My sister called me from the States last night. She lives in Oregon and she is a Christian in a mainstream church. She asked me if I had been praying, reading my Bible and going to church.
There it was, those old familiar words, the formula of being a Christian. I told her that I hadn't prayed, nor read my Bible in over a year and can't sit in a church. She said "that's not good".
Well, I know where she is coming from, been there, done that. I love her and didn't challenge her, but here's the thing. You mention that all God wants us to do is fellowship. Well, fellowship is very important but there is yet a higher place than that. A place where fellowship is the product of, not the ultimate goal.
It is "union". It is the place Paul spoke of when he said "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" That is not a place of bible studies, churches, agendas, mindsets, programs or anything peripheral. It is a place that God draws us into himself by degrees, very painful degrees, until we are stripped down to nought, barely able to utter a word or even a prayer.
The highest grade of gold has been tested under so much heat that it becomes soft and malable. I am convinced that this is what God desires. Christ Himself has the heart of a Lamb and will sit with the heart of a Lamb.
This is why we must allow our sufferings, under the mighty hand of God to soften us so that we can live by His life alone.
THEN, our very lives become a prayer, as we walk, the scriptures witness aloud and resonate, and "church" is the very outcome of our existence; ie "fellowship".
I can't count the number of Godly men God is driving to the forefront to speak out the things HE has taught them by his indwelling spirit..............while IN the wilderness.
Among them I count Cam as one of the most rare I have ever come across, and Jack our Lord's battering ram. Both perfectly prepared for what our Father has them doing.
I was sharing with Jack this morning and mentioned what I saw..........concerning this voice that is everywhere I turn on the Internet comprised of Men. Men singing out the new truth, in of the biggest miracles I have witnessed in my lifetime.
May we each function in our place in a new found freedom............where we don't compete.........we just "BE" as HE makes the crooked way straight and the yoke becomes lite.
What a wondrous time we live in................