God's Name Is Jealous

The first time I read a post of Jack Hennessey's some four years ago, I was hooked. There were several on the Tentmaker forum that spoke to my heart but I would wake up the next morning still pondering the words from his posts.... Finally, I got the nerve to write something on one of the threads he was sharing on leaving a small comment. He greeted me and commented back. It was a nice feeling to actually write back to someone I had been admiring so long.

I had never been involved with such high levels of reasoning. Better than any bible school courses I ever took. I had been discussing doctrine since I was a teenager and had all the religious answers of a pentecostal. Most from the angle of my particular denomination.......I could argue baptist to kingdom of the cults.....but I never came across people who talked as these men and women did. I would tune in most nights after work and read posts until I fell asleep, sometimes with the laptop propped up on my knees. It had been years since I had been this hungry.

Jack would refer to other forums he was on and I would anonymously go check out those sites. From time to time he would give a personal testimony concerning who he was and where he came from...all that has been posted on this blog site and I've posted how Jack and I finally met face to face, now almost two years ago, and a mighty nice face it is. LOL

All that said, for the last two days Jack has been on a forum he frequents. The topic was New Age doctrine involving the teachings of Oprah and Eckhard Tolle and of another teacher I used to support by the name of Gary Sigler. The things Jack shared were so powerful I wanted to share them with you...........I have copied two days posts. I pray you read them to the end as the Lord was powerfully warning against this error through Jack.
.........I am convinced that the Lord sends people to read what Jack shares. We may never know all who are touched but our blog counter shows over 500 hits a month from every state in the USA and all over the world. We lost count of the countries that have visited our site. But many nights I have cried as Africa, India, Italy, Ireland, Germany and many other countries read what is written there. The setting aright and pointing to Jesus is going out from here and we are humbled.

Below is an example of what Jack has been doing day in and day out for almost six years .........he is tenacious and wiley. He dances around these forums like a boxer I used to admire by the name of Cassius Clay. Cassius's most famous saying was, "I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee". That's exactly how I view the way our Lord expresses himself through Jack, which is why I think Jack was born Irish....lol The Irish are predisposed to the fight...something that's just one girls opinion......lol

I've highlighted Jack's posts below in red.

Love you,


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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:06 pm Post subject: GOD'S NAME IS JEALOUS


I watched a video of Oprah today where she told her audience that she first began her search for God outside the Gospel of Jesus Christ when her pastor taught that God is a jealous God. She said the idea of a "jealous God" bothered her. I tell ya, that jealous God bothered me too. It bothered my rebellious dark soul until I suffered God's wrath and finally said, "Lord"

"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Heb 12:6

That said, I gathered some thoughts and material on the concepts of "jealousy and God" that I felt led to share with you. I know for some these words will bless and for others they will burn. So be it, as the Lord would have it.

For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: Exd 34:14

The root idea in the Old Testament word jealous is to become intensely red. It seems to refer to the changing color of the face or the rising heat of the emotions which are associated with intense zeal or fervor over something dear to us. In fact, both the Old and New Testament words for jealousy are also translated zeal. Being jealous and being zealous are essentially the same thing in the Bible. God is zealous and eager about protecting what is precious to Him.

The Apostle Paul also shared God’s jealousy for other Christians and he often went where he was not necessarily appreciated or even wanted. When his converts at Corinth began to fall for the subtle perversion of the gospel being propagated by Satan’s servants who had infiltrated the church, Paul said, "For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin." 2Cor 11:2

Much to the chagrin of others there are some of us, like Paul, that carry that same zeal for "Jesus and His bride" within us.

Paul during his last visit with the Ephesian elders proclaimed, "But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24. The focus of his life was communicating the truth of God’s grace through Jesus. He let nothing interfere with that overriding purpose. Whatever else he had to do was always secondary to and supportive of accomplishing that goal, and he maintained it even to death. That is what it means to be jealous for God.

Beside my reflections on Paul's zeal this morning I read another wonderful testimony of heroic zeal towards God. I speak of the legendary "forty good soldiers of Sebaste." As I read this old story (below) my eyes were filled with tears as I thought of these forty beautiful souls demonstrating their jealousy and love of Christ. This is the account of the "forty martyrs of Sebaste" as quoted from Richard Strauss;

"Forty great soldiers from Cappadocia in Rome’s vaunted twelfth legion shared Paul’s jealousy for God some two hundred fifty years after his death. Licinius was reigning over the eastern portion of the empire but was sensing an increasing military threat from the west. He became more and more repressive in his policies, particularly toward Christians. To solidify his strength, he called on his armies to demonstrate their support by offering a sacrifice to the pagan gods.

