I wrote this as a short response to some that I have heard, blaming the terrific Virginia Tech massacre on the lack of government gun control. Please bear in mind I have no stance either way with such societal issues. When people try to get me involved in such conflicts I just tell them I am too busy loving my God and my neighbor. I spent the better part of my morning heartbroken and in tears for the many parents that today heard the most horrific news a mom or dad could ever receive.

Even So, Come Quickly, Lord Jesus...


"The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven" ICor. 15: 45,47

Two Men

The first man man mounts a gun to his shoulder
The first man looks to a government by the same first man for protection

The Second Man lends one shoulder to carry a burden and the other for which to weep on.
The Second Man is increasing His government and His peace of which there shall be no end.

There are two men that dwell within you
Which of your men will govern today

Will you be the Second Man's Shoulder
For first man that carries a heavy load
