it. If all people are changed, how can there be a "remnant?" Or a "chosen people." Or an "elect?" For "it is the remnant that will be saved" (Rom 9:27). So it seems clear that only those who are His are changed. After that He/we will put down all opposing authority to God's rule on earth, including death, then will He/we turn the kingdom over to the Father. And then comes the judgment." End Quote.
This brother has seen God's reconciliation of all, but like many others, he puts conditions on how it will happen, and gives the manifested sons a little credit for the triumph of the Gospel on earth. It reminds me of the foot note in the NIV Study Bible which dilutes Paul's emphatic, inclusive, and unconditional salvation for all Israel:
"Now I don't want you, my brothers, to be totally ignorant of God's secret plan. And I should not wish you to have ideas of your own which may be false. No, the partial insensibility which has come to Israel is only to last until the full number of the gentiles has been called in. Once this has happened, all Israel will be saved, as the scripture says: There shall come out of Zion the deliver, He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob" (Rom. 11:25-26).
The foot note: "The salvation of the Jews will, of course, be on the same basis as anyone's salvation: personal faith in Jesus Christ, crucified and risen from the dead."
The "good news" is so good that many cannot believe it. They have to trim it down, cut it short, make it conditional upon man's obedience, something that has characterized church doctrine throughout the ages. Yet, by the Spirit, more and more Christians are seeing the all sufficiency of the blood sacrifice that God made in Christ on the cross to reconcile THE WORLD to Himself (II Cor. 5:18-19), that we might "become the righteousness of God" (Vs. 21). If ANYTHING about that process depends upon man's action or response, the whole outcome is damned from the beginning, because man has NEVER been able to obey the Law.
When Abraham walked through the blood with God, the text indicates that he was sore afraid, as well he might have been (Gen. 15:12), because the one who broke that blood covenant agreed to have his own blood shed like the animals whose blood was spilled in the ditch. Abraham knew that he would not be able to keep the covenant, and he was correct. The sacrificial blood of the lambs, goats, and bulls slain through the centuries, from the Law of Moses to Christ, were a reminder to the people of Israel of that blood covenant God made with Abraham. When they saw the blood spill down the side of the altar, they thanked God that they could offer an animal instead of their own blood as a sacrifice for their sins (Link to The Blood Covenant is at end).
What a God we serve, what a loving Father we have, who on the cross said, in effect, "You have broken the covenant thoroughly, completely, and totally, but instead of demanding your blood as payment, I give you My blood. You demand blood; you require a sacrifice. Take my blood. I will be Your sacrifice."
Would such a God then, turn around and say, "And oh, by the way, you'll have to be good enough and faithful enough and obedient enough to deserve the reward." I think not, but the extant church still teaches that, and thus falls short of the mark of the high calling of Christ.
Brother Bob spoke of the "elect," the "remnant," and he was correct in assuming that God has always served the many through the few. Abraham was the first "elect" of God, chosen that in his seed would all nations be blessed (Gen. 22:16-18; Gal. 3:8). That it all depends upon God is everywhere in scripture when He opens our eyes to see it. In Gen. 22:16, God said, "I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore." Before you jump to the conclusion that God could only bless Abraham because he was willing to sacrifice Isaac, as many have down through the centuries, remember the Hebrew writer's assertion "For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself" (Heb. 6:13). Abraham could only have been willing to sacrifice Isaac by the faith God implanted in him. God depended upon Himself, not upon Abraham, to fulfill His promise.
Israel was the "remnant" through whom God displayed Himself to the surrounding nations, and Paul said that God is still using the elect in that way: "So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer BY WORKS, if it were, grace would no longer be grace" (Rom. 11:5-6). Hosea saw God's grace at work in the heathen, and Paul quoted him: "I will call them 'my people' who are not my people; and I will call her 'my loved one' who is not my loved one. It will happen that in the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' they will be called 'sons of the living God'" (Hos. 1:10; 2:23; Rom. 10:25-26).
Paul also quoted Isaiah's bold statement: "I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me" (Isa. 65:1; Rom. 10: 20). While this certainly answers the question of how could 5 or 6 billion people could come to Christ in a "twinkling," it also asks the question, why do so many Christians have such trouble with this concept?
Paul had seen it all. He wrote about Israel's rejection of the Gospel, "What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith, but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the 'stumbling stone'" (Rom. 9:30-32). It certainly appears to me that most Christians are still stumbling over the 'stumbling stone' which is Christ in us, the hope of glory. That, of course, is by God's design as well. Isaiah saw it and Paul quoted him: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame" (Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33). God is the active force in these verses; man is only the passive recipient.
Paul concluded, "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'" (Rom. 10:12-13). Moreover, anyone who sees Him as He is shall be like Him (I John 3:2). That's enough for me to rest in God's ability to change us all into His likeness whenever He wants.
Brother Bob based his conclusions on the manifestation of the sons of God and the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. I no longer resonate to, nor have faith in, the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. I believe it is symbolic, as is most everything else in the book of Revelation. Some have created an elaborate end time scenario, pieced together like a patch work quilt from Old Testament prophecies found also in Revelation. As many have noted, John's Revelation is the unveiling of Christ. It was written to comfort Christians who were being tortured and killed by Roman Emperors, often for the entertainment of the blood thirsty masses. For John to have written something that wouldn't come true for 2,000 years or more, certainly wouldn't have been much comfort to a man about to be thrown to the lions. The man about to die needed to know Christ NOW as the One on the White Horse who rode forth conquering and to conquer (Rev. 6:2).
The martyrs drew strength, even as we do today, from knowing "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever" (Rev. 11:15). Any who are being tested and tried, tribulated and tempted to doubt, are raptured to the Throne of God by the words "NOW have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ" (Rev. 12:10). We don't have to wait for some future date to experience victory in Christ, for these things are true right NOW! The truth that "no scripture is for private interpretation" saves us from the hyperbole of the doomsday prophets.
Another brother wrote in response to last week's essay. "In recent years I have become less and less enchanted with the standard UR take on "manifested sons." It seemed to segregate the "haves" from "the have-nots" just as surely as the Fundamentalists do between the saved and unsaved. Harry's assertion that "the sons will include everyone" is a kind of bomb. He seems to be saying, with Karl Barth, that we are all on the same step before God." End Quote.
Since Jesus said that "no man knows the hour" when this world will pass away (Matt. 24:36), it is futile to speculate how it will happen or when. We trust in Him who will keep us from falling and present us without fault before the Throne, with great joy, knowing that even trust is not from us, but a gift of God.
Father, we fall on our faces in worship to You, who brought us out of the pigpens of this world into fellowship with You. Make us be light bearers and peace bringers to a dark and fearful world. In the Name above all names, amen.
Given for the Saints of the World, 10/25/09.
"First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation" (II Peter 1:20).