Most of the legion stationed at Sebaste, a city south of the Black Sea, dutifully complied, but the forty Cappadocians, all Christians, respectfully declined. For more than a week they were placed under guard, where they sang and prayed together continually. Their captain pleaded with them: "Of all the soldiers who serve the emperor, none are more loved by us and more needed right now. Do not turn our love into hatred. It lies in you whether to be loved or hated. If it rests with us, they replied, we have made our choice. We shall devote our love to our God.

It was sundown when they were stripped and escorted shivering to the middle of a frozen lake with guards stationed along the shore. A heated Roman bathhouse stood ready at the shore for any of them who were prepared to renounce their faith in Christ and offer a pagan sacrifice. Their jailer stood by with arms folded, watching, as a bitter winter wind whipped across the ice. But through the whistling wind the soldiers could be heard singing:

Forty good soldiers for Christ!
We shall not depart from You as long as You give us life.
We shall call upon Your Name whom all creation praises:
Fire and hail, snow and wind and storm.
On You we have hoped and we were not ashamed!

As midnight approached, their song grew more feeble. Then a strange thing happened. One of the forty staggered toward shore, fell to his knees and began crawling toward the bathhouse. Thirty-nine good soldiers for Christ! came the weakening, trembling song from the distance. The jailer watched the man enter the bathhouse and emerge quickly, apparently overcome by the heat, then collapse on the ground and expire. The other guards could not believe what they saw next. The jailer wrenched off his armor and coat, dashed to the edge of the lake, lifted his right hand and cried, Forty good soldiers for Christ! then disappeared over the ice into the darkness.

All forty were dead by the next day, but it was the jailer who caught the captain’s notice as their bodies were being carted away. What is he doing there? he demanded. One of the guards replied, We cannot understand it, Captain. Ever since those Christians came under his care, we noticed something different about him. The martyrs of Sebaste were jealous for the name of their God, and it had a profound impact on that jailer who looked on." (end quote)

I believe our jealousy for Jesus Christ in this dark day of apostasy will have a similar effect on some others. Of course this makes me think of our precious children who are being bombarded with a never ending onslaught of strange doctrines and philosophies that sidestep Jesus and His Cross.

May God bless and encourage you, who like Paul and the forty dear souls of Sebaste are jealous for Jesus.


(some material along with the account
of the martyrs of Sebaste was taken
from an article by Richard L. Strauss)



Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:14 pm Post subject: Re: GOD'S NAME IS JEALOUS


hey jack, speaking of oprah, there's a new book discussion in the "book discussion" thread. "New Earth"? ever heard of it? i've never heard of it. new to me. anyway, in googling around for info(cuz apparently the discussion is for ppl who can afford the book...we don't have a functioning library) it's one of the books in oprah's book club.

god is jealous? i like it. means he's pretty crazy about us.



Fire, I haven't read "New Earth" as I am one, maybe like yourself, that can't afford to buy books. God also forbade me to buy any religious material long ago. Then he gave me a number of authors that write and publish God's Truth for free.

These well known new age self help gurus are making moola hand over fist selling their mixed elixirs. I often tell people to follow the money and there you will find the corruption.

"The Great Shepherd Himself has given us this warning: "There must needs be heresy among you to prove the true seed. Whatever is in your heart will be made manifest. If you desire to use your liberty to walk in the flesh, there will be a message to accommodate you. If you have not allowed Me to work a true brokenness in your life, then the deep root of pride will rise up and reach for the throne while rejecting My process to bring you there, resulting in deception.

"Denounce the hidden works of darkness wherever they appear, else the young men and the maidens will not know the peace and the security that lies in the Truth. Many things are done in the world for the sake of unity. Compromise is the watchword of the hour, yet I would require that there be no compromise of My sacrifice and the uniqueness of it, for apart from it there is no salvation nay, not for any man, in any age."

"I am jealous for My godhood among the company of My sons."

"And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture,
are men and I am your God
saith the Lord God." Ezek. 34:31"

(from "My Scattered Sheep"
by Elaine Cooke, and yes
she writes for free and has
so for over thirty years)

Amen to this Fire;"God is jealous? I like it. Means he's pretty crazy about us."




