
Matt 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
So what does the subtle serpent, who is the enemy of our soul, choose to do. He does not outright brazenly discount Jesus, the fulfilment of the Old Covenant. Instead in all beguiling subtly this Antichrist spirit discounts the types and shadows of the Old Testament, knowing if they fall there can be no fulfillment, which Jesus be. This is but the beginning and that which we might describe as, for many, the first step down the slippery slope of apostasy. Sadly after this first step more are often taken to where Jesus becomes less than the Son of God. This sad slide can even culminate with the loss of belief in God altogether. We have seen this too many times.
Our dear friend Rebecca Cardinal is one like us, as she finds herself called to sound a clarion warning about the discounting of the Old Testament. Card, as we like to call her, has a unique and wondrous gift of seeing deeply into the Old Testament types and shadows and illustrating how they proclaim our Saviour and Lord, Christ Jesus.
I took a few excerpts (adding my headings) from some messages by Cardinal that Joian and I have enjoyed. Although short her words are pregnant with truth and worth meditating on. I pray this blesses you to see how magnificently the Old Testament, the Law, and the Prophets all point to Jesus. I hope also that in these messages you hear the sweet song of Cardinal as she gives praise to our God and His Precious Son, Jesus.
Jack & Joian
"When you pray for deliverance for someone, you are, spiritually speaking, applying the blood of the Lamb that was slain (spirit of Christ) to the door posts (sides = works of hands/lust of flesh) and overhead (carnal mind = lust of the eyes) so that the angel of death will passover them, ie. not take their firstborn = die.
We tend to think of death as a one time event, but it is also a culmination of choices with the wrong spiritual root. Death is like the ocean, and if you took some water out of it every day, sooner or later, you'd have dry land to walk across. The Spirit came upon Him like a dove because the waters of death had finally receded from off the face/nature of man, and she found a dry place to put her foot, and she's even in the process of bringing an olive branch back into the Ark again.
First born of the flesh, then the spirit. Those things that are delivered from them are death, ie. death-producing because they come not from the Spirit which is life or Christ-producing. This is essentially what I have been trying to explain in various ways, that if it is not building up or edifying to the body of Christ which is Spirit and which is in us, then it is producing more death in our mortal bodies thru sin, ie. missing the mark, the mind of Christ. So instead of being quickened to move in the Spirit, it slows us down, further and further.
A humorous comment the Lord made to me one time, illustrates this. I have always kinda rocked back and forth when I am standing praying for someone. It just seems natural to me to do it, and I was thinking about this one day as I was preparing to pray for someone, pondering why. Just then, He broke into my ruminations over this trait, and said, "Don't worry about it. What don't move is dead."
Now take that into the understanding of the Spirit I shared above and do we really want to slow ourselves down with things that do not quicken more life to our mortal bodies? As for me and my "house", we will serve the Lord. Blessings to all....... (Card)
It is the Spirit that resurrects the Word that is letter or natural, and if it does not resurrect it, then it doesn't matter if it's "truth" or not, it will not add one cubit to the stature of the measure of the fullness of Christ (Card)
I can imagine someone going up to Jesus and telling Him not to believe in the Torah, the law and the prophets, because His Father didn't write it, evil men did, and why are You quoting from it anyway?
When He stood up in the temple and quoted Isaiah, to our minds that are used to anybody and everybody the pastor brings in, getting up and speaking behind the pulpit, it just looked like He felt like speaking that day, and letting them know Who He was. What He was actually doing was something the Jews knew well. He was reading a portion of scripture from the Torah scrolls, as a rabbi would when formally accepting a position of leadership in that Temple.
Notice the validity of the scrolls that gives it, that the "new sheriff" in town is using the same scrolls as the old, which would be why He said He came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.
Matt. 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
There are two things here I think you fail to see. One, when Jesus was saying, you have heard it said, but I say.......that didn't mean He was saying the literal law was wrong or that what they did under the old covenant in being literal, was wrong, because they didn't interpret it spiritually. There's no way they could have interpreted it spiritually, because it was not given to them to do so, because their part was to CARRY THE ARK, NOT BECOME THE ARK.
The potter does with the clay as HE pleases, and it pleased Him to have them play a different part in the unfolding of His grand plan of the ages, and the same could be said for those that played the parts of the enemies. We have no "rights", we are the created, not the Creator, and He can do with us as He chooses, or not as He chooses, who is man that He should be mindful of us? We are as the grass that withereth.
The new covenant is spiritual. The old covenant was not written for THEM to take it spiritually, they were used to create the natural pattern. The pattern is not the Spirit, but is as the "bones" or framework, which is why it was said not a BONE of His was broken. Essentially, when you discard the bones, you have a body that CAN'T STAND UPRIGHT, and no framework for Him to "hang" His spiritual "flesh" on, and besides that, just as blood is created out of the marrow in the natural, the life of the Spirit comes from out of the BONES. For Jesus to be able to show forth the life hidden in the bones, He first had to have them Himself. After all, He didn't have any red letter NT around to go by.
Saying the "bones" are all wrong, doesn't cut it either, because He has a body to manifest that needs bones and I'm pretty sure He made sure they were all here to accomplish His will. For who goes to build and does not count the cost? Certainly not the Father. The SPIRIT of the LORD that was on Elijah who was prophesying about OUR DAY, didn't say, "Lord, it looks like to me there's a few bones too many or a few are missing."
Second, do you all realize the reason the Son was sent? The core reason was that the OT covenant demanded DEATH FOR DISOBEDIENCE. Not just for the Jews, but for the whole world. For God so loved the WORLD.......remember? The OT covenant was a pattern God established to teach men what righteousness and holiness looked like, and what the penalty for not living up to that pattern, brought.