We always appreciate feedback and a number of you wrote about last week's essay, "We shall All Be Changed." What I write is firstly for me, and if anyone else gets anything out of them, as some apparently do, then God be praised. We're all on the path home to God from whence we came and to whom we all go, but we've each come through different "filters," which influenced us and shaped our thinking, be it our cultural heritage or denominational background. That matters not to God, who called us from the foundation of the world, out of our own Ur of the Chaldees to the Land He has Promised, the Land flowing with milk and honey. He has promised victory over the giants in the land which stand in our way home to Him.
A friend we met when we first got on the Internet commented about this recent writing, indicating that he differs somewhat from what I wrote and he wanted my opinion, saying that "iron sharpens iron." Others may be interested in what he said. We'll call him Bob (not his real name). Here's a portion of what he wrote:
"I don't believe these manifested sons of God will include everyone on earth, as your friend suggested. Maybe in the next age, but not at the "twinkling." I believe Scripture is clear that only those who are His at His coming are included in that manifestation. The "all" means all who are His.
"So unless you expect to see 5 or 6 billion people suddenly come to Christ, I can't see how all mankind will be changed at this time. Only those who have the Holy Spirit get the new body. "But if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him" (Rom. 8:9).
"Think about it. If all people are changed, how can there be a "remnant?" Or a "chosen people." Or an "elect?" For "it is the remnant that will be saved" (Rom 9:27). So it seems clear that only those who are His are changed. After that He/we will put down all opposing authority to God's rule on earth, including death, then will He/we turn the kingdom over to the Father. And then comes the judgment." End Quote.
This brother has seen God's reconciliation of all, but like many others, he puts conditions on how it will happen, and gives the manifested sons a little credit for the triumph of the Gospel on earth. It reminds me of the foot note in the NIV Study Bible which dilutes Paul's emphatic, inclusive, and unconditional salvation for all Israel:
"Now I don't want you, my brothers, to be totally ignorant of God's secret plan. And I should not wish you to have ideas of your own which may be false. No, the partial insensibility which has come to Israel is only to last until the full number of the gentiles has been called in. Once this has happened, all Israel will be saved, as the scripture says: There shall come out of Zion the deliver, He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob" (Rom. 11:25-26).
The foot note: "The salvation of the Jews will, of course, be on the same basis as anyone's salvation: personal faith in Jesus Christ, crucified and risen from the dead."
The "good news" is so good that many cannot believe it. They have to trim it down, cut it short, make it conditional upon man's obedience, something that has characterized church doctrine throughout the ages. Yet, by the Spirit, more and more Christians are seeing the all sufficiency of the blood sacrifice that God made in Christ on the cross to reconcile THE WORLD to Himself (II Cor. 5:18-19), that we might "become the righteousness of God" (Vs. 21). If ANYTHING about that process depends upon man's action or response, the whole outcome is damned from the beginning, because man has NEVER been able to obey the Law.
When Abraham walked through the blood with God, the text indicates that he was sore afraid, as well he might have been (Gen. 15:12), because the one who broke that blood covenant agreed to have his own blood shed like the animals whose blood was spilled in the ditch. Abraham knew that he would not be able to keep the covenant, and he was correct. The sacrificial blood of the lambs, goats, and bulls slain through the centuries, from the Law of Moses to Christ, were a reminder to the people of Israel of that blood covenant God made with Abraham. When they saw the blood spill down the side of the altar, they thanked God that they could offer an animal instead of their own blood as a sacrifice for their sins (Link to The Blood Covenant is at end).
What a God we serve, what a loving Father we have, who on the cross said, in effect, "You have broken the covenant thoroughly, completely, and totally, but instead of demanding your blood as payment, I give you My blood. You demand blood; you require a sacrifice. Take my blood. I will be Your sacrifice."
Would such a God then, turn around and say, "And oh, by the way, you'll have to be good enough and faithful enough and obedient enough to deserve the reward." I think not, but the extant church still teaches that, and thus falls short of the mark of the high calling of Christ.
Brother Bob spoke of the "elect," the "remnant," and he was correct in assuming that God has always served the many through the few. Abraham was the first "elect" of God, chosen that in his seed would all nations be blessed (Gen. 22:16-18; Gal. 3:8). That it all depends upon God is everywhere in scripture when He opens our eyes to see it. In Gen. 22:16, God said, "I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore." Before you jump to the conclusion that God could only bless Abraham because he was willing to sacrifice Isaac, as many have down through the centuries, remember the Hebrew writer's assertion "For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself" (Heb. 6:13). Abraham could only have been willing to sacrifice Isaac by the faith God implanted in him. God depended upon Himself, not upon Abraham, to fulfill His promise.
Israel was the "remnant" through whom God displayed Himself to the surrounding nations, and Paul said that God is still using the elect in that way: "So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer BY WORKS, if it were, grace would no longer be grace" (Rom. 11:5-6). Hosea saw God's grace at work in the heathen, and Paul quoted him: "I will call them 'my people' who are not my people; and I will call her 'my loved one' who is not my loved one. It will happen that in the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' they will be called 'sons of the living God'" (Hos. 1:10; 2:23; Rom. 10:25-26).
Paul also quoted Isaiah's bold statement: "I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me" (Isa. 65:1; Rom. 10: 20). While this certainly answers the question of how could 5 or 6 billion people could come to Christ in a "twinkling," it also asks the question, why do so many Christians have such trouble with this concept?
Paul had seen it all. He wrote about Israel's rejection of the Gospel, "What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith, but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the 'stumbling stone'" (Rom. 9:30-32). It certainly appears to me that most Christians are still stumbling over the 'stumbling stone' which is Christ in us, the hope of glory. That, of course, is by God's design as well. Isaiah saw it and Paul quoted him: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame" (Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33). God is the active force in these verses; man is only the passive recipient.
Paul concluded, "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'" (Rom. 10:12-13). Moreover, anyone who sees Him as He is shall be like Him (I John 3:2). That's enough for me to rest in God's ability to change us all into His likeness whenever He wants.
Brother Bob based his conclusions on the manifestation of the sons of God and the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. I no longer resonate to, nor have faith in, the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. I believe it is symbolic, as is most everything else in the book of Revelation. Some have created an elaborate end time scenario, pieced together like a patch work quilt from Old Testament prophecies found also in Revelation. As many have noted, John's Revelation is the unveiling of Christ. It was written to comfort Christians who were being tortured and killed by Roman Emperors, often for the entertainment of the blood thirsty masses. For John to have written something that wouldn't come true for 2,000 years or more, certainly wouldn't have been much comfort to a man about to be thrown to the lions. The man about to die needed to know Christ NOW as the One on the White Horse who rode forth conquering and to conquer (Rev. 6:2).
The martyrs drew strength, even as we do today, from knowing "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever" (Rev. 11:15). Any who are being tested and tried, tribulated and tempted to doubt, are raptured to the Throne of God by the words "NOW have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ" (Rev. 12:10). We don't have to wait for some future date to experience victory in Christ, for these things are true right NOW! The truth that "no scripture is for private interpretation" saves us from the hyperbole of the doomsday prophets.