Joined: 12 Nov 2007
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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:15 pm
Post subject: guru giving his stuff away, run its a terrible site! lol


hate to disappoint you but you can watch for free the Tolle episodes online and the transcripts are available for free as well on Oprah's site. They go over the book a chapter an episode.




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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:46 pm Post subject:


Well Golly Gee Kept, maybe I can pop some popcorn, gather all the kids in front of the TV and and we can learn another way around the Cross.

No I'm not disappointed as I heard that very same defensive spiel a couple weeks ago although I didn't hear which book was being promoted. I actually had a few marketing classes in college and understand a little of how this all works. Money will be made in the end.

"One must be poor to know the luxury of giving."
George Eliot (1819 - 1880)

It"s still all about Jesus and His Cross with me Kept. He is still enough and I don't need Eckhart's breathing exercise or body consciousness to replace my rest in Him.

"The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body - to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes" Eckhart Tolle



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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:29 pm Post subject:


'golly gee?' a new language for ya Jack, much more tame, that's nice.




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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:32 pm Post subject:


Actually Kept, "Jeepers !" is my very favorite now.




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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:40 pm Post subject:


jack, i was going to respond to your post, but a friend forwarded this wonderful article by gary sigler and i thought rather than re-invent the wheel, i'd just post it here for your examination. as i read it i thought of john's words, "the law came by moses, but grace and truth by Jesus Christ".

What About Oprah?
By Gary Sigler

I have been getting a lot of negative email lately about Oprah and her sponsoring a teaching class on Eckhart Tolle’s book on “A New Earth.”

While in Oregon last week I was shown a video where a prophet was speaking against Oprah, Wayne Dyer and others saying they were leading people into great darkness.

This kind of talk by Christians is what turns the world against Christianity. Our country has not rejected Christ; they have rejected the Christian version of God. The Christian religion talks a lot about Jesus but they do not understand much about him. Jesus was a man who was all inclusive. He rejected no one and the only ones he had a sharp word for were the religious folks of his day. The Christian religion pushes Jesus on people but they themselves for the most part do not do what he says, or even understand much about his purpose in coming to earth.

The average Christian says, “You must receive Jesus or you will be lost.” I received Jesus many years ago and had a wonderful experience of God so I am not knocking that at all. However to say you ‘must receive him to be saved is ignorance in the highest form. When Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life” he was not taking about himself as the man of Galilee. He was talking about the way he lived and the communion he had with his Father. I AM is the name of God and until we all live our life from the I am presence within us we will never truly know God, or ourselves. Jesus was the pattern son and as such we should be living as he lived in total dependence on the Father within us not depending on anything outside of us. Jesus outside of you cannot do much for you. However the resurrected Spirit of Christ within you will completely change your life. We must STOP pushing Jesus on folks and just live the life of peace and love before them. We can win people to the Father by them seeing the fruit of the spirit flowing from our lives.

I do not want anyone to misunderstand me. I truly love Jesus and respect him as the head of the body and I know that someday everyone will bow the knee before him in humble admiration. He was the one who showed us the way to eternal life by demonstrating the life of God flowing from him. Each of us should be doing the same. Not preaching a doctrine or a certain way, but allowing God to flow from us in love and acceptance for all. People should know you by your fruit not by your doctrine. You also should be able to say “I am the way” because you live your life from the spirit not from the ego or carnal mind.

Religion for years has tried to mend the gap between man and God and has failed miserably. I have been saying for years “It is not what you know intellectually that saves you; it is making contact with the Spirit within that will lead you into all truth. All of us have the intuitive knowledge within to be transformed into the likeness of God if we would only drop our religious concepts and follow that inner guidance. God is NOT AGAINST anyone. Jesus said from the cross, “Father forgive them they do not know what they do.” One who truly has the Holy Spirit leading their lives will have the same attitude. We need to love those who see and teach things differently than we do.

Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer and others are on the leading edge of what the Lord is bringing forth for his people in these days. You will learn and experience more of God listening to these folks than you will spending years in most churches. What is being taught is that we are all one, God is the father of us all and we need to love and forgive each other, look over our differences and religious preferences and know that if we are seeking God we will find him. He will speak to you in your own culture or religion no matter what that is. There is a longing within to know God and to find the answers to life.

