"WE ARE BECOMING WHAT WE ALREADY ARE!" ..... a eulogy for Dad.


Rest in Christ
Rest in Peace
We rejoice with you, in your perfect never ending day.

Please be assured my SONSHINE friends, I have not bailed on our blog. Instead, I have only been called, to spend a season in a another place. That place, where I have writing of late, is Facebook, which has turned into fertile ground for the publishing of the real "Good News" and the deeper truths of God. It has been a tremendous blessing and if you frequent the verdant pastures of Facebook, please make a friend request of me.

With that report of my whereabouts. allow me to share, that for some time, Ellie and myself have been enjoying weekly phone visits, whence we are blessed to share His anointing. Our conversations are filled with the telling of the events of our everyday lives, lived in Christ. Also, we share the glad records. of that which we both are learning of our precious Lord. Ah, my friends these visits have truly been times of blessed refreshment as our Lord fills our thoughts. It is indeed wonderful, to dwell with brethren and as we go deeper into God, it seems we tread a common path with fewer and fewer of the saints. I can only say, "God bless, those of you, that are being drawn to highest reaches of God's Holy Mount, where New Jerusalem rests.

Now, before getting back to Ellie, let me interject, that this week on Facebook, I have been telling of my Father's burial at Arlington National Cemetery. The formal ceremony took place Monday, while my Dad had died in October. Because of my illness, I was not able to attend the burial, yet still, our good Lord made a way that I would have a part. It seems the attending Navy Chaplain had asked my Father's wife, Lois, if the family might have a few scriptures they would like read at the burial. This request in turn, gave way to Lois asking me to think of a few verses that I thought would be meaningful and appropriate for the occassion. Seems, I soon discovered, I had received a much more difficult assignment, than first envisioned. I also appreciated that difficulty, because I knew of One that thrived in difficult places and He has a way, of doing all things well.

Yes, what seemed a simple chore, became difficult as I realized that "the sea" should of course be the theme of a eulogy, fit for a career Naval officer. If you understand types in the Bible, you already know, "the sea" in scripture represents tumultuous humanity. So as I previously reported, I was completely stymied. Finally, after a time and with repeated calls as to the where abouts of these sought after verses, I sat down to type. I called on the Lord and instead of a couple scriptures or even a Bible passage, we wrote a book (lol). Of course I kid about the "book". However, let me say, that which I felt led to write was way more than I think anyone expected, including me.

So truthfully, I was surprised and even more so pleased, that my message was actually read by the Chaplain. I was equally edified, with the repeated reports, saying my part of the eulogy was the most moving. In writing these words, I felt empty of self and at a loss, only praying this message would be His. When I typed out the closing sentences of this message, I thought, "oh my, this is much too esoteric."
Then I thought, "I don't expect this to be read, so what the heck."
After all, my father's widow had only asked me for a couple scriptures to be recited.

So back to Ellie, it was today, she asked that I might share this message on SONSHINE. Bless her heart, the great encourager, she is. I had earlier E-mailed Ellie, the message and she thought it grand. So without further adieu. let me get to the message, First please allow me a prelude, by quoting the following excerpted words, from the whole of the message. These are thoughts, that surprised me, when I typed them. By the way, "Charles" is my Dad and following this excerpt, is my explanation of this which I quoted.

"Be assured, dear family and beloved friends, today, Charles enjoys the unimaginable beauty of still waters, full of peace, joy, love and mercy. And in a most mysterious way, all that have known and loved Charles in this life, are there enjoined with Him. So glorious, so grand and beyond description is this Mystery, we know as Christ ...... 'Christ', the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End of all things. Amen"

So it is, dear reader, I believe that, in the highest heaven, where time is of a different rhythm, God's purposeful plan is finished. With such a blissful state, even you and me are found complete in Him. We sit, even today, in the highest place, resting as complete in Christ. That is indeed "esoteric", and as with the meaning of the word, this truth is only known in this present world, by the initiated and enlightened of Christ. What a wonder, this Christ of ours and what mystery, that today, WE ARE BECOMING WHAT WE ALREADY ARE!

Yes, on Monday afternoon I had tears, when I was told such wondrous words of hope were read at my Dad's burial. It was a good day, because God is good. The following, is that which was recited in it's entirety and I am pleased to say, I still continue to receive more calls and mailings telling of how moved everyone was by this, which I believe was penned by His hand. Many said they wept, as they felt God's comfort come from out of this message. Bless His Holy Name!

Commander Charles A. Hennessey, US Navy retired (1920-2009)

The following thoughts are taken from the sacred scriptures found in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21. This message was recorded by Jack, son of Charles, at the bequest of Charles' wife, Lois and on behalf of Charles' family.

Charles, husband and father, as we knew him, was a career oceanfarer, well acquainted with the storm driven, tumultuous sea. In the Holy Bible, the unruly sea is well used, as a descriptive metaphor, for our unsettled humanity. Each of us has been assigned a space of time, in the midst of humanity on earth. In this time, even a long life is measured, as but a fleeting breath in the face of eternity. In this short life, even the best of days enjoyed on earth, carry with it a subtle tension, for want of the perfect endless day in a perfect world. So it is, a perfect day in such a world, we are all given. With this life's duties end, we will all come as Charles has, to find and enjoy the perfect rest. Such wondrous bliss, is found besides Heaven's still living waters, poured forth for us, by our creator and redeemer, Christ Jesus.

Today, we bury the remains of Charles' body in honorable remembrance, knowing. his seafaring soul has departed. The spirit and soul of Charles, was called to home port and to Heaven's restful leave, in the fall of last year. Dust and memories, only, were left to remain. Charles' homecoming, was made the perfect day, when he was met by His Savior and Lord, Christ Jesus. Ages ago, Jesus, had gone before Charles, to make all things new. So it was on Heaven's entrance, just before Charles took his rest in paradise, Jesus stood and wiped away the tears from this seafarers face. With that Jesus assured, there would be no more death, sorrow, or pain in this new and perfect world. All the old things had passed away, upon entrance to this glorious rest, prepared for Charles, by Christ, his Redeemer.

Be assured, dear family and beloved friends, today, Charles enjoys the unimaginable beauty of still waters, full of peace, joy, love and mercy. And in a most mysterious way, all that have known and loved Charles in this life, are there enjoined with Him. So glorious, so grand and beyond description is this Mystery, we know as Christ, Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End of all things.

Rest in Christ, Charles. Rest in Peace. We rejoice with you, in your perfect never ending day. Amen.