Another brother wrote in response to last week's essay. "In recent years I have become less and less enchanted with the standard UR take on "manifested sons." It seemed to segregate the "haves" from "the have-nots" just as surely as the Fundamentalists do between the saved and unsaved. Harry's assertion that "the sons will include everyone" is a kind of bomb. He seems to be saying, with Karl Barth, that we are all on the same step before God." End Quote.
Since Jesus said that "no man knows the hour" when this world will pass away (Matt. 24:36), it is futile to speculate how it will happen or when. We trust in Him who will keep us from falling and present us without fault before the Throne, with great joy, knowing that even trust is not from us, but a gift of God.
Father, we fall on our faces in worship to You, who brought us out of the pigpens of this world into fellowship with You. Make us be light bearers and peace bringers to a dark and fearful world. In the Name above all names, amen.
Jan Antonsson
NUGGETS OF PRECIOUS GOLD ..... "Ye Sall Never Die?"
A year and a half ago, we published a blog that addressed the passing of a good brother. In that writing, I mentioned that this dear saint had been purposed of God to teach us a valuable lesson. I never exactly shared the lesson at that time, knowing the opportunity would present itself later. Today, that opportunity seems ripe.
As to some background, it so happens that I was used as an God's instrument to lead this Word of Faith preacher, into the truth of Universal Salvation. However, I was never able to share with him, "God's absolute sovereignty" with any success.
So it happens, that over the many months we traded thoughts on "free will vs. One will", this brother was working on a survive forever plan. He built a compound in the country, where no matter the conditions of the world, he could independently sustain himself and his family. Along with this, our brother also eschewed the use of doctors while in addition possessing an "I will never die" doctrine. He had the faith and he was putting it into action. So he thought.
You see, just about the time he had everything set in order, our brother became ill. Having been healed on a number of occasions without the assistance of a physician, he refused to seek clinical care. He even pinned the term,"Babylonian witch doctors" on the lot of physicians. Weeks dragged on and his illness worsened. Our friend, even refused the behest of his wife, to seek medical help, and more time passed. Finally, our brother acquiesced and upon medical examination it was determined a simple infection in one of his organs had spread to other organs and through out his body. Over time, the treatable infection had turned into his death knell. A few weeks after the doctor's exam, our brother was dead, but not before he mentioned to Joian and myself that his theology had been amiss.
And I would be remiss If I didn't share my belief, that our good brother in his passing taught many an important lesson. Such was his life ordained for, by the hand of the Sovereign God. I know in my heart, upon entering paradise and meeting the Father, this saint of God was received with a, "well done, my son!" With that, I am sure our brother laid his accolade at Jesus' feet.
With that introduction, I want to share a most remarkable writing by Elwin Roach that addresses this very "never die" philosophy, which our good brother had grasped onto. Joian sent this article to me today and I thank her for that. What a blessing to see the truth of the matter stated so clearly.
O.K. folks, it's time to listen up. It is time to come to the knowledge of the truth. It's time to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches; namely, what is being said to this church called the lukewarm church of (1)Laodicea. Frankly, it is time to face reality, adjust, and be ignited by the fire of revelation.
I know the above heading alone is enough for some to read no farther in this short, clear, easy to understand article. Nevertheless, since this subject seems to have been a somewhat confusing matter to a number of those who embrace present-day teachings, we will cover ground that's been plowed before, and hopefully, break again some fallow soil. In addition, repetition is often beneficial; for I believe it to be true as one author has written: "There may be more to learn by climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains."
This issue of never dying has become a driving force for quite a number of sincere saints who have laid down their lives for the groaning creation, and this concerns me. There is nothing wrong with the thought in itself. The problem is one of perspective. When the vision has been diverted, it can lead to a hopelessly frustrating journey, and their long, sought after goal is never reached.
A couple of scriptures have, no doubt, already come to mind, so let us gird up the loins of our spirit and see what is being said by them.
"And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" (John 11:26).
First, to qualify and be numbered in those ranks, it is necessary to be experientially living and believing into Him, which cannot be done in the confines of the carnal mind. Second, to whom was Jesus referring when He said, "whosoever"? Do you suppose it was the person, the identity, the spiritual man, i.e., the sons of God who shouted for joy when the foundations of the earth were laid? (Job 38:4-7). Could it have been those foreknown by God, and predestinated to be conformed to the express image of His first begotten Son? And could it possibly have been the ones He called, and justified, and whom He also glorified before there was ever a man to till the ground? (Rom 8:29-30, Gen 2:1-5).
Or are you thinking the whosoever might be the tangible, the dust laden body by which the elect of God are temporarily veiled? Could the whosoever remotely be the old carnal being which lumbers around in a proud body of dirt, that Adamic body with the pronouncement of death upon it by virtue of being joined to the walking dead man? Could it be that image which was formed from the earth, the dust which will return to the earth as it was? (Eccl 12:7).
If you do not believe it is that one, then you understand well that the "whosoever" speaks of the ones born from above, those from the heavens! They are the ones Jesus was talking about, and not those whose make up is the elements of the crusty, temporal earth that lies on the earth-plane.
But You say, "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:53. And I whole-heartedly agree. I believe the same. Yet I also note the meaning of the two words, put on. They come from the Greek word, enduo. Both Thayer's and Strong's Greek Dictionaries give the definition as: "to sink into, in the sense of sinking into a garment." Therefore, the mortality must SINK into the garment of immorality. It is not that mortality suddenly becomes immortal, no, not by any means. Mortality does not forever stand up tall and strong. It is swallowed up! It sinks into oblivion like a man being pulled down by quicksand. Mortality sinks into obscurity as it is swallowed by immortality.
The true man who shouted for joy long before the sun's first advent rises in victory. He is literally turned inside out. "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Cor 4:16). Hear it again -- though our outward man perish (sinks), yet the inward man is renewed (stands taller) day by day.
Since we know from whence we came, since we know our origin, since we know our heavenly Father and substance -- can any one of you tell me why we deny the perishing of our outward man of crusty clay? Why do we hold on to these carnal vessels as if that is who we are and all we are? I believe I know why. It is because we do not like the pain of growing old, and especially the pain and embarrassment of death; but more than that -- we have heard the voice that is twists human desires together with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. By listening to the subtle wind of the serpent, and by taking that fruit, we have taken it to ourselves unto death, and in dying -- we die.
With the lying wind of the serpent in mind, let me borrow a thought from one of our previous articles (#02.151). This will, hopefully, dispel the idea that the devil has been destroyed, is only an illusion in men's minds, and all we have to do is to realize it.
Hebrews 2:14 is the only verse I can recall which is used for believing that the devil has been destroyed. Although it was surely the case for Jesus, this verse does not say that the devil was destroyed at the time of the cross for the whole world. Let us remove our doctrinal eyeglasses for a moment and note a simple statement: "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil" (Heb 2:14). Did you notice the simple statement? "...That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. It does not say, that through death He destroyed him, but might destroy him. There is a difference, you know!
