The Lord held a little child in his arms, when He declared, "of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

A year ago I was burdened and so hoping to have a chance to go some where such as Africa to work with aids children. I also sent out feelers to some orphanages in Mexico as another possibility of working with the little ones. It seemed God wanted me to stay put, and allow His Spirit within to groan and pray instead. Today, I still have hope that maybe some time in the future, God might open a way for me to minister and even raise funds to help these neglected and oft forgotten ones. That said, I was both encouraged and touched by this message from Cristine Beadsworth that I read this morning. I pray it does the same for you.

Vision of the Lord calling children
Christine Beadsworth
Mar 20, 2007

As I was worshipping, I began to see an unfolding vision and the Holy Spirit had me sing out a prophetic song which I believe I need to share with the wider Body.

Firstly, I saw little children dressed in oriental clothing running and lining up and then as I watched, other children from every nation under the heavens began to join them. I saw a sound released from Heaven like a silvery mist, at a pitch that only children could hear, go forth all over the earth and as it reached children’s ears they stopped what they were doing and began to listen. Then they left what they were busy with and began to follow the sound. It was almost like the story of the Pied Piper, where many children all began to travel in the same direction, following the sound of Heaven. I saw them being led to a great mountain and then the mountain opened up and they went inside. I saw children who were used as child labor just walk away from their owners and every color, tribe and tongue began to come. Over and over, I heard the voice of the Lord of Hosts declare, "Let the little children come to Me. Forbid them not. Forbid them not. Forbid them not. Forbid them not. Release them now and set them free! and it was as if the powers that were holding children captive in the kingdom of darkness had no option but to obey the command of Heaven. Ancient strongholds and gates fell back and through them came a mighty army of children and the Lord said, See My holy army. For out of the mouths of babes I have perfected praise and a little child shall lead my people through the gates of the Kingdom.

I saw how young children were filled with holy boldness and began to preach and flames of fire came out of their mouths and the hearts of the older people who were listening were cut to the quick and they began to repent. I saw people weep because of the holiness and purity of these children as they fearlessly obeyed the command of Heaven. I saw the sound go to young children who did not yet know the voice of the Lord and a voice cried, Let the Samuels arise. And these children did not know at first who was speaking to them but revelation was given them that it was the Lord and immediately they sat up and said, Speak, Lord. Your servant hears and they were called to speak words of rebuke and words of judgment to a compromised Eli leadership in the Church. I saw that every word that came forth from their mouths accomplished the purpose for which it was sent and not one of their words fell to the ground.

Over and over, I heard the God of Glory thunder and command the children of the nations to be released to come and worship Him. The name of every nation was declared and they were commanded to release their children to come to Jesus. I saw Muslim children with their little white caps and Indian children, Aborigine and even Eskimo children all coming. There seemed to be no place on earth where this sound was not heard. Many of those who came were very thin and very poor, having suffered greatly in their short lives and yet they gladly responded to the call of the Spirit wooing them. They did not look back or take anything with them. They just came as they were, trusting and surrendered to this One Who called their names and it seemed that darkness fell back and retreated before these children as they walked. The light of heaven was upon them and words were given them which confounded the wisdom of the learned in religious circles.

This mighty, holy army of children were demonstrating the Kingdom and signs and wonders were following their words. As all this was being accomplished, I sensed Jesus was standing proudly watching them and saying, See My holy army, to the angels watching. They will go. They will go and speak for Us!