From this deadening past experience I learned the difference between carrying a burden and allowing a burden to carry and prostrate me, to the place where I am of no use to any, including myself. Yes, there are burdens given to us by the Lord's hand and I have learned to discern those from the soulish weights that reach out to rend our spirits. So, with this acquired wisdom and discernment, when I began to feel the weight of this week's Virginia tragedy move from my spirit to my soul I knew I was in danger of going into another deep and long funk.
Now I must say, "thank God for children because this is where I found my escape from the potential of an unwarranted downward emotional spiral. After watching the news of this terrible Virginia Tech tragedy all morning, I knew right where I might get a few hugs and some relief. I drove a few blocks to visit a family where I hoped there would be four young children that I have grown to love. I didn't any more than open my car door, when into view came a couple smiling faces with arms out stretched for a customary greeting and hug. In that moment I felt the abyss of darkness being spanned and my heart was instantly filled with hope and joy that only innocent children can sometimes bring.
Although I have hurt some, prayed often and even cried a bit more, over this current tragedy I have still been able to carry within, that gift of hope and joy my little friends gave me a few days ago. I believe only God can allow us to grieve and yet miraculously still abide in His gifts of Hope and Love. This which I read last night seemed to carry that same healing touch I experienced a few days earlier and I pray you are ministered to and healed a little, by the contrast of this child's comprehension in the midst of what we have known and have experienced with this very sorrowful event. This is an account from earlier this week.
How do I tell my son?
Earlier this morning, my almost five-year-old son and I were waiting at a red light, on our way to pre-school and work when my son noticed something.
"Look, mommy," Demetri shouted, "That flag is falling!"
"Actually," I responded, "That man is lowering the flag."
"Why is he doing that?"
"Well, sometimes the president asks everyone to lower their flags to show we care when something very sad happens to someone."
"Oh," Demetri said, "The president must have heard that I fell down and hurt myself at soccer practice yesterday."
"That must be it, my darling," I said, quickly changing the subject.
(Virginia Nicolaidis)
Please enjoy every moment and gift of innocence God ever gives you by way of these precious little ones ............ and I pray you search out and savor at least one of their hugs during your dark times.
The Lord held a little child in his arms, when He declared, "of such is the kingdom of Heaven."