There are four subjects that I have come to see quite differently since God removed me from the grips of the organized church decades ago. These four subjects and in particular the way that many of us view them, make up part of what I and others call "Kingdom Truth." That said, the subjects of which I have just alluded to, are listed below:

Universal Reconciliation
God's Sovereignty
The Kingdom Within
Salvation to the Utmost

Last month, within this blog I posted a paper in the form of a questionnaire/treatise that addressed the subject of "Universal Reconciliation" which in plain terms is the truth of "all men eventually being saved through Christ, each in his own order."
This scripturally supported Truth does away with the absurdity that our Heavenly Father would send the great majority of His children to hell where they would be tormented for eternity. The Word clearly tells us our God is Love and His mercy endures forever.

Tonight I want to share a message on the second truth named above and that being "God's sovereignty" which for many, seems to be at odds with "man's free will." God's sovereignty goes hand in hand with the truth of Universal Reconciliation and I pray you will see the connection. This writing is copied from a message I posted earlier on the Tentmaker forum ("Tent. Forums" link located in side bar). Interesting enough this forum and another forum like it, is where I first made the acquaintances of Joian and Reb. These forums are sites on the Internet where we often fellowship and discuss with others the many truths that are encompassed within the Kingdom of God.

I pray with this message you might come to understand, something of "God's sovereignty" if you don't already. This is often a most difficult Truth to grasp as demonstrated by my experience shared below. That said, I would ask you to pray before and after you read this, that you might know what is Truth and what is falsity.

Futility and Folly Displaced

Over the years I have read and heard thousands of messages and thoughts addressing the sovereignty/free issue while never feeling satisfied that anyone had his or her hand on the truth of the matter. I had also never participated much in the many previous free will/sovereignty discussions here on the forum. At most I might have thrown forward a short quip in the midst of these never ending debates stating that the "carnal mind cannot possibly span the concepts of "man's choice" and "God's sovereignty." I believed it was futile and folly to even try.

This last series of discussions were however different for me as I became an active participant posting a number of responses in each of a number of freewill/sovereignty debates. You see, just previously to this last round of free will threads, which also appropriately addressed the originality and use of "evil," God had bypassed my carnal mind and Divinely placed a Knowing in my heart. I now knew deeply and void of any doubt that "man's free will" was a myth built upon faulty perception which might be better called "illusion."

Confirmation in a Vision and a Word

Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? Mat 27:17

In the midst of one of the discussions of Evil and God's Sovereignty I laid down to pray before going to sleep for the night. As is occasionally a practice with me, this night I was going to meditate on Christ and His Cross before praying. I was surprised, that this evening, it seemed I could not even catch a glimpse of Christ nor His Cross. My sight was blocked and all I could see in front of me was a sea of arms raised in different positions of movement. There were fists clenched with some and with others there were signs of approval and disapproval being displayed in a variety of ways. I couldn't hear anything but I sensed that there was also much shouting accompanying the raised arms of this crowd.

I asked the Lord what are these people shouting and He said, "they are shouting their approval that Barabbas be released and they are also shouting many disapproving things about Jesus whom they want crucified.

He also responded, "they are "making a choice"."

The next morning as I drove to the grocery store I was thinking about this vision God had given me of "men making a choice that Barabbas be freed and Christ be crucified." I asked the Father if there was anything else as far as an explanation accompanying this dream. He gave me three words; "come up hither."

That was all the interpretation I needed. God has clearly showed me the difference in perspectives. From one view point I couldn't see Christ but only a sea of men making a choice. However, if I was to "come up hither" into the presence of God and His throne, I would have a different perspective where I could see that these men were but playing out their part under the sovereign direction and purpose of God.

In closing I pray you allow me to once again share the most powerful message I have ever read addressing the subjects of "evil," man's "free will" and "God's sovereignty."

Agape Love

The little group stopped along the highway and looked in silent horror, some queasy with disgust, others growing fierce with rage. A short distance off the road, at the top of a gentle rise, a man had been viciously attacked. The grizzly scene glinted red with blood where the hapless victim had been mortally wounded and left to die. It appeared there was nothing more to be done, as already a small crowd had assembled at the site, presumably to administer first aid.

The travelers stood entranced, caught in the despair of senseless waste. This is the work of Satan, the businessman finally thought aloud.

No, this evil comes from wicked men, the housewife responded, her eyes transfixed on the scene.

You don’t know that, interjected her girlfriend excitedly. This could be the work of God. It could be that the victim was wicked and this was God’s righteous judgment.

Another stepped in to calm them, But then again if God caused this, maybe he meant it for some higher purpose, unknown to us. He might even somehow use this terrible act for his glory! he offered hopefully.

Are you crazy? retorted the preacher. We worship a God of love! Our God would never allow this! he stormed, eyes flaring with anger.

The little group buzzed with concurrence, then slowly turned back to the road and resumed their journey, affirming their denunciation of the crime as they continued on their way. All of them oblivious to the Roman soldiers who were gambling for a cloak.


Love is the most misunderstood word in existence. To many it means little more than a physical craving. To others it is an intense emotional dependency.

To some people love is a character trait of God, which is manifest in peace, success, and happiness. It is that special blessing of God that meets their needs and fulfills their wants. Because God loves them, he gives them all the good things of earth to enjoy. To them, anyone who is smiling, or lounging in earthly wealth, is obviously centered in the love of God. For these people, God’s love creates a fondness for the things of earth and a coddling affection for all its creatures, in a soupy, mind-numbing bliss.

But to a few of earth’s voyagers, love is something entirely different, something not of this world. It is a wisdom that energizes every action in the universe, whether it appears as good or evil.

If you had stopped along the road and witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus, would you have recognized it as the supreme love of God? How is the love of God displayed in his slanderous betrayal and murder? Would this be the love of God if it happened to you? (Garett Russell from "Sonplacing" )

Please note, that from my experience, I truly understand that this message and the Truths contained in it are sometimes hard to at first comprehend. Sharing also from experience, I have learned that when we run across something new and we can't fully accept it, we can lay it on the shelf rather than totally discard it. If it is of God and necessary for our growth in Christ it will again be brought back at another time for our further consideration.

For further reading on God's Sovereignty "The Purpose of Evil" by A P Adams is considered by many to be the classic treatise dealing with this subject.

This by my favorite author, J Preston Eby, echoes the truths shared by Adams. It is titled "The Two Hands of God" and is beautifully written with great clarity.

God bless,