Jesus said, “When He the Spirit of life is come He will lead you into all truth. When you begin to awaken to the spirit within, the spirit of truth within us is the only way we can really know the truth. How he leads anyone is not our business. We love and accept all and let God do the changing that needs to be done. Jesus said, “I am the door.” He did NOT mean what most Christians think he meant. I AM is the door. A door is an entrance into another place. Most Christians worship what they think is the door but do not enter the door. Entering the door is not just receiving Jesus; it is entering into your own spirit, your own I am presence and living from that realm. Living in that realm you see everyone as God sees them. They are spiritual beings on a journey to experience life in the physical realm. Living from the heavenlies you realize that “as a man thinks in His heart so is He.” “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

We are not here to find the right religion or the right Church. We are here to live an abundant life as we discover that life within us is flowing and that the source of our being is spirit and all that we need flows to us from the spirit realm. Jesus taught that to love God and to love one another was the fulfilling of all the law.

Christians fight the Muslims for their radical belief. Yet some Christians for the most part bite and devour all who disagree with their concept of religious beliefs. This attitude must stop before a real unity can come to those who love God in all cultures and religions. Our unity is in loving God and loving one another, not in fighting over who is right and wrong. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is what started all the problems to begin with. As long as you are living by the knowledge of good and evil you will never experience the deep love of God for all of humanity.

In writing this I have nothing against anyone. I love as He loves, but my heart so grieves over the Christian attitude that says, only their way is the right way. Jesus said “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto myself.” That is his job not ours. If you are truly seeking truth He will lead and guide you from all falsity into His divine nature and love for all of humanity.

May you be richly blessed and abundantly satisfied in His presence


Annie I am very familiar with that article and unlike some others, I didn't wet myself when I read it. I have shared much in the last few weeks on another forum and also on Gary's blog concerning this strange validation. It is all part of the new age onslaught to widen the path so one steps on the the blood of Christ as he or she moves around the cross.

Count me as one that would hope to be worthy of standing with the forty good soldiers of Sebaste. I would not be surprised if soon there isn't that kind of cost to pay when one makes Jesus the only door to God. And God help our children as times are going to get real tough in this world real soon and some new age illusory consciousness just ain't going to make it all go away. Or should we forget that last part as it might raise fear and cause one to seek the real Saviour.

and Firefly, thanks for the offer and should the Spirit lead I might find my way over there. Before my stop at this forum God had me sharing "UR" for three months at an obscure forum based in Atlanta. It was made up of of black fundamentalist and wow what an experience that was. Praise Juanita Bynum! (lol). Now this place certainly has some very evident new age leanings which were apparent to me from the get go. Eventually God seems to pull those faithful to the "One True God called Jealous" out of such places as this after the Truth is shared.

God bless,


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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:54 am Post subject:


At the top of the steps stood two priests with trumpets in their hands. At the time of the cock-crowing, they sounded three blasts upon their trumpets, and descended five steps. On the tenth step, they blew yet another threefold blast, and continued downward. Finally, as they entered the court itself, they sounded another three-fold blast, which was sustained, while they advanced across the court toward the gate which opens from the way of the east ("the Gate Beautiful"). Once they reached the Eastern Gate, they turned around to face the Holy Place (which was west of them), and said, "Our fathers, who were in this place, they turned their back upon the Sanctuary of Jehovah, and their faces toward the east, and they worshiped toward the rising sun; but as for us, our eyes are toward the Lord." No doubt, this was in reference to the 8th chapter of Ezekiel, where the Lord took the prophet into the sanctuary by way of vision. As he journeyed inward, he beheld greater and greater abominations taking place, until finally, he came to the inner court. It was there that he witnessed twenty-five men between the porch and the altar, with their backs to the temple, and their faces toward the east. By this, the Lord told Ezekiel, the house of Israel had provoked Him to anger. They had put the branch to the nose (an oriental sign of disrespect)!

Now, again, I won’t try to go into all the symbolism involved here, but a few things do require comment. First of all, it's my conviction that "the Joy of the Pouring Out of Water" accurately describes where we currently are in a prophetic sense. We've come to a unique time of illumination as we enter into the Great Feast. The light of truth is spilling over every wall, and into every court in the city! The Lord is opening the eyes of our understanding into matters we have not seen before, in order to bring us unto full maturity. And, considering the fact that all of this being acted out in "the court of the women," strongly suggests that it has to with the renewing of our minds, or the salvation of our souls, at that! What a wonderful thing we're experiencing!
Before we progress too far into Tabernacles, however, there is one matter that must be settled. And that has to do with the direction some have been heading.

