THE GOOD PART, THE BEST PART .... "He is Enough!"

And Jesus answered and said unto her, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luk 10:41,42

Some years ago, Joian and I would meet for the first time and share a most anointed time on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, located on Coronado Island. My new friend, and soon to become my best friend, while sitting in the sand, would converse and touch on the deepest things in God. However, we could not delve deeply into these things, for a sustaining foundation was being laid for our growing relationship. You might ask, what was that foundation? To which I would reply, "Jesus is enough .... He is more than enough." A number of the hardest questions were queried that day and in a most unique way, they were subconsciously answered without words. Instead the difficult quandaries were laid to rest by a flowing supernal peace, reserved only for the communion of the saints of the Most High God, with Jesus in their midst.

Later as months would pass, Joian and I would entertain the thought of marriage. We would pass over this idea however, with a recognition that such a union would detract from our growing relationship with our Lord and our imputed Spirit led quest to realize time alone with God. We had realized this quest was not only the better part but the very best part of our lives. I believe, even in the divine union of marriage, should we grow in God there will be the Holiest places, where each must lay husband or wife, children and friends upon the altar, to find, that God in Christ is enough, more than enough. For a certainty, one must experience the sacred sacrifice, of
the giving up of all one holds dear in this world to Him, no matter our state or vocation. And how amazing, that when a couple arrives at such a place of forsaking of all, including each other, they find the sacred marriage union between man and wife becomes what it could never be, beforehand. This is the principle of the multiple becoming One. And as it is with man and wife so it is also with Christ and His bride, the church. How truly wonderful is the great paradox of the Kingdom, where all must die, to live anew in Oneness with Him. This is for a surety, the path to Heaven on earth, where all that is Good is found enjoined within Him!

So it is today, that I share a message for those that might be struggling amidst a trial or tribulation. Whether single or with husband or wife, this message holds the deepest truth, one will ever find in the Kingdom and it is simply, "God in Christ, is enough. He is enough for every situation and every union. For even when all seems broken, tired, old and thrown askew, Jesus is able to pick up the pieces and put them together, anew. Even that, which seems as sure as dead, will bloom afresh with the full vibrancy of New Life. You might ask, "when will this be? What is the key to such glory?" I know of only one answer,"when we have come to the end of ourselves and to the end of all, that is about us. It is there, and only there, that we will learn, 'He is enough... more than enough.'" This I believe, is the deepest truth of all truths and should God have His hand on you, you will find yourself pulled into this Truth. And that Truth, above all truths, will carry you over every mountain and through every thing, this world can ever throw at you. The best part, is that once realized, this Truth ever grows as God brings other battered and pillaged souls to you and you are able to share the remedy to all that ails the tired and torn soul. God is good, He is good like that! Oh, to be able to share and even demonstrate such before my children, your children, and for that matter, all His children. This is our great commission, for which we were sent into this fallen world. To know and to proclaim and to demonstrate, JESUS IS ENOUGH!

With that said, as an introduction, please allow me to share a confirming word taken from Chip Brogden's devotional this morning. And to that, I would love to bless you with a couple of anointed songs, hoping you might lift your hands and praise Him, Who alone is worthy to be called "Enough".

In His Sweet Lord Jesus,

What is the "deeper Christian life"? It is nothing more and nothing less than Christ Himself. To be deep is to be simple, focused, and devoted to the One Thing that is needed But even here, some believers seek the deeper Christian life as a thing, a teaching, a certain way of acting spiritual. The "deeper life" becomes the goal instead of Christ as Life. They become profoundly mystical and spiritual, but it is death because they do not touch Christ, they touch spirituality. There is no life in spirituality, or mysticism, or religiosity; there is only Life in Christ. Anything less becomes a distraction.

I came to the Lord in the midst of the Charismatic movement. The emphasis was on Spirit-filled living, restoring spiritual gifts, the power of God, and so forth. We find no fault with walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. But what is the purpose of all this fullness? Why tongues, and prophetic words, and other spiritual gifts? Why the manifest power of God? All of these things are given us by the Lord to draw us deeper into Himself; to repeat, they are means to an End, but they are not the end, for the End, the Purpose, and the Reason for all things is Christ.