It would not seem possible to miss this point, but many do. While these dear ones are aging by the day, and literally dying, they say, "The devil who has the power of death has been destroyed. I will, therefore, never die. Sadly, they do not see that their words are often inspired by the very thing they say is dead; namely, the devil, the adverse spirit which sets every carnal mind against God in the interest of human reasoning, the spirit which presently works in the children of disobedience (Eph 2:2). Moreover, their claim indicates that they deny the obvious. Some, however, maintain that the obvious is merely an illusion, that death and aging are nothing more than the result of a mistaken identity, and if people would simply realize it -- they will stop the aging process and will never die. Forgive me, please, for being the bearer of sad news; but I must say -- your realizing is not real, and it is not working. That which you call illusions are becoming realities. You are growing older by the day. Your bodies are falling apart. Not even the supplements you are consuming will prevent it. They will slow it down, but being natural, the stroke of death is in them as well, and they have no power to induce immortality. The reality of your illusions continue to demand food, medications, doctors, shelters from the elements. In a nutshell -- you are dying, that is, your temporal houses, your bodies, are dying. If they are not, then you need none of the natural amenities of life. Therefore, if you are a guest in our home -- we will not set a plate for you. We will not expect you to use the shower or toilet. For you see, only a dying body needs food to sustain it, and only a dying body emits sweat and odor and has the need to use the toilet.
To help settle some dust in this arena of conflict, we will delve into a short Greek lesson. It is in reference to this Greek word, which was translated might destroy (Grk Katargese). This was shared in Part 1 of this series; but it seemed to be difficult for some to grasp what was being said. Therefore, I will be as clear as I possibly can.
According to the Analytical Greek New Testament, might destroy (katargese) is an aorist active verb in the subjunctive mood. In simple terms, The aorist subjunctive does not refer to the past. It speaks of the future. The aorist subjunctive is an action without any reference to progress or completion. (rf. Beginner's Grammar of the Greek New Testament, Harper & Row Publishers).
Simply put, the subjunctive aorist of might destroy is not a statement which declares a completed act. It speaks of an ongoing desire with no definite end in sight. Therefore, Hebrews 2:14 is not declaring that Jesus destroyed the devil in every person. However, since it was completed in Christ our Lord, we are in Him and He is in us, and He is not only the author, but also the finisher of our faith -- we can rest assured He WILL destroy in us that dark power of death. In doing so, mortality will helplessly sink forever into the grand garments of immortality.
Now that we see the mood of the subjunctive aorist, and how it relates to might destroy, the essence of the verse becomes evident. Namely, that the rendering idle of the devil is not an experientially completed fact for every man. Although it was completed with Jesus, it is not necessarily so with all others.
I pray that your spirit is not dashed or dampened by this understanding, for there is no need to be discouraged, but rather encouraged. We can be encouraged by knowing that there is a time when the serpent has no power or influence whatsoever. It is when we are caught up to the throne of God, war is waged in heaven, and the dragon is cast out (Rev 12:5-9). He will then have been rendered idle. When there is no carnal mind, Satan is found cast into the bottomless pit, having no foundation upon which to stand. He is destroyed, fired from his job, rendered totally useless. Until then, he will be seen manifesting his subtlety in religious minds everywhere.
Let me quote a couple of statements, One will be a lie, and one will be the truth: "You shall not surely die," (Satan, the serpent) and "You shall never die" (Jesus, the dove). Which one is a lie, and which one is the truth? That is easy to answer; but we may not know why one is a lie and the other the truth.
It is common knowledge, or least should be, that from Satan's very beginning his lie murdered the man and woman. At no time has he ever stood in the truth. There is no truth in him. When he speaks, it is a lie, because he is the father of lies (John 8:44). Therefore, it is easily said that his statement is the lie. And since we know Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and He cannot lie, we know He spoke the truth. But why is one a lie while the other is the truth? Both statements are primarily the same, so if one was true, why wouldn't the other be true?
The difference is in the source of the word and whether it is taken or received. When it is taken, as the woman took the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we know ourselves and we die. When we receive the blessed, broken bread from the hand of Jesus, we know Him and we live. For He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
If we take to ourselves the word, "You shall not surely die," we shall die. It matters not that we declare our aging and dying to be an illusion, we will die just the same. It matters not if we muster all the presumptuous faith possible and profess that we will never die; we will die. And it matters not if we name and claim immorality night and day upon these mortal bodies -- when we have been inspired by the subtle serpent, we heed the tempting voice, and we take from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil -- we will die!
It is simply amazing to me that mortals are attempting lay claim to immortality upon their temporal bodies. They preach it, teach it, sing it, and proclaim it, yet nothing changes. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, failed to eradicate what she called illusions (sickness, death, mortality), and that failed revelation is now purported as new revelation. It didn't work then, and it won't work today.
Nevertheless, let me say this. I will not dispute that for some, the devil, the one who has the power of death, has been (2)destroyed, or at least has lost his job and has been rendered entirely idle. If this is the case, then you will certainly never die. For you see, when the cause is removed, so is the effect. When the cause is removed, the mortal will sink into the immortal, and there will be a change. Don't expect to keep your seventy year old wrinkles forever. Let me say this as well, if you go to a funeral and see the claimant's dead body lying motionless in the velvet-lined casket, you can pretty well conclude the devil had not become unemployed and was still a very real power in the person's life. Personally, it does not bother me to hear others say that their devil has been destroyed, he has nothing to do with them, and they will never die; for it may be true. Moreover, many who say this do not have their focus on the devil. They are not expecting to see him around every corner just waiting to pounce on them.
Truly, there is a time, a day, a moment -- at the twinkling of the eye, at the change of vision -- when death is swallowed by life, and temporal mortality sinks into age-abiding immortality. There is a generation who will know this by experience, and with the vision of life we have today, I expect this to be the generation. If not, the foundation for the manifestation of the Sons of God is certainly being laid for another generation.
Incidently, the twinkling of the eye, i.e., a change of vision, does not come by a "positive confession." This vision comes when the focus of that which is seen is changed to the unseen, when that which is fitted for the temporary occasion is changed to the eternal reality. This change comes by the lightning bolt of pure revelation. It is not conjured by man. He is not the origin of it, the function of it, and he is certainly not the end of it.
"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:17-18).
[temporal: proskairos, From G4314 (pros) and G2540 (kairos); for the occasion only, that is, temporary" (Strong’s). Thayer's gives this: kairos 1) due measure 2) a measure of time, a larger or smaller portion of time, hence: 2a) a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for 2b) opportune or seasonable time 2c) the right time 2d) a limited period of time 2e) to what time brings, the state of the times, the things and events of time ]
It may not seem to be a "light affliction"; but in relation to the eternal reward, it is light. The Amplified expresses it as being a slight distress: "For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory — beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!" (vrs. 17).