That the two priests (the number of witness) blew nine blasts upon their trumpets (and trumpets always signify the declaration of a message) witnesses to the fact that we can expect a concluding message to come at the close of the inaugural day. The number nine, figuratively speaking, suggests finality or judgment; hence, we have a word of judgment that shall finalize the phase through which we’ve come. In light of what we’ve considered above, therefore, what would you say is the message that must needs be proclaimed at this time? Turn your hearts and minds toward the Lord, and turn them away from the East! Turn your backs upon every teaching that's associated with it, and realize that it has nothing to offer but dishonor to your heavenly Father! In fact, it’s the ultimate form of disrespect! It’s like thumbing your nose at God!

Beloved, it's absolutely impossible for us to enter into the fullness of the Spirit while looking toward the East. That is to say, as long as we are looking into Eastern philosophies and religions for our answers, or even trying to incorporate slight aspects of them into the message of the Kingdom, there can be no apprehending that for which also we have been apprehended of Christ Jesus! I hope you can hear what the Lord is saying!

As it was in Ezekiel’s day, we believe that the Lord is placing a mark upon those who sigh and cry for the abominations committed in the house of God (for it's precisely because of these abominations that the glory has lifted). This mark will also serve as a seal in our foreheads, signifying that we have received, and are walking in the mind of Christ. Allow us to say that those who stand with the Lamb on Mt. Zion will not be double-minded, having a mixure of Eastern concepts and ideas in their thinking. They will have a pure word, undefiled by men. And they will be uniquely equipped to execute the plan of God during the Day of the Lord!

We thank God that we're beginning to hear a very clear and certain sound of the trumpet made by priests who are able to make the distinction between the holy and the profane for the people. And we pray that this little story might likewise serve as a trumpet sound to our brethren, who've been tempted to look toward the East for their understanding. Tabernacles is a time of repentance, of afflicting our souls before the Lord. It's a time of turning from that which has caused the glory to depart from Israel, and a time of returning to the altar. It's there that we behold the Sacrifice, and there that we behold the Savior.

It's been said that there is a fine line between truth and error. We believe that the line becomes even finer, the deeper we go in God. But we would encourage each and every one of you to search out the difference, and settle it in your heart. Draw a certain line of demarcation between the two, so that no one mistakes where you are coming from, and no one can possibly be misled thereby. Only then can we proceed in Spirit, and get on with the business of God! Whoso hath ears, let him hear! Selah!

Not all Kingdom writers have bowed to Baal and Terry and Tykie Crisp are probably the foremost of the the enlightened authors identifying and explaining this New Age counterfeit to Truth. Here is their site and the intro to their incredible ""Zarah & Pharez" series.


"Zarah & Pharez" Series
Our current series, which draws distinctions between the birth of"Zarah" (Sun Rising), and that of "Pharez", the breached child (Types of sonship and the New Age Movement, respectively). If you've been confused about how to differentiate between these two, you'll want to read this series in its entirety.

of course Eby hits it out of the park with this one.




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:24 am Post subject:


Good word that brings a definate sound to those who want to hear.




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Location: Jackson Hole, WY

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:47 am Post subject:


Yes John and someone sent me the clear true sound of one of your messages over at Tentmaker that I saved. You have been echoing much of what I have been sharing here.

Mat 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.
Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Treating "love" like it is a person is a mistake and New Age gone to seed. Yes, God is love. But God is also power, does that mean that anyone who seeks power is seeking God. God is also truth, but are all seekers of truth seeking God.

Make no mistake and I know this will mean absolutely nothing to those who no longer see the Bible as the truth, but no one knows God except the Son and those whom He reveals Him to. You cannot know God except by going through the door who is Jesus Christ.

Yes, everyone will one day be saved. But, they will be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and bowing their knees and confessing Him as Lord.

A person who does not know Jesus personally does not know God. Yes, they can love their child and show love to others. This does not mean that they know God.

You can call it exclusivity if you like, but the Bible calls it the narrow way that leads to eternal life.

John Kratos

Here is one I wrote and I believe I might have shared it on Gary Sigler's blog some weeks ago.

As the "New Agers" struggle at the foot of the mountain with their vain mixings of truth with every kind of foul and false doctrine, on the top of the mountain there are those that live in simplicity beholding only Jesus, their Elder Brother and Crowned King; into whose image and likeness they are being born.