God brought Him because without Him He was going to have to wipe us off the face of the earth, else God is a liar and God cannot lie. God is not a covenant breaker, man is. This is why the Jews expected Him to come as warrior King, not a suffering servant. Jesus Christ was our "day of atonement" sacrifice, for ALL men, which means ALL men were under the law whether they realized it or not, or did you never notice in there that they had to circumcise their WHOLE HOUSE, even the servants? Which means God had a "legal" right, to wipe them all out for disobedience, and as HE dictates what is sin and since ALL SINNED and came short of the glory of the Lord, then the penalty was just, no matter how it was carried out. The gentiles were grafted in to receive the blessings of the new covenant. They were grafted in, because they were already "cursed" by being outside the covenant, and Jesus came to reverse the curses, ON EVERYONE.
I think the focus in this day is not in trying to tear down foundation that has already been laid which will come to naught anyway, but to begin to ask Him to help you to build UPON that foundation by revealing the life that is contained in the "bones", that HIS BODY which is Spirit, might be SEEN. This, in essence, is why I cannot agree with those of you that believe this way, though I wholeheartedly agree with your right to. My Blessings to all.........
"Who established the consequences of the COVENANT that brought death to all men, ie. if thou eat of it in that day ye shall surely die? "Evil" God or evil man? If evil man had the power to create a consequence that had never existed prior to that, then worship him.
If "evil" God, why do you not revile Him for bringing death on ALL mankind as a consequence for breaking the first covenant He tried to establish? Why limit your scope by bemoaning the fate of a few thousands He took out sooner rather than later, when you can take up an even greater cause for ALL mankind, and really tell Him what His "true" nature is.
I guess there must have been some "evil" man telling Adam in the garden that he didn't hear God right on that death thing........
First time I've ever quoted myself, but since the original incident of God originating, creating and bringing death upon man, was not addressed and as it is the root of the of matter.........I'd like to resubmit it for your consideration. How does this jive with your concept of a "good" God? Or could it be that death is not evil or unrighteous if One uses it righteously? It may come as a shock to you, but God is not against killing. He is against US killing. HE kills and makes alive.
He has a problem with us doing it for one reason. The motive of the heart. Ours is wrong. His is right. God is the only one that kills and it be righteousness for one simple reason. He's the only one that can raise them up, because He has a pure motive. God is the only one that can take evil (the cross) and use it to create good, ie. bring life out of death. So God could order the death of all those people, just like He did with the flood of Noah, and it STILL be righteousness, just as He ordained the death of His only begotten Son on the cross .....
So yes, it still has to do with the blood and the cross, just not the outward one that was displayed that all generations might "see" it. In this, He was the firstfruits of many brethren, who themselves are not going to a literal Roman cross experience, yet He told us to pick up our cross and follow Him.
There is no way around the cross, nor the shedding of blood, for without blood there is no remission for sins. The real question is whose blood and whose flesh is it, since the sin offering was never eaten, but burned. The power IS in the blood, but that blood is Spirit, and His Spirit is power. And the power of the resurrection is love, the love that lays down it's life on the cross that He might live.
Part of the problem I think is that there are 2 veils, 2 deaths, but only one resurrection is being taught, so it becomes extremely confusing to place what is being seen within the framework, particularly if one pitches the framework to begin with.
This the cross of our "flesh", that we lay down our souls upon the altar, ie. our mind, will, emotions, and desires being tied to the 4 corners of the altar with cords of love that cannot be broken. It's wanting to think as He thinks, wanting His perfect will above all, subjecting the emotions to the heart of the Father, and bringing all desires into the captivity of Christ, until your desires are His desires. And allowing Him to consume them all with fire-y trials of His Spirit.
This is making of ourselves a living sacrifice, by coming thru this veil of our flesh being "rent" in the outer court part of the pattern. No greater love has any man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend. For our ashes He gives us beauty, the beauty of Christ. This is why there are those who were redeemed from every tribe, kindred and nation UNDER the altar in Revelation, asking how long before our brethren are "killed" as we were. And this is not an instantaneous thing that happens the moment we turn to Him, it is a process of our decreasing, that He might increase.
And then as He increased in us, the day came when we had to let Him go to the altar, laying down all that HE was in us and thru us, taking on the image of sinful flesh again that in losing our life we might find it. That He might offer up His kingdom in us to the Father. This is why when Herod (a type of the carnal mind) was killing all those sons that were 2 years (2 days/2000 years) and under, Joseph was told to take the baby and go back into Egypt, a type of the flesh to preserve his life. Well, all the sons have been told to go into Egypt again, taking on the image of sinful flesh; that's what we're all doing out here in the wilderness of what appears to be sin, all of us "backslidden heretics." Yet His life will be preserved.
And better yet, when the veil of HIS flesh, which is Spirit is rent, the Father, who was in CHRIST which is Spirit, reconciling all men unto Himself, shall suddenly come and inhabit His temple, descending from the Holy of Holies into and filling the first 2 realms. The inner court is not done away with, it is fulfilled. The outer court is not done away with, it is fulfilled. No longer a tabernacle of Moses standing only but a tabernacle of David also, making of twain, one new man. Father I pray that you make us one, even as You and I are one. Whom He calls, He justifies, whom He justifies, He glorifies. Blessings to all.... (Card)
We ask you to pray for our precious Cardinal,
that she be strengthened in body and soul.
It seems for months she has been worse
than not feeling well. We pray our Lord
grant her healing and a refreshing respite.