What a working! What a process! What an exchange! The slight distress of our bodies of humility, our momentary natural affliction of carnality, our assorted obstacles and occasional burdens — work toward and are exchanged for a glory that is beyond all measure, a glory of incalculable riches that transcend all things human! Brethren, I believe we can say that this is a fair exchange! It is well worth enduring the slight distress! When we see this, we can stop complaining about all those slight things we all suffer.
I have yet to write or teach on a subject that has been on my mind for a few years, and I may never; but if I do, it will be called: "Whiners, Criers, Moaners, and Groaners." Sort of a catchy title, don’t you agree? Even so, it may be enough to make us pause to consider just how we react to our moment of slight distress.
Do we fit into one or more of these categories? Are we among the Whiners, those who are never content and see only the woes in their lives? Perhaps we fit in with the Criers? At the slightest provocation or discomfort the wailing begins. Or could it be with the Moaners we find fellowship? They moan about this, and they moan about that; they deplore this, and they deplore that; they lament over this and lament over that. Or on the better side, maybe we are in company with the Groaners.
None of the first three I have listed should be confused with the groaners. These know about the Spirit that makes intercession for us with deep groaning and cannot be uttered. There is the groaning of oppression that turns God’s ear to his people. There is the groaning that accompanies godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation, the groaning of the prisoner, and the groaning in the spirit that genders compassion to deliver the oppressed and raise the dead. The whole creation groans to be released into the same liberty of the children of God. And we ourselves groan with within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body; for we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Such groaning is a very real, working process which is instrumental in moving us from the temporal into the eternal. But the whining, crying, and moaning of the carnal emotions and flesh should be far from those called to reconcile the world.
Notwithstanding, let us draw again our attention to the meaning of temporal, which is: for the occasion only. Since that is the case, why then, would we want to drag our carnal bodies into the realm of eternity, that which is formed only for the occasion of slight distress? First, although many believe it can be done and are attempting to accomplish that insufferable feat, it can’t be done. Second, if it could be a remote possibility, those with understanding wouldn’t want to do so and shortchange themselves. Regardless of how our bodies of earth are pampered, preened and pomped, those temporal elements cannot compare to the eternal, and could never survive in such a holy environment.
Let me share an undergirding thought which was related by one of God’s heralds of truth, J. Preston Eby:
"The things which are seen are temporal. The things which are not seen are eternal. Temporal is an interesting word. The word is from the Greek which means for the occasion. The things which are seen are for the occasion. But the things which are not seen are enduring. And you know, we are all here today for the occasion. We’re here in God’s appointment. And we’re here in His purpose, His plan, fulfilling precisely what he ordained for this very day.
"For example, when you’re having a party and you go buy the paper plates and the streamers and the table cloth, all these paper things that you have for a birthday party, and you decorate everything, it’s so beautiful. And yet it is just for the occasion. Only a couple of hours and the occasion is over, and these are all gathered up and put in the trash. It’s gone. It is just for the occasion.
"If my origin had been in this world, then I would be very concerned about what happens to this part of me that is dust. But my origin was not in this world. My origin is out of that which is eternal. Praise God! And this body is for the occasion. It’s for the occasion.
"God predestinated that every one of us would be here for this occasion. And I don’t mean just for today. From the time that we were birthed in this world – and whether God chooses that we go by way of the grave or whether we come to that transformation by which we walk into an incorruptible body right where we stand on our two feet, there’s going to be a change.
"As Brother Ray said, ‘There’s going to be a change in life-style, whether it’s by the grave or whether it’s by transformation.’ Even of this body, there will be a change. And where we are today is for the occasion. And what I’m looking at this morning, as far as the physical, will pass away. It will pass away. But we look for that house which is from heaven, which is eternal. I’m convinced that God is raising up that house within us.
"I believe that as a partaker of Christ that I am not only a partaker of the Spirit of Christ, but that I am a partaker of the very substance, the very body of Christ, and that everything that Christ is, is being raised up within me and you to bring forth the totality of the expression of Himself to creation." — End quote.
With such a clear and beautiful picture so masterfully drawn, is there anyone who is still set on carrying their cumbersome baggage into the age of surpassing glory? If so, it will be good to take a moment and notice some additional points in reference to that which is for the occasion and that which is eternal, or rather age-abiding, as it is in the Greek.
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man (for the occasion) is perishing [to rot thoroughly, i.e., to ruin, decay utterly. (Strong’s)] , yet the (abiding) inward man is renewed day by day (2 Cor 4:16). Or it could be said this way: For this cause we faint not; for though our outward man, our temporal body, that which is for the occasion only, is perishing, decaying and wasting away, rotting, if you please, our inner man, that which is ever abiding, never dying, is renewed day by day.
You see, that mortal which was formed around us for the occasion should not be the focus of who we are, nor should it be an object we cannot lay down and let it sink into and be swallowed by immortality. Truthfully, I believe if we have a hard time in letting our bodies continue the processes of decaying, even in the grave, it is doubtful that we would feel any differently if we began to lose our identities by being transfigured. For you see, either way, we would be losing that carnal, outward expression of our temporal house which is for the occasion only. Can it be that we have fallen so in love with our physical frame that regardless of how it is changed, we won’t like it and will do anything, believe anything, claim anything with feeble hopes of preventing it? Sadly, I believe for some, the answer is yes.
Again, "And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" (John 11:26). The whosoevers do not consist of the tangible, dust laden body, that carnal thing which is for the occasion only.
The whosoevers are the spiritual man, they who shouted for joy when the foundations of the earth were laid; those foreknown by God, called, justified, glorified and predestined to be conformed to the express image of His first begotten Son. The whosoevers are not the old carnal beings who strut about in this body of dirt claiming to be God who will never die.
Strangely, regardless of how far from the truth they are, they believe their own thoughts and claims can change reality. With this they believe they are the captains (gods) of their own destiny.
The corruptible, no matter how convincing it is, will never possess incorruptibility. It will put on, or sink into and be swallowed up by the garment of immortality; but it will not be immortal itself. That outward man will sink and perish, while the inward man will rise and be renewed day by day. By knowing our origin, by knowing who we are, let us no longer listen to the lying wind of the subtle serpent which presently works in the children of disobedience.
Let us not bemoan that our bodies of earth are growing older day by day; but let us rejoice that our tabernacles from above are being renewed day by day. Also, whether or not we understand the subjunctive aorist of might destroy the devil, we should know there is still the very real negative power of death in the earth, yet it has no power over the everlasting man from above. We want to always keep in mind — our natural frame is not who we are, and it is for the temporal occasion only.
It is true that we shall never die; but remember who are the true "WE." Let us not mistake our identity as being our heart attack and disease prone bodies. We date back much further than earthen huts. We come from a far superior place than earth. Therefore, let us cease from naming and claiming immortality upon these temporal bodies, and with patience, let us wait for the moment, for the twinkling of the eye, for the change of vision when death is swallow by life, and temporal mortality sinks into age-abiding immortality and everlasting weight of glory; into that which is beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory which will never cease.