Jhn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping." (2 Peter 2:1- 3)

God bless those that tread the narrow way with Jesus and also encourage others to find their way back to the way of the Cross,




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:07 am Post subject:


it's easy to take verses about "false prophets" and apply them to anyone who doesn't share your own personal view. if we quiet the emotions and intellect of the egoic self we can then hear from the still small Voice... not a criticism brother, but an invitation.

when Jesus said "I am the Way" do you suppose he was talking about his earthly tent that walked terra firma for 33 years, died, was buried and rose again? or do you suppose he was speaking of his inner being, the same I AM that he spoke of when he said, "before abraham was I AM"? "the first adam was no more than a living soul... but the second adam became a Life-giving Spirit". selah.

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Location: Jackson Hole, WY

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:56 am Post subject:


"The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body - to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes" Eckhart Tolle

Yep I should trade in my Bible for Tolle's book and learn to breath and vibrate. This guy has a sweet demeanor but his sweet tasting poison is as deadly as the bite of an adder.

Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Pro 23:31,32

Annie, you don't realize I went down this same path you are on, beginning with the summer of love in the late sixties. Back then we had some damn fine dope to help us vibrate, alter our consciousness and produce illusions. The only difference now, is you have traded the dope for demons and the likes of Timothy Leary and Owsley for Ekhart Tolle and Dyer. Your occult based philosophies are built upon self-centeredness, selfishness, self-justification and self-glorification and do nothing to exalt Our Father.

Annie, I know how hard you and others have been trying to replace sacrifice with mercy not understanding Christ's sacrifice is that which extends mercy. How can you not see that the ethic of Jesus is the ethic of sacrifice. That's the way this new age mixture is ........ it is filled with confusion and complexity where the dots are never connected. It's religious activity with a new flavor each month. It's like a vibrating pulsating religious hamster wheel that elevates the religious endorphins and it is damn near impossible to get off that spinnin motha.

No thanks to your invitation Annie. I have been there, done that and then I found Jesus who has been more than enough. From the moment I met Him I never looked for another.

Isaiah had it right and his words quoted by John speaks well to each generation as there is nothing new under the sun. Even these occultic philosophies you entice others with Annie are the out workings of the same, ages old demonic spirits.

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. Jn 12:40

and when you start bending spoons Annie, please don't invite me ......... seen that one too,




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:04 pm Post subject:


Jack wrote:
Annie, I know how hard you and others have been trying to replace sacrifice with mercy not understanding Christ's sacrifice is that which extends mercy. How can you not see that the ethic of Jesus is the ethic of sacrifice.

i think that most here understand that there was definitely sacrifice and mercy involved.

please don't dismiss everything someone says, or put words or concepts into others' posts, simply because you disagree with that person on a few points. the fact that you disagree does not mean that that person makes a pastime of cavorting with the evil that you so readily invoke.

having said that, and, since i think you may decide that i'm defending something *other* than the specific point i stated above, i'd like to make it clear that i've not read the book in question, and it's quite possible that i won't.

simply said: the fact that i *don't* cling to every teaching in the new orthodoxy does *not* mean that i find *every* unfamiliar concept fascinating. it's also not for me to decide whether someone else explores those concepts. i may offer opinions, and i trust the people here enough, so that i know that they will prayerfully consider them.

G-d's given us this journey so that we may learn about, get to know, and discover the tiniest portion of his great and terrible (in the old sense of the word, not the scary sense) character, and endeavour to model ourselves thereafter. oh, to be like Him, to see Him as He is. this should be our greatest aspiration.
'tis a rather colourless world without variety of opinion. celebrate yours: express it. celebrate others': listen.

Last edited by renee on Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:31 pm Post subject:


brother jack, so much of what you think you know just isn't so... your assumptions regarding me couldn't be further from the truth. i'm Christocentric, steeped in the scriptures from birth. i don't drink, smoke or chew or go with guys that do. LOL your accusations are without substance.

taking excerpts from tolle out of context in order to misrepresent his view is no different from what peter wrote regarding those who twisted paul's writings and other scriptures. g campbell morgan had a hilarious way of making this point. he would quote, "...and judas went out and hanged himself... go thou and do likewise". LOL. if you actually bothered to read "a new earth" with observance rather than objections (predetermined ones at that LOL), you would recognize that, rather than celebrating the self, he asks us, as Jesus did, to DENY self--to stop listening to the egoic self (what christianspeak would term "the carnal mind") and listen to the Presence, which he rightly acknowledges as our true identity. remember paul said that he was "all things to all people" that he might be the minister of reconciliation. Jesus said he had "sheep not of this fold". if we claim to have a corner on the God market the way the pharisees did, we will end up as they did: with the "prostitutes and tax collectors" (how fundy christians view folks like oprah and tolle) entering the kingdom while we remain outside wrangling over meaningless doctrinal issues. we who believe in UR, of all people, should not be offended as Christ gathers "outsiders" into the fold. it's only their language that is unfamiliar. pray for the interpretation brother selah. remember that it was not to christians, but to pagan athenians that paul said, "it is in him that we live and move and have our being" and "we are his offspring".




