"I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God. I WILL sit upon the mount of the congregation... I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL be like the most High." Isaiah 14:13-14
I saw that scripture rendition of Isaiah. on Roach's new paper and put it together, with some emphasis, while also adding the state of man's vanity. Elwin also succinctly writes of man's mythical free will:
"Such madness makes man's will more sacred than God Himself."
The belief in "free will" comes from the vain spirit, that is ingrained in man. Eventually, we are made to fall by God's hand, that we might recognize our vanity, along with our overwhelming futility. We come to see our true state, as being descendant from the first Adam.
"For the creation was subjected to vanity and futility, not of its own will, but by reason of Him who subjected it, in hope." Rom 8:20
Yes, FREE WILL eventually receives a vanity crushing YOU WON'T, served up as humble pie, by our creator. Oh my, I well know the taste of that bitter meal. O Lord, I indeed do!
Today, that which was once bitter has turned into pure sweetness, and rest to my soul.
When we finally recognize God's absolute sovereignty, we do find glorious rest. We also become a new creation, after the likeness and substance of the Last Adam, our Christ Jesus. Bless His Most Precious and Holy Name!
Just thought to share a new way of illustrating the frustration, that man is born into, that he might know God. The old maxim, "experience is the best teacher" rings true. We must experience the opposing natural carnal nature, with which, we are able to measure, appreciate and hold Holy, the spiritual nature of God. Following our frustration, we are relieved, as we recieve the call to share in the Divine Nature. First the natural then the spiritual (1Cor.15:46).