It matters not what we profess and claim about our mortal bodies. That is not what makes it so. God has not put His immutable plan of the ages under the dictates of every man who is a liar. If he did such a thing, it would cause me to despairingly sing the old song — "Stop the world and let me off. I’m tired of going round and round...." However, since I know it is not left in the temporal hands of man to usher in God’s indissoluble Kingdom, I sing with great rejoicing — "I will abide in Thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of Thy wings. Selah" (Psa 61:4).
Elwin Roach
A year and a half ago, we published a blog that addressed the passing of a good brother. In that writing, I mentioned that this dear saint had been purposed of God to teach us a valuable lesson. I never exactly shared the lesson at that time, knowing the opportunity would present itself later. Today, that opportunity seems ripe.
As to some background, it so happens that I was used as an God's instrument to lead this Word of Faith preacher, into the truth of Universal Salvation. However, I was never able to share with him, "God's absolute sovereignty" with any success.
So it happens, that over the many months we traded thoughts on "free will vs. One will", this brother was working on a survive forever plan. He built a compound in the country, where no matter the conditions of the world, he could independently sustain himself and his family. Along with this, our brother also eschewed the use of doctors while in addition possessing an "I will never die" doctrine. He had the faith and he was putting it into action. So he thought.
You see, just about the time he had everything set in order, our brother became ill. Having been healed on a number of occasions without the assistance of a physician, he refused to seek clinical care. He even pinned the term,"Babylonian witch doctors" on the lot of physicians. Weeks dragged on and his illness worsened. Our friend, even refused the behest of his wife, to seek medical help, and more time passed. Finally, our brother acquiesced and upon medical examination it was determined a simple infection in one of his organs had spread to other organs and through out his body. Over time, the treatable infection had turned into his death knell. A few weeks after the doctor's exam, our brother was dead, but not before he mentioned to Joian and myself that his theology had been amiss.
And I would be remiss If I didn't share my belief, that our good brother in his passing taught many an important lesson. Such was his life ordained for, by the hand of the Sovereign God. I know in my heart, upon entering paradise and meeting the Father, this saint of God was received with a, "well done, my son!" With that, I am sure our brother laid his accolade at Jesus' feet.
With that introduction, I want to share a most remarkable writing by Elwin Roach that addresses this very "never die" philosophy, which our good brother had grasped onto. Joian sent this article to me today and I thank her for that. What a blessing to see the truth of the matter stated so clearly.
O.K. folks, it's time to listen up. It is time to come to the knowledge of the truth. It's time to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches; namely, what is being said to this church called the lukewarm church of (1)Laodicea. Frankly, it is time to face reality, adjust, and be ignited by the fire of revelation.
I know the above heading alone is enough for some to read no farther in this short, clear, easy to understand article. Nevertheless, since this subject seems to have been a somewhat confusing matter to a number of those who embrace present-day teachings, we will cover ground that's been plowed before, and hopefully, break again some fallow soil. In addition, repetition is often beneficial; for I believe it to be true as one author has written: "There may be more to learn by climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains."
This issue of never dying has become a driving force for quite a number of sincere saints who have laid down their lives for the groaning creation, and this concerns me. There is nothing wrong with the thought in itself. The problem is one of perspective. When the vision has been diverted, it can lead to a hopelessly frustrating journey, and their long, sought after goal is never reached.
A couple of scriptures have, no doubt, already come to mind, so let us gird up the loins of our spirit and see what is being said by them.
"And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" (John 11:26).
First, to qualify and be numbered in those ranks, it is necessary to be experientially living and believing into Him, which cannot be done in the confines of the carnal mind. Second, to whom was Jesus referring when He said, "whosoever"? Do you suppose it was the person, the identity, the spiritual man, i.e., the sons of God who shouted for joy when the foundations of the earth were laid? (Job 38:4-7). Could it have been those foreknown by God, and predestinated to be conformed to the express image of His first begotten Son? And could it possibly have been the ones He called, and justified, and whom He also glorified before there was ever a man to till the ground? (Rom 8:29-30, Gen 2:1-5).
Or are you thinking the whosoever might be the tangible, the dust laden body by which the elect of God are temporarily veiled? Could the whosoever remotely be the old carnal being which lumbers around in a proud body of dirt, that Adamic body with the pronouncement of death upon it by virtue of being joined to the walking dead man? Could it be that image which was formed from the earth, the dust which will return to the earth as it was? (Eccl 12:7).
If you do not believe it is that one, then you understand well that the "whosoever" speaks of the ones born from above, those from the heavens! They are the ones Jesus was talking about, and not those whose make up is the elements of the crusty, temporal earth that lies on the earth-plane.
But You say, "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:53. And I whole-heartedly agree. I believe the same. Yet I also note the meaning of the two words, put on. They come from the Greek word, enduo. Both Thayer's and Strong's Greek Dictionaries give the definition as: "to sink into, in the sense of sinking into a garment." Therefore, the mortality must SINK into the garment of immorality. It is not that mortality suddenly becomes immortal, no, not by any means. Mortality does not forever stand up tall and strong. It is swallowed up! It sinks into oblivion like a man being pulled down by quicksand. Mortality sinks into obscurity as it is swallowed by immortality.
The true man who shouted for joy long before the sun's first advent rises in victory. He is literally turned inside out. "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Cor 4:16). Hear it again -- though our outward man perish (sinks), yet the inward man is renewed (stands taller) day by day.
Since we know from whence we came, since we know our origin, since we know our heavenly Father and substance -- can any one of you tell me why we deny the perishing of our outward man of crusty clay? Why do we hold on to these carnal vessels as if that is who we are and all we are? I believe I know why. It is because we do not like the pain of growing old, and especially the pain and embarrassment of death; but more than that -- we have heard the voice that is twists human desires together with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. By listening to the subtle wind of the serpent, and by taking that fruit, we have taken it to ourselves unto death, and in dying -- we die.
With the lying wind of the serpent in mind, let me borrow a thought from one of our previous articles (#02.151). This will, hopefully, dispel the idea that the devil has been destroyed, is only an illusion in men's minds, and all we have to do is to realize it.
Hebrews 2:14 is the only verse I can recall which is used for believing that the devil has been destroyed. Although it was surely the case for Jesus, this verse does not say that the devil was destroyed at the time of the cross for the whole world. Let us remove our doctrinal eyeglasses for a moment and note a simple statement: "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil" (Heb 2:14). Did you notice the simple statement? "...That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. It does not say, that through death He destroyed him, but might destroy him. There is a difference, you know!