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:31 pm Post subject:


Everyone want to experience the power of the resurrection, but no one wants to die. Everyone wants to put on Christ as long as they can retain themselves at the same time. Sorry folks. No resurrection without the cross and no infilling until there is an emptying out of self. God's world, His rules and I am thankful. Otherwise, the age to come will just be a repeat of the one we are already in with each man doing what seems right in their own eyes. No thanks, I have had enough of this chaos and confusion. I look for a Kingdom which has foundations whose builder and maker is God.

Knight of the Word Seeking a Kingdom whose Builder and Maker is God




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:51 pm Post subject:


dear brother, as with jack, your assumptions are incorrect. tolle is "preaching" DYING to the egoic self. nowhere does he suggest that people try to "retain themselves". tolle rightly identifies our defensiveness, argumentativeness, the need to be "right", fear, anger, as being mechanisms by which the self (flesh) seeks to preserve itself. he is asking his readers to discard these ways of relating (to deny self). he asks them to awaken to the Spirit, the Presence, to listen to the still small voice and discover our true identity, safe in God. we are not our feelings or our thoughts - instead we are children of God and of his Spriit. we who have been in churchianity are accustomed to christianspeak. while tolle's verbage may be unfamiliar, his message is the same one Jesus and paul preached. the point of the cross was not that Jesus died to appease a petty pissed off god, but rather that he showed us the Way - he who seeks to save his life (egoic self) will lose is, but he who loses his life for My sake will find it. it is in losing our false self, that we find that our true identity "hid with God in Christ", that it is Christ, not "i" who lives (gal 2.20) and Christ IN us is the hope of glory.

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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:02 pm Post subject:



Sweetheart I am sixty years old and met Jesus thirty five years ago. Not long after my conversion I became quite familiar with the New Age spirits seducing and syphoning off some believers. I also know something about shadowboxing in room full of marshmallows and that is what you can do with sweet fluffy platitudes in responce to the New Agers occultic practices. I am sometimes led, instead by the same essence of Christ as he spoke to the religious vipers of His time. Jesus was at times intentionally confrontational, contrary to popular notions that he was always diplomatic and mild.

"Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" -John 6:70

"But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." -Matthew 16:23

"O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." -Matthew 12:34


PS. I love the New Agers but please note I address the foul and seducing spirits that drive them and speak through them. Renee, I believe I have addressed you with the appropriate tone. And lastly please don't pull the same old tired New Ager responce of " i'm saddened that you have been hurt in the past."
Believe me, that dog won't hunt.




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:30 pm Post subject:



I just checked my concordance and their is no "egoistic self" mentioned by God in His Word. Instead, He talks of renouncing our carnal mind and replacing it with the mind of the spirit.

The reason what is being proposed is New Age is because it presupposes that you can have the mind of the spirit without being born again through faith in Jesus Christ and through confessing Him as your Lord.

No one knows God except the Son and those whom He reveals Him. If you do not have the Son than you do not have the Father either. Those who have not submitted to the Son as Lord do not yet know God neither can they know Him. I love all people enough to tell them this truth.

Now, if Oprah and Tole are saying that we get about our Father's business and help the Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Pagans, and others to repent from the wrong path they are on and make Jesus their Lord so they can be born again through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit so they can have the mind of the spirit and the still small voice that they now lack, we are indeed saying the same things.

Changing the words is always the first step to changing the truth. Why would he come up with a term like egoistic self unless he wanted to make the gospel more palatable to those who have not yet known God through knowing the Son?




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:34 pm Post subject:


"brother jack, so much of what you think you know just isn't so... "

Come on Annie your vibrations, new language and strange fire are not going to move me to get on your religious hamster wheel with Tolle and Oprah.

Annie did you know back in the day, I flew with "Johnathan Livingston Seagull" while doing the "Primal Scream" with my "I'm Okay Your Okay encounter group" partners. That was yesterday's New Age fare ....... same spirit different dress.

As I said before, "been there, done that and then I met Jesus whom I found to be more than enough."


