Thought, maybe to give you a chuckle after dealing with the serious matters in the previous blogs.

The E-mail message I sent to my friends and family yesterday:

I am tired of being cooped up.
I am finally going out with my oxygen cylinders .......... thought I would walk at a snail's pace with a slump while barely dragging my tank cart and I will tap along with my five foot walking stick. Hopefully, some pretty young thing will feel sorry and want to assist me with my cart, upon which I will straighten up and with my rod in hand, crossed at my chest, I should look quite impressive rather than handicapped. To the gawkers, I will lift my sunglasses while I explain in a sophisticated accent, "I don't breath the common air." lol

While I was sending the E-mail above, my daughter was experiencing her own charade of sorts:

Throwing all humility aside, let me say, my daughter Erin is quite striking as is also her dog, "Petunia Pickle." Where ever Erin and Petunia go as a couple, people stare. They also want to pet and know about the big white dog, a pure bred American Bulldog.

So yesterday, Erin decides to try a new method of giving Petunia exercise. She will take her dog for a run while she rides her bike. With Erin riding, leash attached to the bike, Petunia runs at her side. Erin thinks this is too wonderful. She further deduces this will be a great way to give Petunia her exercise, as she can ride rather than walk, or run. Who would have thought this could be so grand!

As it would happen, Erin and Petunia pass in front of a restaurant where the patrons are outside dining. Of course all eyes are caught by the pretty girl riding the bike with the awesome dog, running beside her. I mean this is a beautiful picture. Then the unexpected takes place.

Seems, in front of the restaurant was a pole, and yes, when the tethered together Erin and Petunia came upon it, Erin went around it on one side and the dog the other. Erin flies over the handle bars of her bike and Petunia does a back flip as the audience gasps. Erin gathered herself and checked her pup. When she saw they were no worse for the wear, the blushing Erin bowed to the then, laughing patrons.

My embarrassed daughter told me, that was the last and only time she will ever do that!

Below is a pic, of Erin and the one year old Petunia Pickle. It was taken this summer when they paid me a visit. I like everyone else, fell in love with the Pickle. Although dumb as a bag of rocks, she is the sweetest and friendliest of dogs. That said, I'll be darned, if I didn't get left behind to babysit the dog on the fourth of July. Petunia was terrified by the booming fireworks and the only place she felt safe was in my bed next to me. It was a long night because this dog likes her head on the pillow!

Erin and her Petunia Pickle

Erin, after a walk up the town ski hill, just a few blocks from the house. The Tetons are in the background.