It would not seem possible to miss this point, but many do. While these dear ones are aging by the day, and literally dying, they say, "The devil who has the power of death has been destroyed. I will, therefore, never die. Sadly, they do not see that their words are often inspired by the very thing they say is dead; namely, the devil, the adverse spirit which sets every carnal mind against God in the interest of human reasoning, the spirit which presently works in the children of disobedience (Eph 2:2). Moreover, their claim indicates that they deny the obvious. Some, however, maintain that the obvious is merely an illusion, that death and aging are nothing more than the result of a mistaken identity, and if people would simply realize it -- they will stop the aging process and will never die. Forgive me, please, for being the bearer of sad news; but I must say -- your realizing is not real, and it is not working. That which you call illusions are becoming realities. You are growing older by the day. Your bodies are falling apart. Not even the supplements you are consuming will prevent it. They will slow it down, but being natural, the stroke of death is in them as well, and they have no power to induce immortality. The reality of your illusions continue to demand food, medications, doctors, shelters from the elements. In a nutshell -- you are dying, that is, your temporal houses, your bodies, are dying. If they are not, then you need none of the natural amenities of life. Therefore, if you are a guest in our home -- we will not set a plate for you. We will not expect you to use the shower or toilet. For you see, only a dying body needs food to sustain it, and only a dying body emits sweat and odor and has the need to use the toilet.
To help settle some dust in this arena of conflict, we will delve into a short Greek lesson. It is in reference to this Greek word, which was translated might destroy (Grk Katargese). This was shared in Part 1 of this series; but it seemed to be difficult for some to grasp what was being said. Therefore, I will be as clear as I possibly can.
According to the Analytical Greek New Testament, might destroy (katargese) is an aorist active verb in the subjunctive mood. In simple terms, The aorist subjunctive does not refer to the past. It speaks of the future. The aorist subjunctive is an action without any reference to progress or completion. (rf. Beginner's Grammar of the Greek New Testament, Harper & Row Publishers).
Simply put, the subjunctive aorist of might destroy is not a statement which declares a completed act. It speaks of an ongoing desire with no definite end in sight. Therefore, Hebrews 2:14 is not declaring that Jesus destroyed the devil in every person. However, since it was completed in Christ our Lord, we are in Him and He is in us, and He is not only the author, but also the finisher of our faith -- we can rest assured He WILL destroy in us that dark power of death. In doing so, mortality will helplessly sink forever into the grand garments of immortality.
Now that we see the mood of the subjunctive aorist, and how it relates to might destroy, the essence of the verse becomes evident. Namely, that the rendering idle of the devil is not an experientially completed fact for every man. Although it was completed with Jesus, it is not necessarily so with all others.
I pray that your spirit is not dashed or dampened by this understanding, for there is no need to be discouraged, but rather encouraged. We can be encouraged by knowing that there is a time when the serpent has no power or influence whatsoever. It is when we are caught up to the throne of God, war is waged in heaven, and the dragon is cast out (Rev 12:5-9). He will then have been rendered idle. When there is no carnal mind, Satan is found cast into the bottomless pit, having no foundation upon which to stand. He is destroyed, fired from his job, rendered totally useless. Until then, he will be seen manifesting his subtlety in religious minds everywhere.
Let me quote a couple of statements, One will be a lie, and one will be the truth: "You shall not surely die," (Satan, the serpent) and "You shall never die" (Jesus, the dove). Which one is a lie, and which one is the truth? That is easy to answer; but we may not know why one is a lie and the other the truth.
It is common knowledge, or least should be, that from Satan's very beginning his lie murdered the man and woman. At no time has he ever stood in the truth. There is no truth in him. When he speaks, it is a lie, because he is the father of lies (John 8:44). Therefore, it is easily said that his statement is the lie. And since we know Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and He cannot lie, we know He spoke the truth. But why is one a lie while the other is the truth? Both statements are primarily the same, so if one was true, why wouldn't the other be true?
The difference is in the source of the word and whether it is taken or received. When it is taken, as the woman took the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we know ourselves and we die. When we receive the blessed, broken bread from the hand of Jesus, we know Him and we live. For He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
If we take to ourselves the word, "You shall not surely die," we shall die. It matters not that we declare our aging and dying to be an illusion, we will die just the same. It matters not if we muster all the presumptuous faith possible and profess that we will never die; we will die. And it matters not if we name and claim immorality night and day upon these mortal bodies -- when we have been inspired by the subtle serpent, we heed the tempting voice, and we take from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil -- we will die!
It is simply amazing to me that mortals are attempting lay claim to immortality upon their temporal bodies. They preach it, teach it, sing it, and proclaim it, yet nothing changes. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, failed to eradicate what she called illusions (sickness, death, mortality), and that failed revelation is now purported as new revelation. It didn't work then, and it won't work today.
Nevertheless, let me say this. I will not dispute that for some, the devil, the one who has the power of death, has been (2)destroyed, or at least has lost his job and has been rendered entirely idle. If this is the case, then you will certainly never die. For you see, when the cause is removed, so is the effect. When the cause is removed, the mortal will sink into the immortal, and there will be a change. Don't expect to keep your seventy year old wrinkles forever. Let me say this as well, if you go to a funeral and see the claimant's dead body lying motionless in the velvet-lined casket, you can pretty well conclude the devil had not become unemployed and was still a very real power in the person's life. Personally, it does not bother me to hear others say that their devil has been destroyed, he has nothing to do with them, and they will never die; for it may be true. Moreover, many who say this do not have their focus on the devil. They are not expecting to see him around every corner just waiting to pounce on them.
Truly, there is a time, a day, a moment -- at the twinkling of the eye, at the change of vision -- when death is swallowed by life, and temporal mortality sinks into age-abiding immortality. There is a generation who will know this by experience, and with the vision of life we have today, I expect this to be the generation. If not, the foundation for the manifestation of the Sons of God is certainly being laid for another generation.
Incidently, the twinkling of the eye, i.e., a change of vision, does not come by a "positive confession." This vision comes when the focus of that which is seen is changed to the unseen, when that which is fitted for the temporary occasion is changed to the eternal reality. This change comes by the lightning bolt of pure revelation. It is not conjured by man. He is not the origin of it, the function of it, and he is certainly not the end of it.
"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:17-18).
[temporal: proskairos, From G4314 (pros) and G2540 (kairos); for the occasion only, that is, temporary" (Strong’s). Thayer's gives this: kairos 1) due measure 2) a measure of time, a larger or smaller portion of time, hence: 2a) a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for 2b) opportune or seasonable time 2c) the right time 2d) a limited period of time 2e) to what time brings, the state of the times, the things and events of time ]
It may not seem to be a "light affliction"; but in relation to the eternal reward, it is light. The Amplified expresses it as being a slight distress: "For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory — beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!" (vrs. 17).
What a working! What a process! What an exchange! The slight distress of our bodies of humility, our momentary natural affliction of carnality, our assorted obstacles and occasional burdens — work toward and are exchanged for a glory that is beyond all measure, a glory of incalculable riches that transcend all things human! Brethren, I believe we can say that this is a fair exchange! It is well worth enduring the slight distress! When we see this, we can stop complaining about all those slight things we all suffer.
I have yet to write or teach on a subject that has been on my mind for a few years, and I may never; but if I do, it will be called: "Whiners, Criers, Moaners, and Groaners." Sort of a catchy title, don’t you agree? Even so, it may be enough to make us pause to consider just how we react to our moment of slight distress.