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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:42 pm Post subject:


kratos wrote:

I just checked my concordance and their is no "egoistic self" mentioned by God in His Word. Instead, He talks of renouncing our carnal mind and replacing it with the mind of the spirit.

The reason what is being proposed is New Age is because it presupposes that you can have the mind of the spirit without being born again through faith in Jesus Christ and through confessing Him as your Lord.

No one knows God except the Son and those whom He reveals Him. If you do not have the Son than you do not have the Father either. Those who have not submitted to the Son as Lord do not yet know God neither can they know Him. I love all people enough to tell them this truth.

Now, if Oprah and Tole are saying that we get about our Father's business and help the Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Pagans, and others to repent from the wrong path they are on and make Jesus their Lord so they can be born again through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit so they can have the mind of the spirit and the still small voice that they now lack, we are indeed saying the same things.

Changing the words is always the first step to changing the truth. Why would he come up with a term like egoistic self unless he wanted to make the gospel more palatable to those who have not yet known God through knowing the Son?



Last time I checked, Yeshua didn't speak English, He spoke Aramaic. So, if you're going talk about the exact phrases He used, you'd do well to give us His words in Aramaic. What you have is a translation of what someone remembers Yeshua saying- written down several decades after the fact, BTW. You do not have a transcription of His original words. If Yeshua were to speak to us (physically) today, He would not use the same metaphors (sheep, shepherds, Kingdoms) as He did when He came to us physically 2,000 years ago. Your attitude towards phrases like the egoic self is reminiscent of those who think G-d speaks in King James English.

Tolle delivers a similar message to Yeshua's, in modern language. If Yeshua were here with us (physically) today, He would not speak in ancient Aramaic or in idioms familiar to ancient Jews. He would speak to us in language much more like Tolle's.




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:43 pm Post subject:


i think you brothers are missing the point... "egoic self" will not be found in the concordance - neither will french or swahilli. and to state "I (very big I) am ______ stating "credentials" of age or how long one has followed Jesus as if they give more authority to one's opinion is to promote the very carnal self that both Jesus and tolle tell us to deny. in ourselves, however learned, "righteous", whatever, we are no-thing. and, as people created in the likeness of the Divine Father, we all stand on equal footing. our value is in God alone, not in anything that we believe or achieve. you continue to make many assumptions and accusations regarding things you are ignorant of. unwise and could be divisive if the accused were inclined to react in like fashion. Jesus never said "by their 'correct theology' you shall know them", but rather the fruit. selah (stop and calmly consider).




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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:39 pm Post subject:


I tire of this, but I will post one last thing today. This is taken from a post I made on Gary's blog where we were invited to address the same Sigler message Annie posted earlier here. I try to write clearly, honestly and prayerfully by the Spirit.

Jack Hennessey says:
28. March 2008 at 20:39
Thirty five or so years ago I was introduced to an author and teacher, whom differed much from that which we see in the New Age self help gurus touted in this blog. For his teachings this Christian martyr, known as Watchman Nee, was rewarded with imprisonment and eventual death. Where as the New Age authors spoken of here have garnered monetary riches galore. I have long told people to follow the money and there in you will find the corruption.

These words below penned by Nee succinctly expose that which comes out of the unruly soul. The Adamic soul, my friends, is the birthing place of the New Age corruption we address today. May we learn to discern that which is of the soul from that which comes by the Spirit.

“The work of the devil nowadays is to stir up man’s soul and to release this latent power within it as a deception for spiritual power. The reason for my mentioning these things is to warn ourselves of the special relationship between man’s soul and Satan in the last days.

The Babylonians, the Arabs, the Buddhists, the Taoists, and the Hindus all try in their respective way to release the power which Adam has left to our soul. In any religion, using whatever means or ways of instruction, there stands a common principle behind all their apparent differences. This common principle is to aim at overcoming the outward flesh so as to deliver the soul power from all kinds of bondage for freer expression. Some lessons of instruction given in these religions are directed at destroying the obstruction of the body, some at uniting the body and the soul, while some are aimed at strengthening the soul through training and thus enabling it to overcome the body. Whatever the ways may be, the principle behind them all is the same. It is important to know this or else we will be deceived.”

“The Latent Power of the Soul” by Watchman Nee

(Nee died soon after his release from
prison. The accumulation of years of
untreated sickness and malnutrition
suffered in jail were just too much)

Good day and be sober as I hope you might contemplate and contrast Nee's message and St. Paul's warning with Tolle's life transforming instructions quoted below.

"The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body - to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes" Eckhart Tolle

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3-4