Do we fit into one or more of these categories? Are we among the Whiners, those who are never content and see only the woes in their lives? Perhaps we fit in with the Criers? At the slightest provocation or discomfort the wailing begins. Or could it be with the Moaners we find fellowship? They moan about this, and they moan about that; they deplore this, and they deplore that; they lament over this and lament over that. Or on the better side, maybe we are in company with the Groaners.
None of the first three I have listed should be confused with the groaners. These know about the Spirit that makes intercession for us with deep groaning and cannot be uttered. There is the groaning of oppression that turns God’s ear to his people. There is the groaning that accompanies godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation, the groaning of the prisoner, and the groaning in the spirit that genders compassion to deliver the oppressed and raise the dead. The whole creation groans to be released into the same liberty of the children of God. And we ourselves groan with within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body; for we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Such groaning is a very real, working process which is instrumental in moving us from the temporal into the eternal. But the whining, crying, and moaning of the carnal emotions and flesh should be far from those called to reconcile the world.
Notwithstanding, let us draw again our attention to the meaning of temporal, which is: for the occasion only. Since that is the case, why then, would we want to drag our carnal bodies into the realm of eternity, that which is formed only for the occasion of slight distress? First, although many believe it can be done and are attempting to accomplish that insufferable feat, it can’t be done. Second, if it could be a remote possibility, those with understanding wouldn’t want to do so and shortchange themselves. Regardless of how our bodies of earth are pampered, preened and pomped, those temporal elements cannot compare to the eternal, and could never survive in such a holy environment.
Let me share an undergirding thought which was related by one of God’s heralds of truth, J. Preston Eby:
"The things which are seen are temporal. The things which are not seen are eternal. Temporal is an interesting word. The word is from the Greek which means for the occasion. The things which are seen are for the occasion. But the things which are not seen are enduring. And you know, we are all here today for the occasion. We’re here in God’s appointment. And we’re here in His purpose, His plan, fulfilling precisely what he ordained for this very day.
"For example, when you’re having a party and you go buy the paper plates and the streamers and the table cloth, all these paper things that you have for a birthday party, and you decorate everything, it’s so beautiful. And yet it is just for the occasion. Only a couple of hours and the occasion is over, and these are all gathered up and put in the trash. It’s gone. It is just for the occasion.
"If my origin had been in this world, then I would be very concerned about what happens to this part of me that is dust. But my origin was not in this world. My origin is out of that which is eternal. Praise God! And this body is for the occasion. It’s for the occasion.
"God predestinated that every one of us would be here for this occasion. And I don’t mean just for today. From the time that we were birthed in this world – and whether God chooses that we go by way of the grave or whether we come to that transformation by which we walk into an incorruptible body right where we stand on our two feet, there’s going to be a change.
"As Brother Ray said, ‘There’s going to be a change in life-style, whether it’s by the grave or whether it’s by transformation.’ Even of this body, there will be a change. And where we are today is for the occasion. And what I’m looking at this morning, as far as the physical, will pass away. It will pass away. But we look for that house which is from heaven, which is eternal. I’m convinced that God is raising up that house within us.
"I believe that as a partaker of Christ that I am not only a partaker of the Spirit of Christ, but that I am a partaker of the very substance, the very body of Christ, and that everything that Christ is, is being raised up within me and you to bring forth the totality of the expression of Himself to creation." — End quote.
With such a clear and beautiful picture so masterfully drawn, is there anyone who is still set on carrying their cumbersome baggage into the age of surpassing glory? If so, it will be good to take a moment and notice some additional points in reference to that which is for the occasion and that which is eternal, or rather age-abiding, as it is in the Greek.
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man (for the occasion) is perishing [to rot thoroughly, i.e., to ruin, decay utterly. (Strong’s)] , yet the (abiding) inward man is renewed day by day (2 Cor 4:16). Or it could be said this way: For this cause we faint not; for though our outward man, our temporal body, that which is for the occasion only, is perishing, decaying and wasting away, rotting, if you please, our inner man, that which is ever abiding, never dying, is renewed day by day.
You see, that mortal which was formed around us for the occasion should not be the focus of who we are, nor should it be an object we cannot lay down and let it sink into and be swallowed by immortality. Truthfully, I believe if we have a hard time in letting our bodies continue the processes of decaying, even in the grave, it is doubtful that we would feel any differently if we began to lose our identities by being transfigured. For you see, either way, we would be losing that carnal, outward expression of our temporal house which is for the occasion only. Can it be that we have fallen so in love with our physical frame that regardless of how it is changed, we won’t like it and will do anything, believe anything, claim anything with feeble hopes of preventing it? Sadly, I believe for some, the answer is yes.
Again, "And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" (John 11:26). The whosoevers do not consist of the tangible, dust laden body, that carnal thing which is for the occasion only.
The whosoevers are the spiritual man, they who shouted for joy when the foundations of the earth were laid; those foreknown by God, called, justified, glorified and predestined to be conformed to the express image of His first begotten Son. The whosoevers are not the old carnal beings who strut about in this body of dirt claiming to be God who will never die.
Strangely, regardless of how far from the truth they are, they believe their own thoughts and claims can change reality. With this they believe they are the captains (gods) of their own destiny.
The corruptible, no matter how convincing it is, will never possess incorruptibility. It will put on, or sink into and be swallowed up by the garment of immortality; but it will not be immortal itself. That outward man will sink and perish, while the inward man will rise and be renewed day by day. By knowing our origin, by knowing who we are, let us no longer listen to the lying wind of the subtle serpent which presently works in the children of disobedience.
Let us not bemoan that our bodies of earth are growing older day by day; but let us rejoice that our tabernacles from above are being renewed day by day. Also, whether or not we understand the subjunctive aorist of might destroy the devil, we should know there is still the very real negative power of death in the earth, yet it has no power over the everlasting man from above. We want to always keep in mind — our natural frame is not who we are, and it is for the temporal occasion only.
It is true that we shall never die; but remember who are the true "WE." Let us not mistake our identity as being our heart attack and disease prone bodies. We date back much further than earthen huts. We come from a far superior place than earth. Therefore, let us cease from naming and claiming immortality upon these temporal bodies, and with patience, let us wait for the moment, for the twinkling of the eye, for the change of vision when death is swallow by life, and temporal mortality sinks into age-abiding immortality and everlasting weight of glory; into that which is beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory which will never cease.
It matters not what we profess and claim about our mortal bodies. That is not what makes it so. God has not put His immutable plan of the ages under the dictates of every man who is a liar. If he did such a thing, it would cause me to despairingly sing the old song — "Stop the world and let me off. I’m tired of going round and round...." However, since I know it is not left in the temporal hands of man to usher in God’s indissoluble Kingdom, I sing with great rejoicing — "I will abide in Thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of Thy wings. Selah" (Psa 61:4).
Elwin Roach
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